Does life ever get easier? When? How?

Does life ever get easier? When? How?

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When you get dat bread son

Too bad that's never gonna be a thing in my life

When you stop worrying about what you don't have or what other people have and just focus on what you have and how you can use it to make your live better you can move forward. Otherwise you'll be burning yourself out going nowhere and never catch up to the carrot on the stick you've made for yourself.

Then your life will never get easier, bucko.

I currently have a job that I actually enjoy, but the second I have to start paying for my own health insurance, car insurance, or phone bills, I'm gonna be fucked. I'm living in a shit apartment because it's the only thing I can afford, and with the career field I want to be in, I'm very likely never going to be able to have a house or even afford to move to a nicer apartment. There's no working up the ladder, no bonuses. But the thought of switching to basically any other field makes me so miserable I want to die.

So then if I suck it up and get a job I can't stand, I won't stress as much about money, but instead I'll be miserable for most of my life. Doesn't sound much easier to me

Get money by doing something fun wololol. I flip various items, run a speakeasy, draw some bdsm porn for money in addition to my career.

>Does life get easier?
Your experience May differ.
What works for others may or may not work for you.

Well I can't really handle the current difficulty setting so if it doesn't get easier I'm going to have a mental breakdown. Also not sure how much more time I should spend determining if it's likely to get easier or not before I assume it's not and give up

Those would just become additional jobs for me to worry and stress over, especially with my current job's hours.

I've been there. Care to elaborate? It just fucking sucks sometimes man, sad to say.
I've run out of fucks. Im 32 now I don't know your age, but I can't be fucking bothered to be bothered anymore.

25 dude. I don't get how people do it. I don't get how people have a job, have a relationship, have friends, visit family, go out and do things besides sleep on their time off. I'm at the edge of my fucking sanity.

There's no time for anything. There's always a chore that has to be done, always an expense to be taken care of, never able to afford to ask for time off because then you'll have even less money to handle the shit that needs to be handled. Don't have time or money to visit family, don't have a place they can sleep if they were to visit me, and every interaction involves them mentioning wanting to see me to the point of where I dread any sort of contact from them at all.

I'm getting 10 bucks an hour at a vet clinic. I'm not going to be promoted. I'm not going to get a bonus. I have zero intentions of going to vet school. At some point I'll get a raise, I don't know how much. I genuinely like my job, even with the 14 hour days. I want to work either in a vet clinic or, ideally, in wildlife rehab, but wildlife rehab would make my financial situation so, so much worse.

I'm barely fucking scraping by and before long I'll have to pay for my own health insurance. Which means I probably won't have health insurance. And at some point my mom will want me to cover more of my own shit, understandably. But I can't afford it. I don't know when I'll be able to. If I'll ever be able to.

I'm so fucking tired. I'm so fucking overwhelmed. But it never stops. I can never sit down and take a break because then shit just piles up. Like I know sometimes the goal of the day is just to survive, but it genuinely feels like I'm never going to be able to handle anything more than that.

Wow. Ok. I really have been there. Yes it can get easier. Notice i say can, not will. It's up to you.

Do you own a car and live in a city?

Yeah I've got a car, it just needs probably all the tires replaced but I've been filling air up in them frequently to pretend they don't. Don't know if you could call where I live a city, but it's definitely not a rural area or anything

Irk. Might have had a lifesaver for you.
Look into things like Uber eats and doordash. Theyre pretty legit and can help a lot

I just got a raise at my main job good now but my wife and Is finances hit the shit fan last year and I joined door dash. It averages 17 an hour (cad) where i live but it varies city to city.

I joined a Facebook group for fellow dashers and in the states I'm seeing legit ghetto hopeless poor black people dropping their drugs and guns and turning 30us an hour in some places.

If you love what you do, and your area isnt terrible add that on to supplement your income.

Then once you aren't in shit find a new job that pays better, or better, find a way to.advance yourself in what you're doing.

The only solution OP is to get a soul sucking higher paying job. It's the compromise that most of us have to make in life.

You will hate your job and hate being at work, but you will have enough money to live a little better and do stuff that you want to do.

It's a trade off. It sucks that life is that way for most of us, but making the trade off is the lesser of the two evils.

I'd be too nervous to do Uber but maybe I could do something like doordash.

One of the biggest shitty things is that there's not really a way to advance myself in what I'm doing. Vet techs who don't go to vet school will never be paid as much. I'm not going to vet school, and not just because I can't afford it. And then with wildlife rehab, all of those jobs pay like shit. Like, we're talking internships that pay 300 a week regardless of your hours (also had one that was 100 a week but covered housing) and minimum wage for permanent positions. Wildlife rehab is my dream. But I can never actually do it.

I've been coddled in life because I've only ever worked at jobs I enjoyed. The thought of working at a soulsucking job sounds worse than just giving up, but I can't give up because that would fuck my family and bf up

Most of the humans on this planet are working soul sucking jobs OP. You definitely wouldn't be alone. Some people are better at coping with it than others.

Personally I'm not good at coping with it at all, and I've been doing it for 23 years. It's how life is for the majority of us.

It's sounds like you are too concerned what your family and bf would think about any job changes you make. If you are on this website posting about your job, that that should be a good indicator that a change is needed.

Oh me too, I can't do a taxi thing. I meant Uber eats. Because yeah it's really easy. You go get the food and go deliver it. Done and done.

I don't want to change my job. My job makes me happy and I look forward to it. The thought of switching to a job that pays more sounds like I'm just making one aspect of life easier while making another aspect worse. Trading one flavor of misery for an equally shitty flavor. Like I genuinely don't understand how people work at a job they can't stand and dread every second of but also manage to not kill themselves. Like I've released opossums I fed as babies and I know how to wrap bird wings to encourage proper bone healing, how in the actual fuck do I just switch to being an accountant wasting the rest of my life in an office cubicle without actually murdering myself?

Life was easier when you were 0-5 years old. Its only getting harder

Then suffer in your shitty apartment and never get anywhere in life. You only want things on your terms, and that's why you are getting paid a shitty wage and have no room for advancement. Until you grow up and are willing to do things that you don't want to do, you will be forever be trapped.

I'm already doing plenty of things I don't want to do, but I do have a lot of growing up to do. I just don't know how to.

It never gets easier, it only gets harder from here on out.

Money doesn’t make anything easier just certain issues less important. Only idiots think greed will save them when generosity is what grants you friendships that can improve your existence.

Suck it up. Thats how life is. Have children, it will make it a little sweeter until they hit 14 and become insufferable too

When its over

You can become an accountant who volunteers at animal shelters during free time. Balancing your passion with a job that allows you to donate lots of money to those injured animals

*siiiip* it does get easier young padawan, you'll see. My 20s were real fuckin rough too but I'm a lot better now. Don't know what else to say except one day I woke up and suddenly didn't feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders anymore.

>t. boomer

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I think my life is only hard because I am lonely and depressed and anxious. But the mental health system fucked me over now I owe thousands of dollars because they are shitty people that would rather turn your problems into lifelong illnesses and drug you rather than help you. Now I'm saving my money to move to a bigger city so I can make friends. I'm gonna try as a long term goal to negotiate for 32 hour weeks eventually but not yet. Basically you just have to be willing to do things differently. If you are depressed it is because you probably got fucked over by life/your family/society so don't just keep getting fucked over. Find your own path.