ITT: Ask the Opposite Sex Anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself. You can use these macros:

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What do you wish your wife / girlfriend / fuck buddy / female friend did more often? Please specify which role when responding.

i wish she'd stop trying to deceive me. i'm not a fucking retard. i wasn't born yesterday. i'm 7 years older than you. be a woman, not a girl

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Anything that isn't common sense?

I went out with a sweet girl three times now and we finally kissed (she's 19, I'm 20). What now? She texted me at night that she got home safe and she enjoyed our time together, I replied I did too.

Also how do I make kisses more sensual and better? How do you even kiss well?

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yeah she's petite and cute as fuck and i wish she'd embrace that instead of trying to be hot and sexy
i like her the way she is

New thread, reposting:
Thinking of hooking up with a girl - the issue is I'm passive and she's distrustful of men. In my opinion, had a bad relationship or has been abused - but so have I. If I'm direct, I'm scared I'll scare her off, when in reality I'm empathetic to people with this issue. I'm not interested in "using" her, I just don't want to date seriously and she's talked openly about hooking up with people. How do I approach this situation?

Alternatively, why am I so attracted to damaged women. I'm believe I can't do better because my self-esteem is so low despite people telling me I'm kind, funny, handsome, etc. Ex-girlfriend fucked me up, which is why I'm not interested in a "real" relationship right now. Maybe this is all a bad idea, and maybe a woman will more confidently know it isn't worth it.

>female friend (my crush)
having a good time with me even when she is doing fine and she doesn't need someone to listen to her because she's sad.
when they don't need you, they fucking disappear.

Being more confident. Not in a obnoxious way but I know so many girls who lack confidence in public

Hey that's adorable, not sure if it's exactly what I'm looking for but I love it so thanks

>Have crush on a girl for over a year
>We're not close friends but we see each other sometimes
>Share jokes and laugh when we meet at parties
>She flirted with me a bit once when we were drunk
>Is friendly and complimentary but doesn't show any signs of clear romantic interest
>Scared to ask her out

What do?

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Ask her out

How can you tell the difference between friendly touching and more than friendly touching? Like if they rub your arm and back when they are talking to you how are you supposed to know if thats just normal or flirting? I do it back to them too when they do it to me. Dunno if it matters but they always smile when they do it and they sorta tilt their head to the side.

I lie about liking my gf and with every compliment I shower her with, not to get into her pants, but to get into her heart. Once she's in love with me, I intend to decide if really like her. Is this morally reprehensible of me?

i wish she'd stop pretending she doesn't care about money and material things.

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I've never touched or rubbed a girl I didn't want to fuck

>I have a crush on a girl at work but we have known each other like 6 months.
>We are friends and she is only recently single.

How should I approach this?

>What now?
I'd say wait around for a bit and offer to take her out again once you feel comfortable, but what do I know? I'm a KHHV.

It's always the thing you fear the most that you have to do. Ask her out

Thats different. You are a dude. Its a girl doing this to me.

Femanons, what is a man to you? No bullshit, please.

I have a cuck fetish but not in the way you might think. I like to fuck women who are in relationships with dudes already. It makes me feel good about myself that I managed to get them to fuck me despite them having a boyfriend already.

Why do normies make fun of people who don’t have sex. Also, why do normies encourage promiscuity

I've never been touched or rubbed by a girl who didn't want to fuck me (not talking about getting a pat on the back here)
It's not different at all, we don't touch people we find repulsive in some way

A miserable little pile of secrets.

That's not a cuck fetish at all.

Whats it called so?

That’s a lie.

Some girls are very touchy and they mean it in a non-sexual sense. They might just be being friendly and feel comfortable. But that doesn’t mean they want sex

yes, but they do the same so maybe you can consider it an acceptable behavior

Nothing. Being a chad.

What kind of touching are you talking about here? Maybe I've never known the type of girl you describe. The only women who rubbed and touched and pinched me have been dates and girlfriends.

I dunno if this matters but I went out for drinks with her and two of her friends a few weeks ago and I rubbed her leg under the table with my leg and she didnt pull away. She also met me in town a few days and said I should join her for lunch some day.

Theres no pinching. She just rubs or sorta strokes my arms and back whenever she is chatting to me

That's not friendly. Are you dense?

How could I help you overcome your insecurities (body related)?

I had a girl do all of that to me once. Hell, we were spending time together and she even wrapped her arm around mine when we walked and kind of leaned into me. When we were on the train she had her body right next to mine and her head on my shoulder. I really took this as a sign of interest before just being friends. So at the end of the night before we parted ways I went in to kiss her. She laughed and dodged it and playfully pushed me away and said “hahaha user what are you doing?? Friends don’t do that!!”

