How do I get a girlfriend with the maturity of a 27 year old, the energy of a 21 year old...

How do I get a girlfriend with the maturity of a 27 year old, the energy of a 21 year old, and the body of a 16 year old?

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You get a degree in CS.
Then you get a Ph. D. in AI.
Then you work for many years and build a GAI.
Then you order it to make your waifu real.

Other than that? Nah.

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you don’t

Why tho.

I know such women exist. I know a couple they're just taken.

>I know a couple they're just taken.
No, they aren't like that.
A 27 or a 21 does not have the body of a 16-year-old. Even if they still look like it.
But granted. Most 27 and 21-year-olds have the maturity of a 16-year-old.
And some 16-year-olds have the energy of a 21-year-old.

So the logical conclusion is that you want a 16-year-old. But that isn't legal, so you can not know some who are taken.

Get handsome, rich and pleasant to be around.

>it’s illegal to know minors


It IS illegal to GET minors.

Stop jerking off to kids on Instagram and Tiktok old man. You’re just lonely, and that shits got you thinking a child’s frame is synonymous with a tight supple body. The fact that you want a woman that matches your fantasy, tells me you got either a. A lot of growing up to do before you can actually have a healthy relationship, b. An inferiority complex thanks to your parents not pushing you hard enough, or c. A fetish for children, but not the childish shit that comes with them.

Do yourself a favor
>stop looking at kids in a sexual way
>stop thinking maturity means no drama, even old folks fight over dumb shit
>stop thinking there’s a perfect fantasy girl just waiting for you

I swear, if you meet a girl, you’ll probably be right back here saying, “she’s fucked 2 dudes before she knew you even existed, and now her pussy don’t seem so special to your penis that’s been the victim of countless unspeakables by preteen you”

talk to a therapist and get help

Hang out in cultural environment. Women there are more mature, and take care of themselves so they look youthful

LOL!! Literally unrealistic.

you go back to the psych ward and have them up the dosage of whatever meds you clearly have built a tolerance to

this nigga retarded

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Be a man with the maturity of a 50 year old, the energy of a 16 year old, and the body of a 21 year old

What is it about 16 year old girls’ bodies that attracts you to the point where even 21 year olds can’t compete?

Thought I'd met her desu but then I realised the maturity of 27 year old was really that of a 16 year old. I took her younger male friend aside, told him to enjoy himself, and went on my way.

Not worth it mate.


My whole premises is based on the idea that they can compete.

Stick to 21 year olds, then, save some legal trouble

Perhaps I should have phrased my question better. How can I get a girlfriend who's in her 20s with the body of a teenager, the energy of an early 20-something, and the mentality of a late-20-something?

why would such a woman want to be with you

>body of a teenager
This is where I’m confused. You want someone mid puberty, small breasts? Short and skinny?
That’s fine and all I just don’t get the teenager part.

Physically I basically just want a girl who is small cute and petite and has a youthful face but like, without actually dating a teenager.

You can't. You're not and never will be good enough.

I'm happy to give my cousin's insta though, she's more your calibre. Small, overweight, light acne. Sound good?

Dude, those types of girls have brothers, and they hate guys like you.

>those types of girls have brothers

That's an odd statement.