Afraid of turning 30

I am super afraid to turn 30. I am a male which they say men get better with age but I don't feel it. I feel like my time is running at light speed. I am 29 now and I have spent most of my life just surviving. I haven't had a relationship, haven't loved, haven't traveled. I hate traveling but people still say to do it. My favorite past time is laying in bed which is fucked.

Like what the fuck do 30 year olds with no kids, single even do? I can't imagine having kids in my current state. I imagine myself being a dog shit father. Just the thought of having a baby scares me. To the people who are 30+ what the fuck is it like? HOW DO YOU SURVIVE!? People keep saying older parents are garbage too. Like what if you have a kid at 40? then when you are 60 your fucking kid is 20! Jesus.

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Just be yourself my dude.

Christ. Myself seems so shit.

>male which they say men get better with age but I don't feel it
only a fool would believe this, male reach their peak at the age of 20 after that your testosterone drops

But yeah is true what they say man peak with slavery at 30

Be brave, take a risk.
Also this

Dude take the fit pill and get your body into supreme shape. Spend your 30s living like you never have before and enjoy yourself. Being older isn't an issue with kids either, garbage parenting happens with garbage parents, age isn't a huge issue.

You are late bloomer, thats totally fine, just dont pay attention to standard achievement's, way to happiness is rocky road, deep breath's start feeling manly from this moment, you are a male and you have a warrior in your D. N. A., just be patient, be calm, be rational not emotional, be a conqueror, you dont need family or any job to feel natural, you dont need title's you just need your spirit, you dont need earthly mortal riches, feel yourself today! BE yourself today! Be a MAN today, fuck emotions and nostalgi, you are a Man, manly man, dont brag about life, be strong, have a drink, dress well, you dont need smile, you just need manly calmness, i can talk about this whole day, but i was like you, i know your strugle, get to your roots, find the man inside, be strong as a Angel, calm as a earth, BE YOU TODAY. Sorry for grammar.

30 year old single men live it up. Fucking live the life, you are at the best stage of your life.

I think you should read Jordan Peterson's 12 rules of life (or similar). Watch some of his videos too. You just need to learn to motivate yourself and become better.

Turned 30 last month. Had a mid life crisis. Super depressed. It sucks getting old. My hair is receding, it's more difficult to stay in shape, gotta etch what I eat or my body disagrees.

And finding love seemed impossible if I'm old and am this depressed and fucked.

But, got back with my ex I broke up with 7 months ago, who is 19, and things seem better. Also have 7 year old son whose mom isn't around.

Men do age better, if you do it right. Real personality with confidence that only age and experience can give.

Get in shape and get a decent job where you break 100k and you can bang girls in their 20s well into your 50s. You'll be fine.

OP i hope you're listening to what i'm about to say.
Do what you want, life is yours and life as YOUNG is even shorter..
Get the fuck out of bed and start exploring hobbies, you are wasting your good years laying in bed.

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Op is not a man though he is a male. A boy trapped in a boys body. There really isn't any reason to exist and drugs, video and the latest Aids immigrant rapefugee restaurant is losing it's thrill. They say you need something to love something to do and something to look forward to and without it you spin out of control. For me these three things revolved around kids and I was doing fine but when I lost my kids these three things disappeared and now I'm like OP but in my 40s and waiting to die

>Probably the only reasonable advice in the thread.

28 here and constantly waking up to existential panic attacks. I used to be stoic and easy going. I feel you, op.

Men get better with age because they have had more time to work on their flaws, p, much. Also you get more relaxed about getting laid and such, less stress.

>I can't imagine having kids in my current state.
Are you by any chance prone to building up obstacles in your head until they seem insurmountable?

That’s not what it means you moron.

The phrase “men peak in their 30s” refers to the fact that by that point you’ve got a strong career developed, a multitude of skills, and several dating experiences, you’re also SUPPOSED to be more mature. Making you a prime target for girls in their early to mid 20s as you’ve got the money, maturity, and experience to outshine younger men, while still having youthful looks.

If you’ve been a fuckup with no drive through your 20s, you’re not gonna peak, you’re actually gonna be even more of a repulsive manchild than you were in your 20s. Nobody likes an overgrown child.

Peaking at 30 assumes you spent your 20s cultivating your life, not wasting your time.

See above.

Quit responding to tripfags you stupid cunt the guy is a moron but so are you

>men peak in their 30s
Do you know why anons keep repeating this stupid mantra? Most anons are in their 20s (or teens) and sitting on their asses waiting for their "peak".

Do you know why anons keep denying this truth? Because they are clueless teenagers like you.

So you're saying that you'll suddenly turn from giant manchild to "man at his peak" simply by turning 30?

Are you illiterate, or did you just not read what I said?

No retard, you don’t TURN into an even bigger manchild. You’re still the same waste of space, however, MORE time has passed, and more potential has been lost, which in turn makes society be even MORE repulsed by you at 30 than 20.

