ITT: Ask the opposite sex anything:

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>Guys insecure with their 4+ inches dick
Fuck off

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself near the Bump Limit. You can use these macros:

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Why can't women do math?

Thanks you for answers. What "fade cream" do you mean? Could you please share brand name or kinda?

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I was made to focus more on english and history because math is for boys.

I used Madre Perla Fade Cream. Its essentially skin bleach.

Me, Women - highest grades in maths in high school.

Please stop these kind of clichés.

But, also, I noticed that women tend to despise abstract subjects - that may be why.

1. Why do women have casual sex and then complain about not finding a trustworthy and fullfilling life-time partner?

2. Why do women cover their faces in a heavy layer of make-up? Surely, for the looks, but seriously: it looks so unnatural and if i am kissing a girl, i actually want to his HER and not the thick crust of make-up.

Why are humans, especially women, hypocrites, when it comes to relationships and relationship standards eg. demanding a loyal husband, but yet whoring around by themselfes?

So I had sex for the first time recently (then the second and third etc etc to about the 7th-8th time over this past week) and I can't quite get over it...

It was... shit, and it's getting my head into a spin where, I'm asking a million questions a minute as I'm now am craving sex whilst thinking it feels fairly wank (bad).
Whether it was me or the person I was with?
Whether It'll feel different with a different person?
Whether if it does feel different how much so?
Whether I'm into sex at all, then why am I craving it?

And other such questions I honestly don't know I'm in a weird state about it all
I feel alien I see people wanting a shag and although I feel a tinge of that now, at the same time I feel even more so Alien that I don't enjoy it as much as I feel like I should.
So for example, She loved it, She kept telling me she hadn't cum that much in years, whilst on my end I was scared to say I felt absolutely fuck all, every single time, couldn't cum, there was no real tightness or feeling of any description outside of the feeling you would get of sticking your finger in your mouth, I know this is at no fault of her own just has me wondering a lot recently of just all these random things.
any suggestions what I might be missing here?
Sorry this post if this post is confusing to read, I just don't know how to process all of these thoughts.

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I'm a woman and i don't do any of that. No casual sex, no complaining about how unfaithful guys are, no makeup.
And as said few posts above, good at math.

Stop thinking all women are the same, guys, it's ridiculous.

If you have high standards or want a specific kind of women you just have to look out for it - the woman of your dreams must be someplace out there - and make yourself good enough for her.

i am a male, but:
Sex is overrated.
Women try to lure you with their wet holes, yet its completely worthless. If you find someone you really love, then sex will be great, but otherwise its complete shit and empty. Dont fuck with hoes, cause you will become one too and then it will be harder to get/sustain real relationships.

When we talk about men or women in general, we are actually talking about the majority, obviously, not all of them.

This is so broad.
>Why do women have casual sex and then complain about not finding a trustworthy and fulfilling life-time partner
I don't think casual sex crosses into a standard monogamous relationship and if it does then it needs to be redefined. Reguardless its mostly because purity or being a prude is and was worse than being called a slut. If you are seen as a prude most men won't even approach you whereas being called a slut at least gives room for a relationship to develop. I've not had "casual sex" and it was still hard to find a trustworthy partner. Also placing all of ones humanely needs and desires on one being isn't exactly fair or reasonable but it is what is expected of women. Be at the beck and call of her spouse and do as told when told to which is absolutely unacceptable.

>Why do women cover their faces in a heavy layer of makeup?
By heavy what do you mean? Contour cream, full coverage foundation, blush, highlight, setting powder, bronzer, blush, eyeshadow, lipliner, lipstick, lipgloss, setting spray, mascara, and eyeliner or tinted moisturizer and mascara?

>why are humans, especially women, hypocrites , when it comes to relationships and relationship standards.

Most of the time relationship standards are never actually discussed rather implied leaving alot of room for misinterpretation and hurt feelings. This is the age of fast love and sexual exploitation so it is to be expected at a certain age level like taunting amd teasing in school but it also depends on the type of women you attract.

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They're statistically worse at it because slight differences in our brains (>inb4 women are stupid, no). And women are told that it's not that necessary to be good at math, but they should focus on their strengths such as writing - so there's a bias in that.

Then, this is stats. As a man, gifted with a superior understanding of math, you should understand that just because statistically women are worse at a subject it doesn't mean that all women are bad at it.
I've always been pretty good at it, personally. Never got less than 95% in a test of a math related subject, even at university level.

How do you get rid of this mustache line? I'm a girl (female).

