I just learned about the depressing massacre on black Wall Street from almost 100 years ago and the assassination of...

I just learned about the depressing massacre on black Wall Street from almost 100 years ago and the assassination of MLK, and my distrust for white Americans are again reinforced by their malicious behavior towards success of black people of any degree.

On one hand I want to stop thinking like this because it’s a new day but on the other hand we all know the same thing is still happening today except it’s all contractual and you can’t achieve any level of success without white leadership. It seems like defeat is he only option. Even the Jews are using us as animalistic figures to degrade the white race in their pornography. The whole struggle just seems hopeless.

I know this is probably the worst place to come to for fresh insight on this topic but I don’t know how to process this feeling. It’s complete and utter disappointment that practically nothing has Changed and probably nothing ever will change.

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Oh shit nigga ize didin no we inventoryied wall strip. We wuz finacialeers n sheeeit

To say nothing has changed is pretty foolish honestly. Actual racism only exists in small pockets throughout the US.

shut up and fuck my wife

In the general population perhaps. But the when it comes to real success outside of the entertainment industry or social achievement in business or race promotion, the more evident it becomes that there’s no real room for you.

this, but fuck my boyfriend

You guys suck.

buddy I'm BEGGING you please she's all yours, she's writhing in bed for BBC and I can't satisfy her

Racism is everywhere in the USA because of affirmative action. No one would hire blacks or women unless they were forced to

I’m not a sex animal. There’s more to being black than allegedly having a big dick.

Obviously this is bait but I guess I’m projecting. And I’m guessing you’re white?

Why is it like this? I only hear this statement in regards to black people. Hardly, if ever, to Hispanics or Asians.

not gonna ask you again buddy
either she gets the bbc or you get the fmj

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dont worry youre not alone, the white menace has pretty much fucked over every other ethnic group throughout history. and then when u point it out or bring it up they get ultra triggered lmfao.

youtube.com/watch?v=U7hmTRT8tb4 Please watch this nigger-sama. You'll understand what Mr Kenya West was saying about choosing to be slaves. I used to think like you until I learned the facts. The interview also talks about south Africa where apartheid occurred. I'll check up on this topic, if you never heard Dr. Sowell you'll be in for a treat.

Half of blacks are literally retarded and while the same is true of Mexicans they don't mind working hard shitty jobs. Just wait a few years though and when they start demanding to be hired as engineers and doctors it will become an issue

>Racism is everywhere in the USA because of affirmative action.
It's bigger than that. Multiculturalism, in general, is there to keep racism alive. When the europeans took over parts of africa, they made sure to include various ethnic groups under the same jurisdiction so that they could always be made to fight one another over this or that. The current state of things is nothing new.

>On one hand I want to stop thinking like this because it’s a new day but on the other hand we all know the same thing is still happening today except it’s all contractual and you can’t achieve any level of success without white leadership.
I think you're somewhat pessimistic. Keep in mind people are motivated by what's best for themselves, not so much by what's bad for you.

What ARE you talking about? What massacre on black Wall Street? What is black Wall Street? What of the fact that 1 in 50 black Americans is a millionaire? What Jews? What pornography? Did you notice that there was a black President a few years back?

Yes, racism exists and it will probably take another few generations to erase it (Do a little research and see how far we've come in 50 years). But you are looking at life threw a skewed perspective that sees and exaggerates only what's wrong.

Not gonna lie, you niggers need to just shut up. No white people even give a crap about you anymore, not in a negative way either. We simply don't give a fuck about you, and niggers constantly annoy us when they occupy our time with past abuses that no one alive has ever experienced. we moved on, you haven't. SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT PAST STUFF OR LEAVE THE FUCKING COUNTRY YOU DINDU

Attached: AfriKANGZ.png (697x8275, 1.87M)

Racism is worse than 50 years ago. Now blacks can set white kids on fire or throw them off balconies and face no consequences, you probably call that progress

>they made sure to include various ethnic groups under the same jurisdiction so that they could always be made to fight one another over this or that.
Ah yes ethnic violence in Africa was unheard of before the white man.

Quiet, NEET. You've probably never seen a black in real life ever. Not sure what you're complaining about.

I'm complaining about your black ass complaining all day and hogging up the news with your stupid shit

>I don’t know how to process this feeling
Buy a rope and hang yourself. There you go.

Looking at those problems objectively you'll begin to realize how much change has actually occurred. The united states affords many "social justice" policies that are helping unfortunate people within black communities more so than whites in the same economic situation every single day. It can be argued that blacks have it essentially better in today's world than whites do. Also the very idea of a institutionalized racist laws in our society simply doesn't exist and is just a buzz phrase to "Enslave" those who cant think for themselves .

Trump is instating prison reform , enfranchising the urban communities with more economic development from DR. Ben Carson etc etc

Trump is the only president to actually give a damn about black people of this country. What enrages me the most is how when trump tried to get prominent rappers in on a meeting about prison reform , their rapper friends told them not to do it because "hes racist".

The black community idolizes the wrong people , those rappers literally make money off of being in line with popular opinion. Its basic a basic market theory.

This is coming from a black man living in the deep south

Fuck you

tbf you people (heh) need figure out who the fuck y'all even are. Black folk have seemed lost in the world ever since segregation ended. Y'all need some kind of identity other than being the white man's punching bag. Until you people figure that out, you'll continue to suffer

If you hate white people so much, why don't you just move? Plenty of brown countries out there.

I could just switch all the instances of any nouns to white nouns and make the same post
When ya idiots gonna realize hating each other is the easy part

If electing a black president isn't enough for you, then you're the proof that diversity is a weakness. It merely adds tension among different ethnicities.

Honest advice, keep your black identity/nationalist views and values, but don't be afraid to expand your worldview and read the writing of opponents, etc. Also, don't feel like it's your job to defend blacks from whites and that you're completely alone in the world and that it's your only purpose in life. Read many different viewpoints but do so with a filter for understanding the kind of bs that you're going to encounter when studying id politics and historical revisionism. Also, don't be afraid to start with thinkers who are more centrist, like Jordan Peterson and Jonathan Haidt. They may not be black, but they have good insight on a lot of the problems experienced by young people in our generation who are interested in politics.

T. Former alt-righter

>What enrages me the most is how when trump tried to get prominent rappers in on a meeting about prison reform
What are you talking about?

The writing of opponents, people on the center, and people who are as objective and unbiased as possible.***

I'm saying this because political discourse on social media platforms is pretty much the lowest common denominator of human interaction. It makes everyone feel worse to read through that bs and isn't a coherent way to develop a political ideology.