How do I inroduce my white trans gf to my folks? We have sex almost everyday and I know we will be married someday

How do I inroduce my white trans gf to my folks? We have sex almost everyday and I know we will be married someday.

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How long have you been seeing each other?

1 year. We have all of the same interests. It's like having a best friend you can fuck.

Depends on the culture of your family, can you describe your family?


"Mom, dad: I'm gay"

what interests? Video games and anime?

And cocks

In a bodybag with both of you in it

shes not FtM

Kill youself faggot

Ignore all of these closeted incels, OP. Is she passable? If so, just introduce her to them as your girlfriend since I’m sure that’s what she’d want to be considered anyways.

Then it's a he user

Kill yourself mental illness enabler


Go jerk it to tranny porn using your tears again, pal.

The best thing about trannies is they kill themselves before they get old

Just say she's your girlfriend as that's the way she would like to be considered. If they ask whether she's biologically male, just tell the truth, most people don't seem to care but are a little awkward sometimes

>pic unrelated
you're either gay or so desperate for love you're sleeping with a cheap imitation of a woman. just admit that your bf has mental disease and you're sharing delusions.

"mom and Dad, this is my girlfriend Susan"

"I'm not your dad and she's not your mom. Please leave this house or I'm calling the police."

Not him but you should kill yourself for enabling it.

Kill yourselves, pair of degenerates

>How do I inroduce my white trans gf to my folks?
just as you would any other girl you are dating