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Sex is overrated. Its messy and generally unfulfilling unless you really connect with someone on a deeper level than physical.

why not just transition from female to male? You would look dandy with a neat mustache like that.

Wax or use a very small eyebrow razor. You can also use veet or nair

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>Contour cream, full coverage foundation, blush, highlight, setting powder, bronzer, blush, eyeshadow, lipliner, lipstick, lipgloss, setting spray, mascara, and eyeliner or tinted moisturizer
Oh jesus ...

How do you learn to smalltalk? I'm trying hard to stop talking short choppy utterances but seems like it doesn't work. As a result I stammer in speech, make grammatical mistakes or talk so pompously people start giggling.
What's the quickest way to start talking like a decent person? I have a job, so usually there is a couple of hours I can spend on practicing every second/third evening.

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> Why do women cover their faces in a heavy layer of make-up?
They think it makes them look better. You might not agree, but that's really the reason.
Tell them that they're very pretty if one day you catch them without make up, surely it will make their day.

>Why do women have casual sex and then complain about not finding a trustworthy and fullfilling life-time partner?
>Why are humans, especially women, hypocrites, when it comes to relationships and relationship standards eg. demanding a loyal husband, but yet whoring around by themselfes?
Most people (men and women) have casual sex at least once in their life. And a lot of them desire to find a lifelong partnership, and a good relationship. You can desire having a loyal partner when you're in a relationship, even if you had casual sex prior to that. I don't see how that is hypocritical. Obviously if you cheat on your partner it is hypocritical, but I don't see most women saying "Why can't I just cheat on my husband and him being a loyal and nice husband??".
I think you're a bit bitter, but if you want to have a more reasonable conversation about this I'm down.

Thats what I thought.
Most women do the latter because they are trying to look better and it just isn't working.

Think and practice,mentally,what you say before you say it physically.

>No, no, user, i am bot a whore.
>See, i am in a official relationship with guy1
>Of course i broke up, now i am dating guy2 ...
>Oh no, it didnt work out - here comes guy 3
>Guy9 is so handsome. I am glad we are in a commited relationship now
>I am not a whore user, i swear. All those guys i slept with were commited relationships. We have known each other for so long (2 days) and i know so much about him (favorite color and dish).

Yeah if you can see the makeup it's too much they all look like big fat clowns

Again, sleeping with different guys when you're single doesn't mean you can't aim for having a loyal partner when you're in a relationship.
I don't see how that is hypocritical.

>Again, sleeping with different guys when you're single doesn't mean you can't aim for having a loyal partner when you're in a relationship

Correct it means you are not worthy of a MAN because you are damaged goods

Mmm I wear mascara, eyeliner, lipbalm, and some eyebrow pomade because I have close to no eyebrows. You can see all of that but it isn't clownish.

I've had about 5 serious relationships. I had sex with 2. One after I married him the other after we agreed to domestic partnership.
I fail to see the issue with being intimate with your spouse.

By large, people end up with partners who have similar values and sexual history as them.
If you're someone who thinks that sex should be reserved for marriage, you're likely to find a partner who thinks the same or similarly.
If you're someone who only thinks that you should sleep with a long term partner, you'll likely find a partner who feels the same.
Girls who sleep around a lot often find men who also slept around quite a bit.

Ohhh one of these guys. Virgin elites. Disgusting.

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Ok you don't look this bad but to me and most men you look like a clown, that's ok not much is expected from your gender

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No, they don't. Most men think girls who wear a little make up are pretty.
Ask a girl (any, really) how often she gets complimented when she goes barefaced and how often she gets complimented when she wears make up.
Because I get complimented much more often with make up. I don't wear much (mascara and eyeliner) but whenever I do, guys compliment me 10x as much.

>be women
>fuck around (with "official relationships")
>have a dick count of 10 by the age of 20 (oral sex not lncluded)
>But user, i am not a whore and the dick count doesnt matter. I can still be loyal to you, my beloved guy no.11 ...

two options:
option 1
>I had so many relationships, because i really cared for those guys
>but guy11, what do you mean my love cant be genuine after so many other guys? I am still loyal though, right? I am not fucking with other guys even though i am emotionally wasted

option 2
>Its ok user. I never cared for the other 10 guys before you. All i care about now is you, my beloved guy11
>what do you mean, why i slept with 10 guys prior even though i didnt love them?
> I am not a whore, r-right? reeeeee


You are female so quit trying to think it's not working for you

My ex, who was emotionally cheating on me for weeks before dumping me, wouldn’t admit there was someone else.

