My fiancee and I are in very serious financial difficulties. His business recently went under and we're very close to losing our home and life's savings. My boss is dangling this promotion under my nose, and the pay raise is significant enough to dig us out of our financial situation. The catch is that he keeps implying that the only way to get it is to start sleeping with him. I don't know what to do.
My fiancee and I are in very serious financial difficulties...
Sounds like it's time to whore yourself out so you can keep your lifestyle or go for broke.
this b8 is lazy and uninspired
0/10, apply yourself
>nothing ever happens
It's not a big deal OP, just do it. My gf had to do something similar and she got a lot of money. "Casual Fridays" for her was that she needs to show up to work in skirts with no panties, and she "works late" but all that means is at the end of the day she goes into her boss' office, he bends her over and fucks her. I don't care. It's only once a week and she says he doesn't last long anyway. We joke working late ain't never that late
Just reading that makes my stomach flip-flop.
this is a quality shitpost
How pathetic.
Yeah, it takes a whore to whore out. If you're not a whore and you try to whore out you'll probably break.
Honestly, though, a promotion you got with sex is either a great ground for a lawsuit or a great reason to get a new job. Have you considered suing your boss to get out of your little financial fiasco?
A subtly dropped hint with a recording phone that shows him propositioning you for employment?
I work with a lot of sensitive personal information. Wearing a wire to work is 100% not going to work.
Lawsuit, but do proper research first. It’s more empowering to take a mans money without being fucked by him.
Don't fucking dodge my point God damnit I replied to bait
whole goddam bait board
The thing is I'd have to turn up evidence. I work with a lot of PII and it wouldn't be a good idea for me to go around recording at work.
Then since you want to fuck him why not just do it
Like if everything else is too hard, too much work, then just spread'em
Why though? You mean to tell me you can't handle a little sex?
The thing pathetic is how short he lasts. The money certainly isn't
>He's a European
Explains a lot my friend
I don't wanna fuck him. He's old enough to be my dad. I just don't want to lose everything.
It's not the sex. It's the guilt, the keeping secrets, the fallout if anyone ever finds out etc.
Can always file bankruptcy user
>I don't want to fuck him
Then figure out how to extract proof of his proposition, yes?
That's still losing everything.
Do you have any recommendations that don't involve recording devices?
Funny I just filed chapter 13 and lost no material possessions
Record him telling you to sleep with him for a promotion and then take it to HR or if he is a big important CEO or something then threaten to blackmail him with it.
We couldn't get it all paid in five years solely on current wages.
>I work with a lot of PII and it wouldn't be a good idea for me to go around recording at work.
Just record audio with you phone.
What the fuck is wrong with you, what are you scared of? You're going to lose that job anyway, the point is to make a killing on the lawsuit by suing the company.
So just tell your fiance, explain it's the only way and he'll cave. Then there's no secrets. You'll be free to get fucked by him as often as he likes
>don't involve recording devices
I don't get it
Just take your phone into the office on record and get him saying he'll give you jobs for fucc
Why is this so hard
Why do women like you take anything good and manage to shit on it somehow?
Besides recording devices you could get him to create some notary form of this agreement if he were dumb as fuck, or you could get him to correspond via e-mail, text or even post, in order to get him confirming that yes, he was making this arrangement
And if you have another fucking deflection for this then like I said, just spread for him and fucc
>just spread for him and fucc
That's clearly what this dumb whore wants
Don't know why people even make threads when they won't listen to any answer other than the one they want
I could be fired for bringing my phone into the office. It's that serious. Consequently I don't think it could be usable as evidence in court, and at best it would be evidence against me in a countersuit by the company.
Look at the women in Hollywood. They got where they are today by sleeping with Harvey. Sooooo. You decide.