I don't want to read the signals wrong and be accused of sexual harassment. She works fro the same company as me.

Bitch was leading you on

Wish girlfriend took more initiative and stopped expecting me to always do everything. I always have to ask to hang out, I'm usually the one to text her to talk, etc. Sometimes she'll surprise me with a text or ask what I'm doing on the weekend but usually the burden is all on me

She tricked you, that's different.
She asked you to have lunch with her, did she not? That's a date.

>She tricked you
For what purpose?

Emotional satisfaction.

No its not a date. We work for the same company. I used to eat lunch with her and her friends but I've been busy last 3 weeks so had to go into town to meet people during my lunch break. She met me in town last week by coincidence and said I should come have lunch with her and her friends again when I get a chance.

Stupid slut wasting his time

You rubbed her fucking leg and you're worried about asking her out? Are you retarded or what?

I wish my gf didn’t want to have sex so much

I rubbed her leg when we were out drinking. Thats different. We were both tipsy.

>He thinks females are capable of love

Huh okay, I thought that constantly contacting my male friends would be tedious when it was just typical blather, I always thought dudes saw that as making them orbiters or whatever.

What specific ways would you like them to express their confidence? I'm like 99% sure I'm just obnoxious.

This is why I’m really starting to hate women

But what if she doesn't?

Ah shit, do you at least tell her this? Do dudes like you have any tells if you don't tell her?

Hmm probably a good idea. Thanks.

>But what if she doesn't?
she's like "i want a g-wagon and a tesla"

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Well shit she sounds pleasant, glhf.

yeah and she's a homegrown country girl too so it's weird
i'm like "i'm fine driving a 10 year old car and eating hot pockets"

No I haven’t told her

>do dudes like you have any tells
Well. I never initiate sex or talk to her about anything regarding sex

Ngl sounds like you need a new girlfriend if she's so contradictory. Or maybe that's just my tastes.

How do you try to let her know through body language / speech patterns etc.? Or do you just go along with it like normal??

Ah fuck my life I thought he was being a gentleman. Well this is why I ask this question I guess.

yeah she didn't tell she had a bf until two months into our relationship lol

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When is it okay to tell a female friend about past trauma without coming off as "using her as a therapist"?
I don't expect her to solve my problems, but talking to people about it makes me feel better.

Ah didn't see this! Hmm that sounds very reasonable to me, I worry that I contact too much / ask too much but this is reassuring. Have you spoke to her about it?

Need new ways of meeting women that aren't dating apps or some shit, they're not horrible but I'm garbage at taking pictures and I dont really wanna get somebody else to do it for me

Ik bars are kinda the other go-to, but I'd probably be going alone and idk how comfortable I am with that, and going to random events or something to try and meet people feels a bit weird as well, so I wanna know if there are any other good ways of making this happen. Bonus points if its NYC-specific

What’s the problem

What the fuck is wrong with you? I certainly hope you are not a guy because that is really pathetic

NYC is always hosting events. Start going to them and meet girls there

>I certainly hope you are not a guy
What does being a guy have anything to do with it?

i specifically chase after girls who are in relationships
i enjoy seeing if i can get them to cheat
most of the time i can, but i stop it before we actually have sex

and there is nothing you can do to stop me

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She’s femsplaining

is this you?

I understand why guys here hate women but why don't they ever complain about other men? I mean if you are in a place where most women suck it's very likely that most men there suck as well, basically most people suck. Why do guys here never complain about other men?

no but that guy is supremely based
i never actually sleep with them like he does

The problem is the comments made and answers given replicate my boyfriend's behaviour. Well not a problem anymore now I can maybe work with it now I'm potentially aware.


So recently, I met up with someone at a party. We didn't talk TOO much but during the party buy she was TRYING to make conversation, and was always around me. When we left we exchanged numbers and talked later throughout the week a little. That was two weeks ago

Well this week we began talking a lot more, about random things here and there. Her studies, work, life, etc. I didn't think much of it. So two days ago, I was at work and she had sent me a snapchat of a dessert she baked. I said it looked so good and she said "well if you want some of it you can come over..." Okay, I'm thinking, invitation but maybe just as friends but I was at work so I declined. Later on in the day she had sent me a snapchat of a hat she saw and said "I can pick it up for you, and just venmo me or something.." again...I'm thinking this is interesting she's trying to see me somehow again...but I don't know if I'm reading too much into it. FINALLY at night time, she tells me "Someone told me they got pizza and now I'm so hungry for pizza" and I said "well let's go get pizza" and she jumped at the opportunity. "Okay, I'm gonna shower and come get you" So we ended up going for pizza at this restaurant she loves about 30 minutes away.

