Has the Jow Forums board actually helped anyone?

has the Jow Forums board actually helped anyone?

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Lord knows I've tried to help, but it's tough to verify if people actually follow the advice. The best I can say is that people have responded positively to it.

well back in the days i remember some chick started a thread about fetishes and her wanting to be dominated and to try dog D. She posted selfies and shit This turn out into a week of posting and threads even spil out to /b/
Long story short she eventually hook up with some user from her area who also had 3doggos.
So it worked out for her i guess......

Nice. Even more reason to scour deeply into this board

I remember that. Aside from that I think we've helped quite a few femanons ask out their crushes.

No just feel worse for having the feelings I do. Probably because half the responses are from bitter women.

and the other half are bitter men


Yeah it made me confident that suicide is a right thing for me

Helped me find a mommy gf

I love talking to ya'll.

ive never seen it

The thoughts of other people give you perspective and sometimes validation to put in motion a possible solution.

Actually, me. I posted a thread about one- and a half month ago. I have been batteling with body image and depression since an early age and sought guidance on looks and fitness.

This is now the 7'th week in a row that I've been hitting the gym, evey other day after work. I'm also taking my studies more seriously and I feel like I actually have a future.

I still get the big sad from time to time, but I haven't thought about suicide in over a month.

no but venting out and talking about your problems feels good

95% of people refuse to listen to the advice they are asking for even if it would help them. So the last 5% are actually helped.

Gotta keep in mind that that is only actual advice threads and not blogposting, trolls, or attention whoring so its only like 0.3% of threads.

Doubt it. People asking for advice really just want to vent, whether it's irl or online. Especially all of the guys asking for relationship advice with their oneitis. Those guys will never take anyone's advice, I learned that through irl friends. You just have to let them get heartbroken and they will learn.

Yeah. All the time it helps me realise that as troubled as I am, I could be much worse.

I found my gf on here so yes.

Ah man, thats the dream. How did it happen?

Wether I feel like people had their problems "fixed", who knows. But I feel better knowing I'm not the only depressed fucker here and trying to figure it out

Pure coincidence, turns out we live in the same city and met just for kicks. And it took off from there.

No because people here are incapable of giving good advice.

Lucky, i met two people that happened to be in the country i was visiting but both turned out not to want a relationship with me. Still wondering if i fucked it up somehow when we met.

Anyway, hope it works out for you!

Do you browse 4chin together? Sounds like the dream user, happy for you.

Yes, helped me see breaking up with my ex-gf was something I needed to do. Best decision I ever made. I'm with someone so much better now

You guys helped me find a good site for buying dildos.