How important is dick size to women? 5'7 4incher I am

How important is dick size to women? 5'7 4incher I am.

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Not at all if you are rich, everything if you aint

Me too, but I’m 4.5”. I think it’s not important, but it’s a very fun bonus. As long as you’re not micro. But if you’re below 6”, I think it would be hard to not suspect our gf of cheating with a 7incher.

People keep saying “as long as you’re not micro” yeah well I’m not 6incher either so yeah I definitely feel inferior to most guys, cus most guys are 6inches and it’s considered “medium”. Medium is not fun and exciting, let alone below medium. I’ve lost the competition even before I can try to train myself.

Don't worry man, that's why bathmate and jelqing exist! Don't forget the kegels, women need HARDNESS!

W-what? I always thought 7 was small.
All those actors in porn look like 7-10 inches, so I assumed 7 was on the lower end of the scale.
When I fuck my gf, I only barely reach her womb with my just slightly over 7 inches.

How do I eat that booty?

With perseverance and determination.

Just find a frigid woman and have a sexless marriage and it won't be an issue

>When I fuck my gf, I only barely reach her womb with my just slightly over 7 inches.
Is anybody serious on this board anymore?

Is anyone ever serious on this shit board?
And why the fuck are you waxing that here in this thread? You wanna be all end all answer? "Different girls will have different answers." I know that's fucking terrifying to you mongs, but read it and weep: there will absolutely be girls out there who want nothing to do with your size and there will be girls who think it's too big and those who think too small.

Because he's blantantly trolling when the average is 6 inches and his talking about fucking girls in the WOMB like his hentais.

What about 4" and thin? Could learn to eat her out help? Plz help, im to shy about it.

user. That part was 100% true.
And if you have an 8inch dick, you will reach the womb 10/10 times, with 7 inches it's just for smaller girls. Just read up what a womb orgasm is.

>when the average is 6 inches
Read up what a standard deviation is.

depends on the woman.
just like how important is a big ass or big tits to guys, depends on the guy.


Avg penis length is 5.4 inches not 6

It’s not about the size of the bottle, it’s about the potion in the lotion.

I’ve had women tell me that they want their man to have at least 7.5 inches hard

Just as men have different lengths in terms of penis size, women have different vaginal depths (no, this does not correlate with "le tightness" meme) During arousal the vagina does elongate but there is still a defined length to the cavity

If it's any consolation my bf has a 5.5 inch penis which does still cause pain during deep penetration, i don't think I would ever seek sex with someone with a large penis

100% this. Honestly I like smaller guys. My very average 5.5in ex would really hurt my cervix when we went at it in doggystyle. I'd have the worst cramps for three days afterward.
I'm probably run away from anyone 7in+.

It is important, but to an extent. First of all if I don't like you as a person and such I won't even go as far as to kiss you, let alone go to bed with you so that sort of stuff should be prioritised over dick size.

But when it comes to the actual sex, the best sex I had was with a guy who had maybe around 6 inches, and he knew how to use it. And it did hurt when he wasn't careful and penetrated me deep too early.

I dated a guy who had a fucking monster cock, and the one time we had sex it was bad. Had trouble sucking him off, he wasn't good at it and it just ended really fast, which I was glad because his dick scared me. I mean we only had sex for a few minutes and still my stomach hurt after it. Wouldn't want to deal with that again.

So yeah I mean realistically a micropenis and really small dick would turn me off, but if you're average it's not an issue, especially if you know how to use it. Huge dicks are a meme

OP is 4inches and you’re not telling us what we actually want to hear. “If it’s not too small it’s okay” everyone says that but what is too small??

Cervical penetration for the sole purpose of procreation is really the only way to go

Depends on the girl and maybe the situation. Just to be safe I got good at eating pussy

Just look up those videos on YouTube where dudes go around asking women "does size matter/is 4 or 5 inches enough" and see how many say I need 7 inches and up, but then they can't even measure how big that is. Also avoid any ghetto black women as their minimum is 7 inches for their deep caverns.

Me and my 4" pecker says hello

My gf says its impossible for her to cum from small dick. 7" here. She cums every time

The cervix dilates 1cm or less during menstruation, and otherwise only dilates for birth. You do not penetrate the cervix during normal intercourse.

Hello man and his pecker!

The reply counts as a binding contract. It is nice meeting you, you will meet further instructions via mail within 5-30 business days.

Okay! I will be sure to check the mail :)

Anything bigger than 7 inches is annoying and not worth the trouble.
Anything smaller than 4 inches is a no go and laughable.