I'm not sure if I'm reading too much into it. I don't think she's lonely, she goes to university and is a sorority girl. She has friends. Is she interested in me? Should I have made some sort of move or indication that I'm interested in her? Or am I just overthinking this whole thing and she just wants friends...

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Read the thread title
When other men are dicks I don't need to ask what they are thinking, because I already know, being one and all.
I may not like it, but the reasoning behind it make sense to me. There's nothing to ask I either act to fix it or deal.

Someone with that intensity and masculine energy we don’t have
Someone with some inherent aggression or capacity for aggression
Someone who is generally competent, knows they are competent, and so has the sort of relaxed nature about things that comes with no need to prove themselves
Someone who can be very boisterous
Someone that can reach a level of calm that I think most women would struggle to achieve, an animal that enjoys silence

IMO few males are “a man” until at least 24/25
Not all of these traits are impossible to find in women, just rarer, the number of thing is the “masculine energy” which is very hard to describe, but if I could observe a man and woman for you for 24 hrs I could pick out all the situations they both responded in a way that’s related largely to their sex

Repeatedly and randomly mention how attractive we are, maybe specifically say “I love your (body part)”

I'm not talking about this thread but the internet in general. Men complain too much about women but not enough about other men.

>men never fuck with people, bully them, lead them on, “prank” them, etc for emotional satisfaction (because it’s funny and fun)
Both sexes do it, they just do it differently

When you’re close enough and know her well enough you don’t have to ask this question
Though bear in mind almost all women are poor at handling other people’s emotional problems

Because men don't want to fuck men, unlike you who would be worth a pump and dump except you are fat and let 100 guys cum on your face

I honestly don’t give a fuck, I only request that you start acquiring proof of their sluttiness so that when you decide to blueball her you also reveal to her bf that he’s with a whore

girls, how would you feel if a guy adamently refused to allow to meet his parents/a parent, regardless of how far the relationship goes? (ie youd potentially never meet your in laws)

I thought you weren't a sex object, so which is it whore?

There is a similar effect but in reverse for women.

this probably means he's been lying to you about stuff that his parents would reveal

Again, if I have a problem with another man there are two options, solve it, or deal with it (in silence). Some asshole cut me off in traffic the other day, but what the hell good is complaining in the internet going to do? So you'll never see me mention it. There is no point.
They complain more about women because even if there's nothing to be done, you can at least try to understand her thought process. There is a point

Also selection bias on your part

>Because men don't want to fuck men
I do.

I just know that women complain a lot about men using them as a therapist and burdening them, and I'm afraid of coming off like that.

Does he not care for sex too?

I never initiate. I never talk about sex either. She does all of that. I won’t deny her sex when she wants it. Just i don’t seek it

You are a male not a man

Everyone is a “sexual object” to some extent you dumbass. We are sexual animals, we all have bodily signals we cannot control specifically designed to advertise our sexual fitness. Every person is to some extent automatically judged by their potential value as a mate through behavior and appearance.
Also, did you read the fucking post I was replying to? “How can I help girls with their insecurities.” Specifically, their insecurity around BODY PARTS. He was asking what you do to alleviate feeling insecure around your body. Aka when a woman thinks something is wrong with the appearance or state of her body. Do you think people are ever bodily insecure because of a reason unrelated to whether it looks good (attractive) or bad(unattractive)?
Jesus you’re so fucking dumb and bitter it blows my mind, there’s no way you have an IQ last 100 if you can’t understand simple shit like this.
>if you want to be attractive then you are a whore
Absolutely go fuck yourself. I’m a virgin and my first partner is going to be my husband. Does this mean I suddenly don’t care about being ugly? No, it’s an innate instinct and even though he loves me as I am, I would like to be the prettiest I can be for him, because he’s stuck with just me and suddenly not giving a shit about my appearance is a dick move when there’s gonna be no other sexual outlet for him.

If you can’t trust she isn’t like that don’t even try it, because she likely will not be able to handle it and will slowly ghost you depending on how heavy this shit is

I've fucked three times as many girls as guys and nobody ever guesses I'm anything but straight but yeah sure, whatever you say user.

>but yea sure, whatever you say user

So my ex got back in touch with me a while ago and we've been casually hooking up every now and then. When should I break the news to her that I'm moving next month.

In all honesty, I wouldn't bring it up out of the blue. It would most likely be a passing mention of it in conversation and if she asks, I'll tell her about it. It's nothing particularly heavy, just about a past abusive relationship.

You really have to make the call on this yourself

i literally find any women other than my gf disgusting
is this normal? i'm utterly repulsed by other women.

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