Getting married

> Getting married
> Having kids

Aside from Jow Forums tier arguments about making more white people, why would any guy do either of these?

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when you lose will to live and question your existence then its good to have kids

>when you lose will to live and question your existence then its good to have kids

Wouldn't you just start to question the point of your kids existence?

Only paedophiles have children so I'm never getting married nor having kids because then that just encourages paedophiles.
The best way to rid the world of paedophiles is to get rid of all the children.

Because you'll regret it and you know you're lying to yourself. We are literally biologically engineered to want these things

yes but now its their problem not mine

So that when you die, it'll be in the familial home, surrounded by all the people you love, your kids, your grandkids, nephews, siblings, etc. Not having children cuts you from the family system that is the foundation of both your own life and society as a whole

>that family

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>Because you'll regret it
I'd much rather regret not having kids than regret having them.

I'm exactly the sort of person who would regret having them massively, I don't really like people and I love freedom.

>why would any guy do either of these?

Why? Is because I want to improve humanity I a not like you losers that only care about themselves.

I have a plan to survive this world and improve it, this is real fruit of enjoyment,

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It would be ironic if you put in all these years of hard work raising a family to say goodbye to you...then you just got hit by a car.

Both of the parents should be given free helicopter rides and put that kid in an orphanage

>Aside from Jow Forums tier arguments about making more white people

Your argument is Jow Forums tier.

No idealistic bullshit. Practical reasons.

Wtf is this kind of egoist thinking ? This isn't economics, family isn't an investment that you expect returns from

>This isn't economics, family isn't an investment that you expect returns from

So why do it?


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it's a natural instinctive urge built into most guys

> it's a natural instinctive urge built into most guys

this. most guys dont think about it they just go along with whatever

Aside from the fact that your life will have no meaning and you will be miserable, nothing
>Inb4 Tesla I knew Nikolai and you're no Tesla

Pic related.

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Because it gives a chance to literally make part of the next generation of humans

>Aside from the fact that your life will have no meaning and you will be miserable, nothing

Your life has no meaning.

Your kids life also has no meaning.

They won't be having kids because one of them is a transwoman and the other is an incel.


can this country please sink faster so we can get rid of you guys

Euros have even less kids than Americans.

I feel like if I did that, whoever I married would become more dependent on me an less likely to leave, because kids are expensive and most people aren’t going to be attracted to someone who already has kids.

I want to form a family as I'm unironically Christian. What is really getting to my nerves is that all the women who want to actually form a family with Christ in mind are already taken. At least I have Monasticism as a last resort.

People to share my life with and raise to be functioning adults, hopefully in order to help improve the world and society at all. Of course, I need to become a great person myself before I try to raise others, so I'm still working on that.

I've been to Europe many times. Europeans even worse than we are.

How so? What have you seen?

Having kids has always been a personal investment and people without always seem happier, have less shit going on, more money to spend and more time to themselves.

Philosophy majors wax about the purpose and what we're 'wired' to like but A) don't comprehend that people could be wired differently and B) only accept that argument when it's working for them, anyway.

Having kids is just egoism at its topmost echelon. It's not really anything more, at least not anymore-- preserving our race is of no consequence to me when everyone's frontshitting little vagina gremlins anyway to begin with. Even less so when we're also medically preserving everyone and everything we can get our fat, sweaty fingers on.

Me and my so are definitively planning on not having them. Both of us had quite troubled family lives and found in each other a reliability love, support and acceptance we couldnt find anywhere, and we dont want anyone to break that peace.
We both lived long enough trying to please other people now that we are getting our way the day is ours to take. Call it selfish all you want we actually volunteer and do charity which is more than any pollack will ever do. Also we work and pay taxes. We don't give a fuck about arbitrary moral imperatives, what society expects, and we are also not white so all you ethno nationalists can calm down.

Because that's how you develop. At a certain point self-centered existence ends and you need (and want) to become part of a bigger whole. A family.

Besides, your body is designed to live in a family like your body is designed to go sleep at night. It's an inherent part of being human.

>What have you seen?
A bunch of arrogant, hedonistic, sex obsessed drunkards who care little else than themselves and their own pleasure

>found in each other a reliability love, support and acceptance we couldnt find anywhere
user, homosexual males can't form a family.