She’s demanding I mail her stuff back to her in a very rude manner demanding a “definite answer” - if I refuse, is she likely to send her new bf to confront me?

Stop being stupid. Who cares if she admits it or not, it's over anyway.
Mail her her stuff back and move on. You're not 12.

Do you think she would enforce if I refused?


She can call the cops on you. I would if you kept being a stupid asshole.

You are painting your face so guys will try to ram cocks in you, whore

her bf would enforce his bbc into your anus, if you refuse

I mostly paint my face because I have to see my boyfriend later in the day and I know he likes when I wear mascara and eyeliner.

Tell her you need $100 to ship it back then send her a box of rocks

I mean, congrats on making a nice made up scenario.
Real life is nothing like this.
I'll quit replying, if you want to have an adult discussion I'm down.

I don’t understand why she’s being so cruel when she’s the one who cheated

yeah, because you want him to ram his cock in your box, like the dozen dicks before him.

Oh sweetie thanks for that helpful tip

user, I understand you're hurt. But you need to quit being a controlling prick. Send her her stuff back and move on with your life.
Your relationship is over. Trying to play this stupid game will only win you stupid prizes.
Move on. Be a grown up.

Don't worry I'm sure you can settle for some loser you don't want now that you are tainted

I mean, I do want him to fuck me, yes.
We've been together for 6 years and live together, we're getting married next March.
He's my first and only.

My spouse prefers my face painted

Just read here: 6 years together, getting married next year, he's my first.

Anyway, I'm done. Have a good day user, I hope you quit being so mad.

>no user, i refuse to acknowledge reality
>no, we wymens can have a high dick count, no matter if we loved the guys or not, no matter if we were in a commited relationship or not
>we can fuck as much and whom we want - we are not whores!
>stop calling us whores reeee
>how dare you tell the truth and show how bigoted and easy wymens are?
>now i wont talk to you anymore! Ha! That will show you
>*roastie seething, beef-flaps start shaking*
>reeeee we no hoes reeee

So why are you white knighting for whores if you are not a whore

>no user, i refuse to acknowledge reality
What you posted isn't reality
>no, we wymens can have a high dick count, no matter if we loved the guys or not, no matter if we were in a commited relationship or not
Women and men can have a high partner count. They can sleep with others inside or outside of relationships. They can do it whether they love the people they slept with or not.
Your values don't apply to everyone. Just find someone with your values.
>stop calling us whores reeee
Yeah, it's pathetic and pointless. Date who you want, don't care about the others.
>now i wont talk to you anymore! Ha! That will show you
It's pointless. You're dumb.

Asking both sexes since I don't know Facebook. How do I know if a message I sent to someone is read or not? I never used it before

>How do I know if a message I sent to someone is read or not?
There's a circle with their propic in the chat. After they're read, it shows under your message.

The color will change of the text bubble you can also click on the message

>i-i have been exposed
>b-better come up with a story, before anyone notices what whore i am ...
>yes, i got it!
>"I am a trad waifu and i was a virgin when i married my hubby :3"
>g-good, now quickly leave before this bullshit gets exposed too

I'm not. I don't understand people who get mad over shit like this. If a woman or a man fuck someone, why would I care in any way shape or form?
Date a person who shares your values. That's all you need to do.

I wasn't, I've been fucking my boyfriend since I was 18 or so. We're not married. I took much more dick than any of the whores you're mad about, probably.
I never implied anything different from that.


>n-no user!
>everyone can do as he or she pleases!
> It doesnt matter why, with whom and how many you fuck around!
>now mind your own business, so you dont see what a horrible whore i am!

I mean. Roughly 5 years since we started having sex, fucked once or twice a day since.
Even being conservative, it's roughly 2000 times we fucked.
A girl who has a one night stand every week would need 40 years to get the same amount of sex I had.

i'm hot and i flirt with girls and lead them on and make them fall for me and then i refuse to fuck them and then i friendzone them because i fucking hate women and it's my revenge for all the guys who've been rejected and friendzoned and fucked with by girls

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>everyone can do as he or she pleases!
> It doesnt matter why, with whom and how many you fuck around!
Why does it matter to you user? How two grown adults, who consensually have sex with each other, be anyone's business in any way?

>I am not a whore, user!
>I'll show you how stronk and idependant i am!!!
>"I took much more dick than any of the whores you're mad about, probably."
>Now i showed you, stupid user!


