Has any women cheated on their partner because of you and your muscular lean body?

Has any women cheated on their partner because of you and your muscular lean body?

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It's not a good thing by the way.

Nah, it was the dick game. I must have been big or good because she kept wanting it.

I didn't really like the whole idea when it was said and done. Definite buyer's remorse.

I am a woman. I have never cheated on anyone. And yes, it's because I chose not to, not because I am hideous. I have had several opportunities.
There have been times when my partner was objectively physically attractive than the other guy, but to me the trust and love that I share with him makes him more attractive than he is physically.
My advice to you is don't try to win over someone that doesn't like you. Don't date women that only like you for your body. It's really hard but if you're patient and keep meeting people you will find someone that likes you for yourself. You have to find someone that values her relationship with you and will actively try to maintain your relationship by treating you with respect.

ok roasty. Now explain to me who never had woman who ever loved him to pick woman who will love me for being myself.

You say that as if most people don't date multiple in an experiment to find their fit
Your problem is you're a bitter, asocial jerk, but you don't realize that you have to actually spend time getting to know people.

I'm not her and I'm a loser like you but I think this advice only applies to men who don't have issues with women. Guys like us have to take what we can get - beggars can't be choosers.

When people say be yourself, they don’t assume you’re a garbage-tier person. In your case, be anything but yourself.

>You say that as if most people don't date multiple in an experiment to find their fit

No they dont. Well if you are roasty you actually do.

>Your problem is you're a bitter, asocial jerk, but you don't realize that you have to actually spend time getting to know people.

Have lot's of friends. What is your next move roasty? Tell me to just be myself? Have sex?

Sounds like you’re not trying hard enough.

good advice. Now frick off. Go suck off your milionth chad.

My dude you've gotta calm down with this shit. I used to be like you and it's not good for you. And I know you're gonna call me a woman apologist or a cuck or whatever but it's really not good for you to be this way. I'm still angry and bitter but it's mostly directed at myself now. But it's still better than what you're feeling.

I'm a guy and 100% your problem is nobody wants to be on th end of your seething bitterness. You need to lighten the fuck up really really urgently.

Nobody wants to be around someone who stresses them out. It's good that you have "lot's of friends" captain Europe (German? Germans tend to be "I don't have girlfriend, you are all the enemy") but that's not your problem, your problem is getting a girlfriend and your entitlement to one despite making no concerted effort is why you're single.
No woman wants to date a guy who's so at rock bottom.

They quasi do then ghost the guy. Even partial almost cheating is cheating.

Haha I love how anytime anyone disagrees with you people, they must be a roastie. Is it so inconceivable that a person who shares the same set of genetalia as you can laugh at how pathetic and miserable you are? I have no advice for you because you don’t deserve advice. If you’re so convinced I am a girl, want me to ss a pic of my dick and balls and timestamp it? Would that make you feel better?

Anyone who defends women is a cuck or roastie.

You are worse than girl. A white knight

yes, pay a hooker retard.

I used to be a virgin with rage until I payed a hooker and realized sex is pretty much meaningless.

only virgins glorify sex.

Yeah, this is what I don't get. Like I said, I used to be like you guys. Do you really wanna stay this way? Do you not realise how pathetic it is? Being a robot isn't just being pathetic. It's accepting what you are while working to improve yourself. You DO realise most of the REEEEEE ROASTIES shit was ironic, right?

At least I’m not a jaded asshole.

Nope. Women and chad do. Wonen however are worthless lazy dumb creatures.

I'm not that guy, but
>I had sex with a hooker
>this made me realize sex is meaningless
Nigga I hope you're joking. That's like saying "eating raw potatoes made me realize food is not tasty". Of course it was meaningless for you since you had sex with a hooker. For a dude who had sex with a girlfriend he loves it would be very meaningful.

You sound like emotions but no logic. Hate is what kept the world going for years.

Anyway i will keep bullying women irl.

you sound like a bitter virgin, like I used to.

yeah, but having sex will lift the burden of being a virgin.

You sound single

what burden lmao. Yall niggas on some weird shit.

lurk r9k, is the rage that being a virgin causes.

it's not the being a virgin part, it's the fact that they feel undesired, unappreciated and unloved. Fucking a hooker would help about as much as jerking off to porn in most cases.

You talk about hate as if it isn’t the most irrational emotion. Care to actually use logic next time you use words? English is hard, I know.
Also, I’m pretty sure you are and have been the one being bullied. I suspect that’s where all this nerd rage is spilling out from.

Tldr bullshit.

>I'm going to keep doing the things that cause me to be single!

Nah. Just gonna take away women rights amd fix it all. Or remove shitty ideologies, and it will happen. Women have been jobbers for millions of years.

You are a cuck, improving yourself for a inferior parasite is anti logic. Considering percent of women are ugly without makeup or average.