You dont need to be homosexual to have people micro-manage everything and making your life a living hell by forcing you to go to first the highschool and then the college where a close contact works so they keep tabs on everything. and trying to veto every hobby and relationship you get into.
I do sympathise with gay people because I can imagine the hell they go through.

Y'all mad at people who have kids because you can't, either because you are a used up roastie or a guy who doesn't try hard enough

I'm a 28 year old man who's just bitter that life shit all over him and I don't intend to be a chronic depressive who thinks producing a child under that scenario is somehow good or conducive for the kid.

Maybe if I had it resolved but I don't think this will ever go away. I'd really, truly kill myself on the spot if I had ever hurt a kid because of my stupid broken ass brain.

Not everyone is like you and thinks kids are just extensions of the self. Some of us bother to think that someday the kid will rationalize their existence. I'll have one when my answers to that rationale are better, more wholesome and don't involve having to break to the kid how much of our stupid fucking world is propped up on lying, whether to our faces or by omission.

"Life sucks, wear a helmet." That's the motto in the family.
Why would I want to force a kid into that world?

Those are the reasons why I'd do it.

>not wanting to reproduce
Good to know that evolution still works and lets weak bloodlines die out.
I'm planning to have at least 5 with my powerful husband.

Nice sour grapes. Enjoy dying alone, with nobody to care for you.

>All negative opinions are sour grapes!

>marriage/paternity it's not for me, I'm enjoy my independence too much for that
would be okay

>a diatribe about how having kids is egoism and a lot of other bullshit

Bonding and passing down knowledge. I'm a 31 year old female who cannot honestly imagine another decade of weekends out. Your social life will come to an absolute crawl anyway as you get older. Circumstances just make it harder and harder to party on like when you're 20 (work and unexpected family issues). I love my friends group dearly, but those who are choosing not to have kids are getting harder and harder to have a night out with as-is. I can't imagine spending 10 years wondering what my life with a kid could be like in trade for a few hours of being drunk on a Friday. I already want my kid to experience my husband's weekend waffles and house projects. Asking questions with honest answers. I want that more than I want to be the oldest drinker at a bar downtown.

It's fun, there's room for both, but there's not time. Pregnancy and Child birth can be difficult. My best friend had an absolutely awful birthing experience, but her child is two and now I can't imagine a life without him and I'm just the weird aunt that comes around.

There's a lot of good people who are scared to have kids for fear of what they could've been doing without one, and yet it's my friends with the babies that seem to go more places and take more chances.

>Enjoy dying alone, with nobody to care for you.
Enjoy dying in a home, hope your kids visit every now and then.

Your biology compels you to and reward centers fire in your brain every time you look at your offspring. Comes with its costs, but it's a fast track to a happier life.

My dad in his 70s says being a father was by far the best part of his life, better than San Francisco in 1968, better than Monterey Pop Festival, better than dancing naked on acid in golden gate park, better than touring India in the 70s and China in the 80s (among the first westerners allowed to visit after borders reopened). His life of travel, parties, and adventure at the height of American culture was inferior to him than bring a dad.

Wtf has having kids got to do with not going out??

People don't forgo kids just to go to shitty nightclubs on the weekends, I didn't even know people bothered doing that since Tinder came out.

>His life of travel, parties, and adventure at the height of American culture was inferior to him than bring a dad.

Fuck that's depressing.

My grampa just died after two years of cancer. He was 24/7 surrounded by my grandmother, my father, aunt and uncle (and me and my sister).
He left a lot of good memories for all of us, specially my grandma who cries quite often about it.

I'd rather die like that than some neighbor I don't even know the name of, smelling my putrid corpse after a couple of weeks.


You can lead an incredibly interesting life, but your brain still dupes you into thinking the most rewarding thing you ever did was something a rat or a dog can do.

Father here, my son is sometimes my sole reason for going forward in life. I love that guy so much. Having a baby is so worth it.

I have kids and regret every minute of it. It's absolutely suffocating.

I was never a very empathetic or sentimental person so I don't feel the things other parents profess to feel.

You're a manchild too obssessed with his hobbies which you consider your life, you've been given a true purpose in life but you'd rather fuck off with whatever you were doing before.