I mean, yeah. People who have stable relationships fuck more than singles.
By having a stable relationship for 5 years I most likely had a lot more sex than any single girl.
Is it news for you?

Alright guys, I've let my spouse pretty much dictate my style based on how much he's comfortable with. Is this necessarily a bad thing? How much control is to much?

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what are you even talking about

Why do you care that men prefer debt free virgins with no tattoos? Because it shows you have no value

>hey user, see? i have so much sex, so i am right
>i get fucked in my pussy, my anus gets destroyed, my throat gets dicked like a toy, my face gets covered in cum ... i can go on an on, user
>see how strong i am?!

Honey let the little man be mad.

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>rough breakup with girl, 2 years ago
>don't date at all in the intervening time, still harbor a lot of feelings for her
>a couple weeks ago, see said ex at the store with a friend of hers
>she comes up to me and talks to me, is really pleasant, doesn't seem to resent me in any way
>we're both in a hurry, so we don't talk long
>I get home and see she has messaged me on Facebook "glad to see you're doing well"
>message back and forth a bit, pic related
>message on and off a couple more times
>a few weeks later, she messages me inviting me to be a subject for a project of hers for school
>I say yes and go, thinking I'm reading between the lines a little bit and that she wants to talk
>NOPE, it's just her project. Any attempts to talk to her again are immediately shot down
>"Talking to you again really makes me feel awkward." "Okay." levels of shooting down
Spare me the rant about never getting back with your ex, that I know some of you are typing, I'm just having a lot of trouble understanding this behavior. I had honestly thought that she at least wanted to talk about our breakup and make *some* closure out of this whole thing. I thought it was an absolutely obvious, "read between the lines, she wants to see you and talk to you idiot" situation, but I'm just bewildered by this. Can I get a reality check on this, is this a weird situation to put your ex-boyfriend in if you don't have any ulterior motives? Is it possible that she *did* want to talk but I just put too much pressure on her and shut her down?

Whether she was uninterested in talking, or shut down under pressure, I know I gotta lay off the messages and distance myself. I'm curious to anyone's take on this though.

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Thanks for the previous help, can I get some advice for this

relationships based on sex never work
when are oyu getting married?

(never, lol)

stop wasting each other's time

I don't, you can prefer whatever you want as long as you're respectful of everyone else.
I wouldn't date a poor, ugly, short or stupid guy. I also don't go around and tell that are men who are poor, ugly, short or stupid are waste of oxygen, unworthy of love and will never find a relationship, and they should kill themselves. Which is what many of you do.
As long as you're respectful of everyone, do what you prefer and date whoever you want. Women and men should all be able to find a partner who fits to their particular preferences.

>why do you care for the sex lifes of other adults, user?
>what do you mean it has an impact on society?
>how does it matter that i let my pussy get destroyed by 20 different dicks?
>what? it does shape society by changing morals and values, and how we deal with each other
>n-no user, i you are wrong, because i want to be a whor-, i mean i can have sex with anyone anytime cauze i am stronk amd indepandant

Next march, we needed to sort some stuff out first (education, job, finances).
Our relationship isn't based on sex. We have a great relationship, and we enjoy fucking.

>society has to be the way I want it to be
>if all other people don't want it to be that way I'll just screech autistically
>that will show them

You can't force me to accept your roast beef pussy, your obesity or your lack of personality so nanny nanny boo boo. Get a cat

>Which is what many of you do.
oh i'm so much worse than that
i literally laugh in girls' faces when they flirt with me

>n-no, user. society isnt bad.
>you are just mad, cause my pussy gets streched out, nothing more
>look its all f-fine ... right? Just dont mind the increase in STDs, the perversion of love, addiction to pornography, the "dating culture" with apps where people use each other like disposable fuck toys, high increase in homos and transgender, normalizing of abusive sex, claiming its natural and healthy etc ...
>everything is fine, user.
>you are just a weirdo and loser for having a problem with all this in soceity

is 25 old enough to have grown up with hookup apps during highschool and college?

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>poor, ugly, short or stupid
It's relatively difficult to choose any of these. In most cases, you are born into it.
Nobody is born a whore, by contrast (although to be fair, in a society where you are surrounded by whores and criticized for valuing restraint, it's going to stack the odds against you).

>society has to be the way I want it to be
Not in any individual sense--but it must have consistent standards, and letting people convince themselves of the propriety of degenerate behavior makes standards, at a stroke, ineffective and dilute to the point of irrelevance. Unless you're an anarchist, you know this implicitly, otherwise you must be willing to argue that we should abolish things like speed limits (what does it matter how fast user wants to drive? You're not in his car) or even taxes (pretty much the definition of coercion of an individual).

