Is sleeping for 6h enough...

Is sleeping for 6h enough? I work in IT company for 8hours and go to the gym 3 times per week and I was wondering if its enough to regenerate. I want to try it out, because even if I sleep 5,6,7,8,9 hours I'm always tired so I don't want to waste time on sleeping if I don't see a difference. Other, "sleeping tips" are also welcome.

Attached: indeks.jpg (275x183, 6K)

Other urls found in this thread: Toughness 2011.pdf

No, retard.

Listen to this in full, retard:

>Seven to eight hours per night is the minimum requirement. Toughness 2011.pdf

This is echoed by militaries around the world.

>go to the gym 3 times per week and I was wondering if its enough to regenerate.

Enjoy having no test or erections. This isn't a no-fap meme, this is a scientific fact - if you don't sleep, your test levels drop.

>Other, "sleeping tips" are also welcome.

Keep room cool, wear a sleeping mask (I put a t-shirt on my face), ideally you would just be in a perfectly, dark, quiet room. Don't sit on your computer before bed, don't eat before bed.

To be honest, yo, sleep is very individualized. After many years of experimentation I have determined that I am best with 10 hours of sleep a night. I make due with 8-9 hours because my schedule just doesn't allow 10. If I dip into 7 and below, I am exhausted and struggle to function. I personally do best when I sleep early and get up early. I know other people who do fine on less hours than I do, and I also know people who get overtired when they sleep as long as I'd like to (I personally get overtired when I sleep 12-14 hours).

You might have fun with an alternate sleep cycle like pic related. I've never been able to keep them up because I just don't have a consistent enough daylight schedule to account for sleeping, and I also have poor control in getting myself up from naps when I could sleep longer. Might work better for you, though.

Attached: 4-sleeping-cycles.jpg (800x6989, 864K)

Oh and to continue on with "tips" or whatever:

I got the opportunity to frivolously test my blood for cheap and worked with my doc to determine that I need more B12, folate, and iron. So I've incorporated that in there too. I think it helps.

I'm curious with your experience with "even if I sleep xyz hours I'm always tired." I found that I only really found benefit when I slept consistently. If you had experienced 8-9+ hours consistently 6/7 days a week for a month straight and still didn't see a difference in tiredness, you may have hypersomnia, narcolepsy type 2 (non-cataplexic), or some other disorder. I personally believe I have hypersomnia but don't have the funds to explore that medically.

There are some self-report tests you can do to help collect some data. I like the Stanford Sleepiness Scale: which measures over the course of a week, and the Epworth Sleepiness Scale: which measures your situational sleepiness.

>standard 8 hour work day
>1 hour travel
>1-2 hours exercise
>13 hours left in the day
>can't manage 8 hours sleep
What a fucking failure you are.

Why do I bother writing this much when OPs abandon their thread literally ten minutes after they post them?

if you're tired all the time, you probably have sleep apnea. go do a sleep study.

Ive had trouble sleeping for about 1.5 years but always attributed it to stress, until i found out about sleep apnea. I'm finally getting my cpap machine and mask this week.

also use an app to measure your sleep (i use sleep cycle)

Attached: 1550240037022.jpg (550x512, 41K)

What was your experience with a sleep study? I assumed they would be too frivolously expensive for me, and worried about the risk of getting an unhelpful non-answer from the study.

i don't live in a shit country so I only had to pay around $30usd for the study. They gave me some equipment which I took home - it was quite invasive. They would've proceeded to a more intense study where I would sleep at the clinic overnight if the results were inconclusive.

Cause I am reading what you wrote user-kun. Except polyphasic sleep is trash.

Oh, you had an at home sleep study? What did you wear? A cap? A mask?

Aw, thank you. Tell me more about your distaste for polyphasic sleep!


Guys, I'm not going to listen to two hours of this guy. Can you give me the breakdown?Guys, I'm not going to listen to two hours of this dude. Can you give me the breakdown?

i wore a nasal cannula, the thing you wear on a finger to measure heart rate and motion detectors.

basically monitoring my breathing + heart rate + if i move around a lot

On sleeping 6 hours or less:
- Men who sleep 5-6 hours a night will have a level of testosterone which is that of someone 10 years older. Muscle strength, virility, sexual performance also suffer.
- Insufficient sleep across the life span now seems to be one of THE most significant lifestyle factors determining whether or not you’ll develop Alzheimers.
- Your time to physical exhaustion drops up to 30%.
- The less you sleep the higher the risk of injury. Almost perfect linear correlation with top athletes (9 vs 5 hours of sleep: almost 60% bigger risk). Stability muscles decrease dramatically as well.
- You’ll be dead sooner and the quality of that now shorter life will be significantly worse.
- The link between a lack of sleep and cancer is quit strong. Insufficient sleep is linked to cancer of the bowel, prostate and breast... The association has become so powerful that the World Health Organization recently decided to classify any form of night time shift work as a probable cause for cancer.
- The number of people that can survive on 6 hours of sleep or less without showing any impairment is 0
- You don’t know that you’re sleep deprived when you’re sleep deprived.
- Cardiovascular system: all it takes is one hour. Daylight savings time…. In the spring when we lose an hour of sleep we see a subsequent 24% increase in heart attacks around the world. In the fall when we gain an hour we see a 21% decrease in heart attacks.

What happens if you do move around a lot? I flip from my stomach to my back to each side. I feel like I'd get tangled.

the motion detectors were fastened around my upper chest and lower abdomen, like a belt. impossible to get tangled.

Damn, son, I didn't expect you to actually go through the effort of condensing the important pieces of that talk! I appreciate the data!

yeah it's fine I usually sleep 5 1/2 hours and I'm fine

Oh, I imagined it leading to the nightstand. That's much easier. So have you got your treatment yet?

>You don’t know that you’re sleep deprived when you’re sleep deprived
Not necessarily. I slept 5 hours today and I can tell I am sleep deprived