I just don't feel this stuff you guys get excited about. I seem to have little to no reaction to oxcytocin. I never get attached to people.


Then how and why the hell did you enter a relationship with a woman and proceed to impregnate her?

Stuoid slut.

Hit too close to home huh

We weren't in a relationship.

That IS the most rewarding part of life because your brain says it is. You are your brain, it isn't duping you. Now you know what the most rewarding part of life is, go get it and be happy.

Well thats on you then. You gotta get over how you feel and come to terms with reality. You're not a fucking woman so quit going off on feeling and try to make an attempt at being a father.

>Good to know that evolution still works and lets weak bloodlines die out.
>I'm planning to have at least 5 with my powerful husband.

By the time you die babies will be genetically modified superhumans, you're basic genes will be inferior and the only effort that ever gave your life meaning will be completely irrelevant.

People turn to having kids in the hopes that it will fulfill their lives by including people who see the world through eyes of awe and wonder.

"I'd be happier if I had a wife and kids" attitude. The problem most people don't realize is that the job is actually thankless and miserable a lot of the time and the joy in it will run dry within a few years.

>arrogant, hedonistic, sex obsessed drunkards
>not Americans

You're looking out the same window user.

>the job is actually thankless and miserable a lot of the time and the joy in it will run dry within a few years.

This is untrue, families are like gardens. How nice they are depends on the work you put into them. When your kid wraps their arms around you and gives to a big smacking kiss on the cheek it is 100% worth it.

>I am a slave to chemicals
So how are you better than a heroin addict? Or a murdering psychopath who's brain is wired to rape and slaughter children? Both are controlled 100% by their brains to seek happiness.

What's so special about dancing on acid and listening to gay music? It's selfish anyways, in some ways you never really become an adult until you have children. Some of the best things in life are the simplest things.

"To save the white race" is just one reason. People have kids because 1 lifetime is not enough, kids carry on the torch of civilization forward and preserve culture, religion, and so forth to accomplish the long goals of a civilization. "To save the white race" is just the reason Jow Forumstards have kids, your reason may be totally different, but you shouldn't have kids for no reason.

I don't get it either. I actually am engaged to my long term girlfriend, got engaged like six years ago. We were talking recently though and realised neither of us is really arsed about actually getting married haha. Obviously at the time I got engaged I assumed we would, but now I just don't see a point in it. Also hugely in agreement on the kids thing with you, fuck that.

I'm just saying it takes a certain level of happiness to raise kids to be the same. To not to depend upon your kids for it.

It only works for normie empaths, not people like me.

Because you want to. It really is that simple. If you don't want to start a family then don't. Don't try and make reasons why you should because you will probably end up being a shitty father.

I wasn't describing relying on children for happiness, but love for your children can be a driving factor to weather adversity you might otherwise falter in.

I have kids and it's ok..can take it or leave it really.

If I could go back I honestly probably wouldn't do it again.

The people who say it makes their lives complete or whatever tend to be lacking in the first place.

I suppose social acceptance and providing benefits to society is the difference. Furthermore, most heroin addicts aren't happy people. Heroin is very pleasurable, but doesn't create the feeling of satisfaction with life that most people think constitutes happiness.

That argument is dumb anyways because literally all your body functions are chemical interactions. Just because you're miserable doesn't make you free from chemical slavery.

And even limiting it to brain neurotransmitters, it's rare that people do things only for pleasures sake. The potential chemical reward is always tempered by the expected consequences, except perhaps in addicts lol.

because im desperately dull and its either that or i find some purpose from clocking in and out for the next 30 years.

To post them on Instagram or YouTube.

On Friday night, my dad said to my face, "maybe your mother and I shouldn't have had a kid."

Can't blame him. I didn't turn out bad, I turned out just fine, but a lot of it was in spite of them. Tons of people think that rearing a child will bring them meaning, change their lives for the better, but you know what?

Nah. It doesn't. Just because you fucked, you're not a better person. Forcing someone into life and telling them "well, I needed meaning, hehe" is some absolute bullshit. That's real ego right there.

Lastly, fuck all of you who think that some kind of strife in life brings meaning, like going out and having fun with people is inherently a bad thing. You're judgmental pieces of shit. You being tired, depressed, and unable to raise your kid outside of daycare, turning them into an undisciplined little piece of shit, aren't better humans.