Naturally, not all standards are equal--the ideal standard depends on what outcome you want. But allowing individuals to decide arbitrary and self-serving "standards" severely limits the range of possible outcomes; for example, in the case of speed limits, you'd often find that, because of the reckless behavior of adrenaline junkies, you're forced by the circumstances around you to go, say, 60 mph in a school zone or push 100 on highways. Even though a standard below that would be much more conducive to safety, it becomes unsafe by the relative 'degeneracy' of a few.

this is a question mostly for women but men can answer as well
when did you first start dating?
depending on who I ask they either think that you will be a virgin forever if you haven't had a girlfriend/boyfriend by 15, which I think is ridiculous
or that they didn't start dating until their 20s

Why does it matter? I'm allowed to have whichever standards I prefer for a boyfriend or a husband. You as well.
As long as we treat each other respectfully, we're all good.

There need to be rules that help us coabitate with each other (laws). I don't think that our sexual life should be regulated by anyone, beside very basic things (everyone involved must be able to do it consensually, keep it private).
I don't think it is necessary or beneficial to force people to fit inside a very strict structure when it comes to their personal life, if they don't personally agree and feel comfortable with it.
I think traditional family is very healthy for me. I don't think it makes everyone happier by default. I think we should give as much freedom to people as we can afford giving.

I started dating when I was 13 or 14. I think you can start dating whenever you want, if you're willing to learn and make up for the experience gap.

Don't know exactly what you mean, but I think the answer is yes.

Unless you tell every guy upfront that you sucked 100 cocks you don't deserve respect even then you don't. You just don't understand why a dirty toilet is gross

Female. Had my first date at 25

>Why does it matter?
See my post. Even if it sounds good on paper, you're condemning some standards to certain destruction, irregardless of their benefits, by allowing this level of "freedom". I'm not interested in physically forcing whores/manwhores to wait until marriage--that would make everyone involved miserable. However, I am interested in having very clear standards that can insulate broader society from such degenerates.

>I don't think it is necessary or beneficial to force people to fit inside a very strict structure when it comes to their personal life
Correct. You force them to make their choices from a strict structure--what choice they make after the fact isn't really important, so long as the structure is designed to deal with it. In the case of whores or manwhores, they'd be condemned for their behavior, and many of their activities would never be catered to, but those who are determined to be degenerates will still have that option.
>I think traditional family is very healthy for me. I don't think it makes everyone happier by default.
Does it make every individual happier? No. Does it improve the rate of happiness? Yes. Modern "freedom", by contrast, locks in a great deal of people, who would have been perfectly happy in the "traditional" setting, into hedonistic and self-destructive behavior.

That is to say, standards are meant to make certain choices relatively easier and/or more appealing to make. Currently, the absence of standards (and subsequent race to the bottom in behavior) means that the above 'traditional' choice is much more difficult to take. Any woman who waits until marriage can tell you as much, what with all the times she'll be dumped and called "frigid" by horny guys unwilling to wait with her.

Male 20, Wouldn't call it dating though.
Felt more like an unironic Male Prostitute by the end of it.

I tend to wear either most all or all black clothing, I've got issues with color, and I've got more of a relaxed style with some dresses thrown in.
He prefers me with a dressy style, more makeup, and odd hair styles/colors. If I don't dress in this manner he thinks something is wrong with me or I'm being lazy.

Your husband sounds like a fag


I had my first real boyfriend at 14

why are you with him

He looks like a gayboii but I love him anyway.

Love him to bits. Hes got a few flaws like every human does but he works to grow as a person. If really necessary I could list the main bits but there are countless reasons.

>I am interested in having very clear standards that can insulate broader society from such degenerates.
But why should people adapt to your standards when it comes to their personal life? Why should society cater to your personal opinions, and change itself back to what it used to be?
Standards change as time goes and society changes. If it doesn't work, our society will collapse horribly and we'll go back to what it was before after a while. That's the case for everything we tried to do as humans.
Shit, even my generation is much more conservative and sexually traditionalist than my parent's. Things that don't work change.

No one is forced to be hedonistic or self destructive. Freedom of choice doesn't mean you *have* to be a degenerate.
You can be traditional, nothing is stopping you from that beside your personal decisions.
If most people want to fuck around because hedonistic pleasures feel good for them, it's okay.