How do I cull my craving for intimacy?

How do I cull my craving for intimacy?
I'm 27. I'm not a virgin, I see escorts once or twice a month, been doing that since I was 20, but never actually had a 'real' girl interested in me, ever. Obviously never had a relationship or anything with a girl outside the whores.
So while I do have sex every other week, I can't help but feel starved for intimacy. It's annoying me, it's become almost unbearable over the years. How do I kill this craving?

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Other urls found in this thread:

find intimacy

Not happening.
Anything useful?

learn to control urself and not buy "escorts" you whore
no girl wants to be with guys who fucked prostitutes.

It's legal in my country and I never had any other way to get sex anyway.
>no girl wants to be with guys who fucked prostitutes.
This is a non-issue in my case.

So, noone has any advice on this?

Why don't you get intimacy?

First, talk to girls. Look for non-verbal communication, positive hints. Initiate small physical contacts. If signs still positive, ask for date, kiss, have intumacy.

Is there any reason you could not do that ? Ugly? Lack of confidence? Autistically shy? Don't know how to? Panick attacks? Paralysis ? Idk, describe a little more the cause.

Why does everyone do this, I ask advice for how to stop craving intimacy and you're trying to give advice on how to actually get it.
Crippling depression, NEETdom for many years, no social or romantic experience at all, basically unacceptable for a 27yo guy. Escaped NEETdom too late, past the point of no return.

Just become Chad or time travel back 100 years to a time before feminism will be the easiest way to get intimacy

Normies can't comprehend. Why anyone wouldn't want to play these fucking games. They have been in it their whole lives and anyone wanting to get out is a foreign concept to them. They can only advise on what they know, which is how to be loved. They can't tell you how to make it stop because they neither know how nor have ever considered it a possibility.
I've done it for the time being, but I'm younger than you so it's probably only temporary, and I couldn't even explain it to you if I tried

Hum. I don't think you can suppress the need for intimacy. Either you deal with it (maybe see a therapist) or you will end killing yourself.

Why don't you want intimacy ? Just because you think it is out of reach ? Bad experience? Childhood problems? Fear ?

We can't comprehend how you faggots sit there and shittalk us for being 'normies' because we believe in a little hard work and yet keep ending up prostrated before us for advice
It kind of sounds like the only thing you need to hear for advice is 'fuck off and get over yourselves,' you seem to have bloated senses of importance. You coming here doesn't entitle you to answers you like just because you showed up

Well, either you can advise op about how to cull intimacy like he asked but you refuse to, or you can't advise him. Which is it? Why won't you tell him how to get rid of his desire for intimacy?

Been seeing various therapists since I was in my teens. It helped me get out of neetdom and stop being a shut-in.
I want to get rid of it because it's completely out of reach for me.
It's too late to get into the game at this point, there are expectations for people my age and I'm not even close to meeting them.
Being completely socially and romantically inept at 27 is a death sentence, unless I can cull my feelings.

How many girls have you asked on date this year?

Attached: how many girls have you asked on date this year.png (1100x950, 177K)

i'm in a similar situation, had a gf in the past but i did only escorts for the last 6 years. craving started a few months ago.
i'm not sure if it's for actual intimacy or i simply need more and longer sessions.
it could be just a lack of sex, you could try increasing the frequency and duration of your meetings but that's gonna be costy.

Again with this shit.
NONE. Because I know better than to try. It's too late to do anything like that with 0 experience.
Can you answer my question in the OP or not?

>how do I cull a craving?
Willpower or satiation, then, buddy.

This is why nobody answers your questions: it doesn't matter what the answer is because you'll hate it.

Why is it out of reach ?

I don't understand you guys, every time i read a 20+ virgin/dateless male, it is like you are in the deepest pit possible and you thing you can't go out so you don't even try.

The pit is not that deep, start climbing. Better late than never.

>Escaped NEETdom too late, past the point of no return.
I'm 28 and escaped NEETDOM at 25
I've almost completely unfucked my life now and am so close to getting a qt autistic virgin gf, I could taste it
There's always hope, just focus on bettering yourself, and you'll make it eventually

>you need relationship experience to get relationship experience
>there are no virgin women

If you hate getting rational replies, try boards like /b or /r9k. Have a nice day and please consider stopping posting the same shit every single day. Other people with actual problems may get ignored thanks to your spam.

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I don't care about virgin women, or have any delusion of 'duuuuuur muh virgin waifu' or anything like that.
I just wanna get rid of this bad feeling. Is it so wrong?

not OP but how do you identify non-verbal positive hints from girls? I don't go out much and talk to woman so I'm dumb af with women

fap exclusively to 2d

I used to do that. I still do it sometimes, then I will go for 3-4 days without a fap because I'm too fucking busy and I'm so horny I cave in and call an escort.

>How do I cull my craving for intimacy?
A Hi-Point is a meme but it's cheap and gets the job done

You can't stop something that is a basic human need. Stop believing the lie people say that you don't need intimacy you fucking need it dude. You will just kill yourself if you don't get it.

You can do it user. Just do it and if people shit on you just know they are heartless and in the wrong. I mean it user you need love we all do.

you cant kill your need for intimacy. it's biological. best you can do is accept it and maybe cope by getting a dog or finding a hobby.

Why do you say I'll kill myself if I don't get intimacy?
I've never had it and I've never been suicidal at all.
Sure, it's annoying, sure it's something I crave alot, but I never had any suicidal thoughts about it.

Would you say that 20 years from now if you still didn't have it?

Quit seeing prostitutes and quit exposing yourself to things that remind you of intimate relationships. Just fap to ecchi and avoid websites where people talk about gfs. The less exposure you have to girls the less you'll want them. I find that playing the game stalker helps a lot, there are absolutely no women in that game. Easy to spend entire days playing that game and forget that there's another gender. After you can get through a solid month without
>tfw no gf
you're cravings will be curved substantially.

Just pay them to talk to you instead. If you have money find a sugar baby.
Even if it is a business exchange babies and daddies still want someone tolerable around them. I never did this but I talked to people on all sides, there's all kinds of people out there.

Watch this! one of the guys is like 40 something and gets a date with a student with 2 days of trying.

This seems kinda useful advice.
It's almost true too, I wasn't feeling it nearly as much when I was a shut-in.
But ever since I stopped being a shut-in NEET and have to actually leave the house. it's impossible not to come across normie couples, acquiantances and coworkers who are in relationships, etc.