Creature of the night

For the longest time I’ve been using dating apps to find a potential boyfriend, the only boy I’ve come close to being in a relationship with turned out to be a complete dipshit
>told me he attempted to kill himself with a shotgun was really serious about it and told me not to tell anyone
>made jokes about shooting himself at work
>basically used his “suicide attempt” for attention and sympathy from high schoolers
Hope something happens to that fucker. There’s a lot more to the situation but those were some things that pissed me off.

ANYWAYS, maybe I’m just horny at the moment from watching too much tv but I want to get physical with someone. But I’m deathly afraid of getting pregnant from a rando.
And before
>huur durr just wear a condom

Yeah I know I can resort to that but shit happens.
Anyone want to share tips/experiences with meeting up with people on tinder? How to be safe, open communication tips, what NOT to do. stuff like that.

Pic kind of related, I find Francis from Malcolm in the Middle to be hot.

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>But I’m deathly afraid of getting pregnant from a rando
If you're a woman then what the hell are you afraid of? Men can be afraid because there's nothing they can do about it without going to jail. Just abort. It's virtually guaranteed to happen at least once in your life if you are sexually active. No method is 100%.

>dude this fag wanted to kill himself like lmao
maybe you cant find a boyfriend because you don't care about other people

maybe she is afraid of getting pregnant because she doesn't like the idea of murdering a baby

You are probably just a bit over the hill looks wise but keep trying

Ignore this fag, good for you to not fall for emotional manipulation.

>ANYWAYS, maybe I’m just horny at the moment from watching too much tv but I want to get physical with someone. But I’m deathly afraid of getting pregnant from a rando.
2+ BC methods. EG IUD + condoms + spermicide.

Women love aborttion

soulless women do

>anytime someone wants to kill themselves its not because they actually want to die its actually all about how theyre trying to control YOU its all about you you you

>using dating apps
>wishing violence on a guy because he's severely depressed
>asking Jow Forums how to meet a guy off tinder as a women

what a hopeless case

I don’t think he actually attempted to when I look back on the night he told me. It seemed like he was getting off on telling me that shit.

I took him seriously at the time I tried to be there for him but he didn’t put much effort back. I hope he’s somewhere sitting in a corner crying over how “hard” his life is and how he views life as dreary and bland. The dude was a total tool

Tell it to your therapist

I never said I wished anything upon him. Just salty over him treating me like shit.

I tried to talk to him about things that were going on between us, I had to go to HIM when there were issues. Never once did he come to me to talk it out. He was/is a complete pussy

Spermicide? Never heard of that one.

Thanks user

I don't think its fair to trivialize suicidal depression I had a friend from high school that was going through a hard time during my college years and no one took him seriously until they found him hanging in his apartment just because you don't know anyone whos killed themselves doesn't mean people don't actually mean it

News flash, a lot of people have depression and deal with suicidal thoughts but you don’t see them making it other people’s problems.

what do you think happens to people with suicidal thoughts that don't reach out

I don’t doubt that he could have possibly struggled with it in the past, but I shit you not he was bringing it up/embellishing it solely for the attention.

There was something off with that guy and multiple people had brought that up to me after deciding not to stick around with him. Like he went to the hospital because he had a rash due to an allergic reaction, I asked him but he didn’t specify what he showed me pics too and it didn’t look very severe, and then a month later he would still talk bring it up when it was completely off topic of whatever was being discussed.

Where are you from? This matter cause suggestions wkll vary according to that.

Also if you are open to tinder hook ups, just go out non stop dates with peps to screen them out?

There’s a difference between talking about struggles/reaching out on a more serious level. And then there’s being an attention whore. He would make a big show of it in front of multiple people, not one on one.

And when I had talked to him about it and asked if he would be open to talking to someone or go to therapy he said he refused to go. Wouldn’t give me a reason.

So that tells me it wasn’t very serious if he didn’t want to get actual help.

Eh kind of. I would hate going through that procedure or finding out too late.

Boils down to I probably would get an abortion since I’m not ready for a baby. But the fact that a life has been wasted bothers me.

maybe not wishing violence, maybe It would be better if he just struggled in life. Would never wish death on someone for something so dumb

>But the fact that a life has been wasted bothers me
the irony

Not OP but wondering if I definitely got emotionally manipulated

I'll try to keep this short

>meet girl
>only short, can drive there pretty fast
>see her for a couple weekends
>stays at my place for a weekend
>basically tells me shes not ready to commit but she likes me and wants to keep talking to me
>dont see her for a couple weeks
>see her one more time before she starts a period of about 6 weeks where I can't see her and shes extremely busy
>calls things off because feels bad not being able to give attention to building our relationship
>finishes 6 week period of thing
>go up to see her one night out of the blue because she was turbo sad
>find out shes been talking to another guy she met online, he lives in another country but they basically started talking when we stopped talking.
>still wants to see me but is less attentive, doesn't respond to me, ect
>claims she still cares about me, she doesn't deserve me, says she just can't commit cause she doesn't know what she wants right now
>also told other guy in other country that
>also originally claimed distance is an issue for her anyway
>leave the next day, kinda think about it and get upset
>ask her why she was talking to other guy and not me
>gets upset that I'm getting jealous when she isn't dating either of us technically

Do I have the right to be upset here?

Not enough info to know whether you were manipulated, but she definitely sounds like a cunt that led you on and wasted your time. I'm sorry that things turned out this way, user.

>Hope something happens to that fucker.

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Masturbate. Don't be a slut.