I am 27 year old and I'm still in uni

I am 27 year old and I'm still in uni

I feel like gramps because all of my classmates are around 22-24 year old

A 21 year old woman started making fun of me at the uni gym because she says I'm old

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you should have rolled with her banter you nub.
who cares what they think. You're still in your 20s. I'm in grad school and I know a guy who's 45, while the most of the rest of us are 24-28

lmfao I'm going to go to uni when I'm 33. literally no one can stop me.

Haha I graduated at 20

>I am 27 year old and I'm still in uni
well are you close to getting a degree?

I'm gonna finish this year

then what's the problem? doesn't said so bad to me

a girl teasing a man by calling him old is literally flirting you socially awkward fuck

source: am girl

I'm 30 and about to graduate with an engineering degree.

Luckily I'm told I look early 20's. It's nice being around all these fresh young girls. Wish I got with one instead of just looking.

I'm 27 and about to transfer from JC to Uni for my last two years. Most people can't tell or don't care. In fact there's always someone in my class who is at least 40+.

27 is pretty average. That girl is either teasing you because she wants the D, or perhaps you look like 40.

cheer up user, think about all those people that can't go to college, you have what they want, do the best you can

A woman at work recently told me she hated me for months because of a joke I told when I first started working. Was she flirting or is she just a resentful bitch?

I am 30 going to uni due to wasting my time being a neet since 2003. I love it, such an easier time than working or being neet. Enjoy it.

What joke?

I made a joke about our workplace and how dead-end it was

Forgot to include, why does it matter?

She was probably actually mad because she new it was true and you hit a sore spot because her life is dependent on that dead end workplace

but "oh you old geezer" is flirting 100%

How old do you look nigger? A normal 27 year old is barely distinguishable from a 24 year old, nobody is going to "make fun" of them for being old

From this moment forward only refer to her as kiddo or bucko.

I'm 27 right now and now after being clean for 4 years want to go and work on a future that I should of been doing at 18 instead of vast amounts of drugs and crime.
I worry about this being a decade older than some of my peers. That really only matters if you are using it to socialize tho. I guess you could try and talk to graduate students?

I'm 27 ...just posted lol but in past year banged a 19 and 20 year old. It seems great at first but they are fucking nuts.
They are nuts if you wanna be with them, and they are nuts if you dont wanna be with them.
They are also retarded.

I mean, uni isn't going to be forever.

I say wear it like it's a joke. You know you're older than everyone, but you're still not OLD.

Also college kids are fucking stupid, you have that on them for sure.

Meeting someone the same age is difficult at this point too though. Nuts or taken. Guess I'm probably seen as the former too though.

I didnt seek them out it was just a weird twist of fate that ended up happening back to back. I'd much prefer meeting either slightly older or younger.


I graduated at 28, I fucking loved uni. Not only did I love what I studied, I feel like I got in all the parties and drinking and sex I missed out on as a youth. I didn't go crazy, but I got all I wanted in. And I STILL hit anime club most Fridays. But I'm attractive, fit, my previous sales career taught me to act confident no matter what, and babyfaced. God Damm, I thought I'd never smash girls like that in my life.

I don't envy you, man.

Had a roommate in high school who was 28 years old.

Lol don't worry bro, I'm 19 and gonna enter college next year. Gonna be in the same situation as you when I go to university.
Just shrug it off, man. Be thick skinned. All that matters are your studies and future.

Whats the job?

When I started uni at 19, we had a 30yo freshman staring with us. Nobody ever made fun of him, on the contrary, he was pretty cool.

Caring about gym-roasties opinions.

user, why do you even care. Get that degree, live your life senpai.

How the fuck do you nigger's feel confident when you are in uni at such late age, just kill yourselves

Understandable, have a nice day :^)

This. That 20 yr old was flirting with you whether she knew it or not.

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