I want to be a husband, father, teacher, and captain bro. I want to make a family of my own and produce more children than my father has

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This is exactly how mean people usually are to people who don't want kids. You don't need kids to have purpose in life and kids don't just give everyone purpose. They can ruin some people's lives. Selfishness is a virtue and some people's passion is to live their life on their own terms. Family can be hell to some

Because its fulfilling and brings joy and happiness to life. You wont be a lonely sad old man. Living for only yourself is boring and has no real purpose. I have 4 kids and getting to see them grow and learn is amazing. I look forward to all they will do in life and how it will be to have an even larger family one day with grandkids, my adult children. Also its pretty great being married, having a partner you can truly count on and share everything in life with, building that life together. Having a love that is deeper and more developed then anything you can get from just casual dating.

how is it that you producing a couple of resource eating little shits is going to "improve humanity"?

It's my dream to have kids but I am still a virgin with no gf.

>one of them is a transwoman and the other is an incel
very easy to avoid; simply don't date Anglo women and don't be an Anglo yourself

At least someone would grieve me.

>you have enough money
>you would make decent kids
It's really just digging your own grave otherwise.

>They won't be having kids because one of them is a transwoman and the other is an incel.
You realize that happens because of shitty parenting right? I do think most people really shouldn't have kids because all they do is reinforce their unresolved trauma onto their children. I took that idea from a therapist but I think he is honestly right. That being said if you understand what it means to be a kid and really put yourself in the shoes of a child and try to guide them I think you should become a parent because the world needs more good parents. It's probably the thing we need more than anything, bad parents create bad generations of people.

Some men just want to watch the world burn, user.

natural selection
speed it up by killing yourself
I bet you have Anglo ancestry

It’s your biological mission to produce offspring. People who have children are also happier long term than those who don’t. When your rotting away and on the verge of death, you will regret knowing a part of you won’t live on.

>getting married
Just reaffirming what should be an already great relationship and publicly commuting to each other, doing something to recognize the sort of relationship you have, one that will last till death. That’s how it should be anyway.
You have a relationship so you can have a partner in life who you click with and are 100% comfortable with - someone who has your back and who you trust. Someone whose presence improves your life every day. That’s the ideal, though people mostly enter into relationships for shittier reasons.

You have kids partly because the experience of raising a child helps you grow as a person and can be immensely joyful. The relationship is so full of love. One of the best feelings in the world is seeing how you contribute to a little person slowly becoming a capable adult. Part of why I want kids is I love my spouse so much, I just want to have more of my spouse, the thought of having kids with him brings me joy. Also, when they’re all adults, ideally those adult children can be some of your closest friends.

Those are the best reasons OP, they’re what I feel. I feel immensely lucky and grateful to have met my spouse, I genuinely hope you can find someone for you like I did.

I agree immensely with this post, especially about being able to see through the eyes of children. So many parents can not empathize at all with their child’s perspective so the continually damage the relationship and emotionally damage the kid without even realizing it. Their experiences and feelings seem silly from our perspective, but they don’t have the knowledge we do. For them, the seriousness is real, and it affects them the same way the things we feel are serious right now emotionally affect us - we also sometimes give way more of a shit about something than we should and others completely blowing it off is rarely helpful

If I were successful I'd have kids but I'll never marry

I honestly wonder if the good fathering types of guys even exist.

They do but most girls wouldn't date them :^P

So you're only suited to be single fathers and not compairable partners. Must it allways be one or the other?

It's difficult

My honest opinion as a father, rubbers suck, and pull out game is weak...raise em not to fuck up like we did.

what is it with white guys and pics with their dick sucking mouth open?

Marriage is stupid and favors women, it literally is designed from the ground up to be for women. A pre-nup scares them so it honestly is just to swipe money when they get bored of you.

Having kids is rewarding and nice since it's like having a pet but it's like you and like your wife which is sweet. Personally I'd have a kid and raise them well just to live through my child and give them the future I always wanted.

Also when you're old kids serve a utilitarian purpose, as once they get to walking and talking age it's free labor. You can make them do a number of the chores and chalk it up to a learning experience. So when you've had it with life you can take solace in knowing you just have to do the bare minimum to maintain your household.