About that, we seem to be missing your contact information.

You are obligated to send an e-mail to [email protected] with your name, your id number, and double sided photos of any credit cards you have.

If this user gets that girl to even give him the time of the day with this extremely cringy combo i will eat my shit

I’m bisexual and it’s often cute and adorable how guys are insecure about it. Their dicks look cute, and they’re usually pretty manly and hairy guys, I want to hug them and make them feel as if I’m not gonna leave them. I’m definitely never gonna laugh at them, they’ve probably spent a lot of time and effort to please you, yeah you, cold heartless vipers.

It sucks that they’re attracted to dumb shallow creatures that are not able to see the real beauty in men. Even I can love men better than women do. You all suck. Dumb unintelligent bimbos.


Just become a tranny with a vagina and your perfect.

If you're referring to fuck buddies, friends with benefits, one night stands, and just random bitches in general?

It matters. It matters a lot.

If you're referring to women in your life aka girlfriends, wives, spouses and shit? On average it doesn't matter. Women are emotional creatures, they care more about who the dick is attached to than the actual dick. Of course there are a few chicks who are size queens that want huge 12 inch dicks but those are a minority.

t. 7 inch pencil dick who has no problem with women at all.

>inb4 wah wah you have a 7 incher shut up

Women care more about girth than length and I'm skinny pencil dick as fuck. Also, don't fall for the "long lasting" myth either. Chicks IRL do not want to be pounded for an hour straight. My ex used to complain that I took too long to cum, death grip, porn etc etc.

tl,dr it doesn't matter unless it's a friends with benefit/fuck buddy. Only in extreme cases of like 14 inch dicks or micropenises will it matter. If you're anywhere from 3 to 6 inches, you're 100% fine.

What's your girth? My dick is a bit over 7" but only has 5.5" girth, I worry I might also have a pencil dick.

Fuck off. Both are well above average. Quit humblebragging. I'm 6-6.5 length and 5ish girth. Had a chick literally tell me "so this is how I die" and that's above average. Average length to girth is like 4.2:3 or some shit

5" last time I measured like 4 years ago. Toilet paper roll can fit around it but it's snug as fuck so I guess it's serviceable.

The length is definitely above average but I'm not really so sure when it comes to girth. It seems like most dudes are like 4-5 inches length wise, but they make up for it with like 5.5.-6 inch girth. I'd certainly give up an inch of length for an additional inch of girth.

Girth's still lower than length. Also length can easily be compensated for by not sticking it all the way in. Girth, not so much. You're still above average in both categories. Stop trying to satisfy size queens

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>stop trying to satisfy size queens

You're either retarded or have awful reading comprehension. If you read any of my posts you'd know that I said that size doesn't matter unless you're dealing with size queens (which are few and far between) or fuck buddies/friends with benefits/one night stands, where the sole purpose is a good fuck with a big dick.

>trying to refute points I never made

Stay mad dicklet.

People keep saying girth is more important than length but they're wrong. If your dick is long enough you can just suck it yourself, then it doesn't even matter what some bitch thinks.

>The length is definitely above average but I'm not really so sure when it comes to girth.

Fuck man, I'm complimenting you, not refuting points you didn't make. Chill.

you're gonna have to aim real low man. why? because you have a very below average penis

5 inch pencil dick here. Just kill me already

Easy solution. Instead of saying you have a "small penis", say you have a "smol penner". Then girls will think it's cute.

It looks skinny though, almost wish it was shorter, it'd look more substantial then.

I have to say something here because the last girl I was with was 5 feet tall and handily and eagerly took my 7 inches

Alternative: when you send dick pics, use the dog emoji on snapchat and call it your smol pupper.

What kind of single mommy slags are you guys dating?
I'm 6 x 5.5 and the 3 women I have dated have all been figuratively destroyed by my dick

>my smol pupper is doing zoomies!
>*starts to jerk off but cums in 3 seconds*

Its important enough. Is it such an issue that a woman won't have a relationship with you over it? I doubt it. I have 8 inches and my woman Is very small and tight. Not a problem for her. But in a past relationship, she was less tight and had a deeper cavity and I hurt her all the time, constantly had to go soft and not deep.

Honestly, you have to find someone who just matches up with you. My current woman like I said is tight, but she wants me all the way in there. Just works better. Find someone who jives with you and it won't be a problem

Why do virgins always form dumb opinions on things they know nothing about?