It’s relatively acceptable for you to be an idiot at 20, but if you’re still an idiot by 30, or god forbid 40, people won’t take kindly to that anymore. You never got your shit together, you never chose to mature, thus, at 30 you’ve lost the opportunity and potential you had at 20, and you’re still a manchild. No one is gonna stretch out any hands to give opportunities like they would have a 20. By refusing to grow up, you’ve sacrificed to the chance to make meaningful positive change in your life, now it’s too late, and life had put you in a box, and that box is NOT pretty.

No, you will turn into whatever you build yourself to be. For most people this means becoming great at 30. For basement-dwelling virgin manchildren like you, you will remain a loser.

Key word here is MEN peak at 30. Not manchildren peak at 30. Manchildren are not men. Men peak at 30. MEN.

I was agreeing with you fucking retard.

> Like what the fuck do 30 year olds with no kids, single even do?

I work on my online business, live wherever I want, spend my free time eating, drinking, and smashing tinder sluts.

Definitely happier now than I was at any point in my 20s.

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Op here.

Thank you all for the replies. I know I have to just try and get out there but my mind has a weird way of convincing me that all that shit is stupid. Basically whenever I think “maybe I will try going to a bar this weekend”. My mind will tell me “there’s literally nothing of value there and we don’t belong there” abd then I won’t go. I feel trapped honestly because I feel like even if I wanted to get out there, I wouldn’t be able to properly enjoy myself.

Move to a different country. I speak from experience, I can relate to that feeling. You need to jolt yourself awake, and the new experience of having to adapt to a new culture will force you to be more proactive in being social. The more exotic the better. I recommend East Asia.

Oh just get a 100k job, why didn't I think of that

>Making you a prime target for girls in their early to mid 20s

Most 30+ men who are fucking much younger women who are 19, 20 or 21 are just fucked up losers who can't handle more mature women.
They are seeking for inexperienced girls who can easily be manipulated because those are the only ones they can get

>this whole post


Hitting the rag has made you resentful huh? Yeah, sucks to realize you’re in competition with girls far nore youthful and beautiful than you, and have no counteroffer outside of being a cheap whore, doesn’t it?

Hope you like cats!

Op here,

I don't mind if other dudes who are like 29/30 are going after women who are less than 20 etc. However, I prefer women my age or around my age. Mostly because I don't like having a higher footing over someone in a situation like that. I just want a woman who is about as old as I am but can somehow live with or see past my flaws. I don't think I am super flawed but everything that I am seems to be not what women want even though my qualities are necessarily bad.

>However, I prefer women my age or around my age.
You're probably in the minority here (including me) but like I feel like women around our age aren't looking for dudes who still haven't gotten off the ground floor. Can't really say I blame them.

>Well into your 50s
>just be
And then what? You'll be that greasy guy at the park where people aren't sure whether whether he's the kid's dad or the granddad or the granddad's grandad, if she doesn't get tired of you anyways once she outgrows her daddy issues.
That's if you don't end up alone, and old, and with no one to care about you or take care about you if you're sick.

Turning 30 won't have any difference.
If you had relationships and sex and a career and everything in your 20s, you will continue on the same path.
If you didn't you will continue on the same path.
One thing I will say about turning 30 is you get more fed up of what your life has become in ways you couldn't foresee in your 20s. I thought I was tired of being a loser in my 20s but I had no idea the amount ennui that would be sprinkled on top of it. So I understand why the highest group of suiciders are in this age range.

Yeah my I’m 20 and my dad is 63 and my mom is 53. It sucks and people also think they are my grandparents haha.

The wealthy in shape guy who picks up younger women isn't the greasy guy. The wealthy guy is the guy in his 50s with the 30 year old trophy wife. You're mixing up two different things. You're mixing up the dad from Modern Family with Jedediah from the trailer park who knocks up the overweight single mom 30 years younger than her.

>That's if you don't end up alone, and old, and with no one to care about you or take care about you if you're sick.

This is unironically going to happen you after you get divorced.

>Be the man of today
>Boss bottle

hahaha y-yeah and w-when you do
invest s-smart

Same here. I don't think my current system of just doing the minimum will get me through my 30s or 40s. My life is a really fragile stack of cards that can easily collapse. I'm worried about my career as I get older and not being able to live up to its challenge. I'll be some middle age loser chewed up and spit out by society when I inevitably get laid off. I'm still a virgin at 27 and have no real support system. I'll be alone in my struggles as I get older. Can I face the struggles or not? I think at this point I'm too weak but I suppose I'll try. Having a gun around won't make it easier. Let's see what happens I guess.

Fatalistic MGTOW cuck.

They never seem to have any advice that isn't for people with an actual social life beforehand.

congratulations to even making it to 29

Just saying, getting married isn't any guarantee of not "dying alone"

Not that "dying alone" is anything to be scared of. I love being alone now I don't see why I'm suddenly wanna be surrounded by people just because I'm a wrinkled old fart.

I just turned 40 and now all these college girls want to fuck. Feels pretty good desu.