Another weekend by myself

>another weekend by myself
what am i supposed to do without any friends?

>overhear coworkers talking about parties they're going to, getting brunch with friends, etc.
how do i escape this hell of being alone all the time?

t. 33 year old khv with no friends

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Make friends. Much easier said than done and it won't happen overnight, but it's possible at any age. And it gets easier to make more friends once you already have a few friends because you can meet more people though your friends social circles.

pic related

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How do you make friends? That seems like a stupid question, but I've mentioned plenty of try hard weirdoes who didn't know no one wanted to befriend them. Avoiding being that guy has cost me.

You can't worry too much about that. In the beginning when you're first becoming friends with someone there's always that thought of "do they actually want to be friends or am I just annoying them" but it goes away once you've been friends for awhile. Just pay attention to whether you're breing anniying. If they make excuses and repeatedly avoid making plans with you they probably don't want to be friends. As long as you're chill about it and don't act desperate you should be fine.

I am chill. This is where the friend train stops. I make no lasting relationships, but generally get along with almost everyone I meet. I am hardly ever invited to anything, but everyone seems pretty happy to see me. I'm not the OP, same age but I've had girlfriends.

Just be likable damn. I have the opposite problem, good friends but no gf.

Where's the jump from being likable to having a bunch of friends? It seems like a stupid question, but no one lays this out for you after kindergarten.

Having mutual interests and geniuely enjoying their company.

You're likeable? Great, you're already ahead of many 4channers. That was step 1. Now step 2 is to ask people to do stuff. If you already did step 1, step 2 should be relatively easy. You see, other people have the same worries as you. They also don't know if you want to be friends, or don't want to go out of their comfort zone to start a new friendship. So be the one to go first. Have courage, my fellow user.


where do i meet people to make friends with in the first place?
what do i even say to them?

I'm like OP, the problem is it's not customary for colleagues to do anything other than bitch about work and how clocking off is the best part of the day. There's no catching up after work.

Go alone, be brave.

If you wanna make friends at your age, co-workers. They're usually always looking for friends too.

>Go alone, be brave.
go alone where?

>They're usually always looking for friends too.
from what i can tell, they have their own friends. and from what i can tell, they don't want me as a friend

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>try hard
Trying to fulfill a basic human need that will kill you if you don't have it isn't trying hard mate it is just life.


I’m the same as you OP. Likable st work but it ends there. I have friends though but starting new friendships is hard. I also sabotage it for myself, somehow



>what am i supposed to do without any friends?

you could be my friend and I'll push your ass.

What's your email?

>how do i escape this hell of being alone all the time?

I can help you with that.

bumping your thread in case you still need help. W'ere here for you user

>what am i supposed to do without any friends?
Literally whatever you feel like doing.

What do you need friends for? I can understand if you want a roastie for your sexual urges but 'friends'...what's the point?

Idk if it helps but you're not alone bro

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thanks, but would not want to exchange emails and give any personal information to strangers on the internet

>What do you need friends for?
to hang out with? network with? to have a social circle to get a gf?

what suggestions do you have for things that i can do by myself at night?

>coworkers all talk about parties they go to
hanging out with friends is the number one thing they do
>bar or club
>house party
>new restaurant or brunch
>movies (this is the only one i can do by myself)

they go to these and have a good time and get fun stories they can tell later

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just be yourself

This is unironically pretty helpful. See, I always thought it'd be weird to just go around asking people to do things with you. It just seems counterintuitive to the main objective of not being a tryhard weirdo. What do I do? Games? A movie? A drink after work? I don't bleed spaghetti everywhere, but this is a huge dark area for me.
I'll take you up on this. Reply if you are.
Make a burner, man. Obviously you don't share too much straight away, but eventually you'll figure out if they're crazy or not.

>tfw mid 20s guy that works with mostly mid 30s women
I moved to this city months ago and I've only made one friend at work, and I know it's an unstable friendship because it only started because she wanted to fuck


Stop posting thots first of all

there are just some friend groups you just won't connect with. if you just get hobbies and interests, you'll find people you connect with.

plus with the added bonus that women find you more attractive when you aren't constantly nervous and are doing things outside of work/school

underrated post

What should I do if I don’t enjoy anyone’s companion?

>thanks, but would not want to exchange emails and give any personal information to strangers on the internet

Don't you have a disposable email? I have a few here and will contact you as such

You are not alone. I have no friends too. I am 21 and a very unlikable person, so no one wants to be friends with me. I spend my weekends alone doing weird shit & watching stupid videos on YouTube

it really is not

>I'll take you up on this. Reply if you are.

Still here?
Give me your email. my email is

Message sent.

I've been out with a few different people lately and it was enjoyable but its made me acutely aware of how lonely I otherwise am. Hurts.

Same as you OP, except 35