What other hobbies do you have besides reading?

What other hobbies do you have besides reading?

I worked out this morning.
Played guitar for a while.
Tried to make a new meal today.
Did some reading.
Now I'm playing shitty video games.

I'm so fucking bored all of the time. What do I do?

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Just reading, music and films. Sometimes I try to write or make some music myself.

Calisthenics, clarinet, cycling (more tinkering than actual cycling to be fair). My gf also consumes a large chunk of my free time

Besides reading my time is mostly violin, exercise and chess with my brother, or cooking for the family. I don't really play video games, but I like Professor Layton and other puzzle games.

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Learning C and Python to automate work, learning html, css, and js to make a tool that makes work easier, learning financial analysis, lifting weights, fansubbing, playing VRchat, cleaning my room, and shitposting.

Debate and speech, card/board games, and movies

Did the same exact shit, but not bored. Some people always seem to have a hard time entertaining themselves. Maybe it's something from your childhood?

i have the same problem. the only thing that seems to really give me the feeling of being occupied is walking through nature. dunno where you live, but try going on some longer hikes around a few hours long.

Maybe he's just a stupid dilettante who has an attention span neutered by technology

Listening to music
Studying mathematics
Cycling (I suck at it but it's refreshing)
Dancing (same)
Meeting odd people in bars/restaurants and spending the night with them
Savoring my growing existential dread

I worked out this morning.
Played guitar for a while.
Tried to make a new meal today.
Did some reading.
Now I'm playing shitty video games.

I'm so fucking bored all of the time
>wonder fucking why

if you're bored all the time even with engaging stuff, try going and interacting with other people. join a team sport, volunteer locally, or try doing meet-ups.

shut up fag Not everyone is trying to have sex lol
I jerk off and shitpost on 4channel

I'd recommend hunting, or if you're too much of a pussy for that, at least fish or something. Do something outdoorsy and non-passive.

>>My gf also consumes a large chunk of my free time


My nigga

Lifting, boxing and drawing. I'm gonna start a photography course soon, hopefully I'll be able to make a career out of it.

Boxing is great as fuck, Jesus, it's probably one of the things I like the most. Please, anons, if don't practise any sport, try some out. I'm sure you can find something you will like as much as I like boxing.

> I'm sure you can find something you will like as much as I like boxing.

I used to like figure skating. But there's no rink near me anymore. Sad.

how do you suck at cycling

I think painting is the most /lit/ pastime.


I don't read.

I watch anime, shitpost, play guitar, and write.

My job keeps me busy most of the day and I'm studying to get into a decent post grad college.

I still try to make sure I have time for reading and exercising every day. I listen to music most of the day while I do other stuff.
I enjoy drawing, movies/TV and video games whenever I can find the time for them.
I have a few good college friends working at my office and a few excellent college friends I talk to every night.
I'm thinking about learning to cook. Seems like a good skill and I think I might enjoy the process.

Sorry for the long post. Have a nice day anons. Hope you find a way to combat your boredom.

drawing nigga

i also write a bit and watch (rarely, because my attention span is retarded - i can read something for 2 hours without pausing, but can't in most cases stare at the screen for 2 hours)

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sleeping 10 hours in average, then I shower, cook and eat. Once this is done I drink a coffee while smoking one (1) cigarette ( only one per day, it improves focusing abilities ). Then I start reading for 2 hours, after that I listen to some music while daydreaming with another coffee before starting 2 hours of japanese VN ( Muramasa, good shit, ). At this point the end of the day is near and im not too productive, lurking on Jow Forums or futaba if I still have energy. At the very end I watch some raw animu before going to bed.

Soccer, basketball, lacrosse, volleyball, croquet, badminton, bocce ball, skiing, waterskiing, biking, jogging, swimming, backpacking, hiking, saxophone, guitar, singing, music consumption, writing, painting, drawing, sewing, reading, meditation, games (wise and otherwise, scrawl, backgammon, chess, night game, sardines, darts, bet poker, cheers to the governor, 13, hearts, spades, gin rummy, rummy, fishbowl), cook good food, smell a garden, play on a playground. The most important thing is to do these things with another person. Don’t be lonely unless you want to be.

I read about 30% of the time
Play a spot of guitar (terribly, but it's good fun)
Write poetry
Work on my novella
Work out (moderately)
And play vidya when the fancy takes me, which is fairly rare. I'd say ration out pasttimes you're bored of, restrict vidya to weekends only or summat and spend the rest of the time working on more productive hobbies. Gives you something to work for, a little motivation

I don't have sex very much but I certainly have fun working out, playing music, making food, reading and playing video games with my buddies.

BJJ, gonna start lifting again this week, film, chilling at parks, and drinking an unhealthy amount.

Cooking with cast iron.
Calisthenics and kettlebells.
Cruising in a piece of shit old Jeep and feeling the wind and sun.

comfy af
smoking is also comfy
I would definitely smoke a lot more than I do now if I hadn't had a collapsed lung.
For me, I have no other hobbies.
I'm either doing my course work, reading (or shitposting, of course), or getting wasted with random people at college (every few nights).
Holidays are productive because I usually don't leave the house so I can spend the entire day reading; very productive.