My parents hate my girlfriend

My girlfriends thinks we should break up after meeting my parents. My girlfriend is a lot older than I am. I'm 25 and she's 39. We've been dating for 4 years now and I do intend to ask her to marry me very soon. We've had a really great relationship. I like older women, she has a lot of qualities I want in a wife and I love being around her. My parents live across the country and they happen to be in town for the weekend so they wanted to meet my parents. It went very badly. They criticized my girlfriend's age, said she's a creep and taking advantage of a young man, they told her they'd never accept her as my wife. My mom especially really drove into her. My girlfriend just sat there and took it, and she started crying. I had an argument with my parents and it was a disaster. My girlfriend is pretty religious and she values family a lot, so to hear her supposed future in-laws be so viscerally disgusted with her really hurt her feelings.

We spoke last night. She told me my parents were right and I should go find a pretty young girl to marry and not waste my time with her. I told her I wanted to be with her and I don't care how old she is, and that I love everything about her. She said she wants to be with me too but not if it causes so many problems with my family. She told me she loves me and she's sorry. She hasn't been answering my calls or anything since.

I don't want anyone else. This is so frustrating. How do I make her understand that she's the only girl I'd ever love?

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Not saying you should but, there is no better time to propose to her than right now. Find a ring, find her and propose to her. Tell her fuck your parents and she's your woman whether they like it or not.

She'd be wet as a mop.

user, you can fix it. Just tell your parents you're gay and they'll beg you to get back with the older woman. She also doesn't want to deal with family drama herself so it's not just you. I'm sorry your parents felt this way.

YES! That would be so romantic. That's like a movie, user proposing to the love of his life to prove how much she means to him. So cool!

what the fuck is wrong with your parents

Protecting their boy from a predator.

Bruh dont marry a woman after like 27. What good is an old hag dont be retard. Listen to your parents

I saw this video about this couple where one of them is 50 and the other one is 21. The younger one has an interview with her mom about how she feels about the relationship. Also, the older one has a daughter that's, like, 15. Must be real weird, but they all seem happy now.

I was planning on proposing on our anniversary. But if that's what it takes for her to understand, I'll do it now.

Don't rush into little user. That would be romantic af but are you sure she's the one?

Serious question here: Do you want kids?

Your parents are awful by they way. I can't imagine why they thought that was an acceptable thing to do

wait wait wait
you've been dating 4 years, and she's only just now meeting your parents
what's wrong with all 4 of you

>My parents live across the country
Probably this.

Yes, I'm sure she's the one.

I was planning on starting a family right after we got married.

They live really far and I've been busy adulting. It was the first time I saw them in years.

Is she a mommy gf OP? Is that what you're into?

>Tell her fuck your parents and she's your woman whether they like it or not.
This here, faggot OP.
You love her for her and she loves you for you. I don't understand why people make a big deal of the parents/family - she would be marrying YOU, not your pos parents.
If you found love, go for it and be happy.

Your parents are right though. That bitch is a decade and a half older than you OP. That is gross as fuck. If the genders were reversed, nobody would support this.

i'd hate her too

U sure she can have kids at 39?

Attached: 3C12BDA8-F344-4F47-B04C-69FB483BF21F.jpg (123x125, 2K)

OP is going to dump 59 gallons into her and see what sticks

Eat your parents

I want a gf to fill with semen.

I’d be fucking pissed if my son started dating any woman who was 29 and he wasn’t 40+ himself, though I wouldn’t respond that way. The chance he’s not going to be able to father kids with her is too high. Even if they did manage, it could be just one kid when she’s really not going to have the energy to raise it, after years of fertility struggles. Some women get lucky and have no issues, most will start to struggle to get pregnant when they’re 30+, and you have to give a year or two after they get married before you can expect them to try for kids, on top of all the years before then.

If the genders were reversed it’d be a lot less fucking weird and make a hell of a lot more sense

You need to start thinking now about the VERY REAL fact it’s more likely than not that you won’t be able to have kids if you marry her. If you knew that marrying her meant you had no kids, would you still do it?
If yes, go for it man. If you don’t know, you really need to think on it OP, because once you fully commit it is hard to reverse that and you don’t want to regret.

She's like a decade off menopause you fucking idiot.

Put a ring on it.
Absolutely violate her in the sack. She needs to understand that, even if she's older, she's the one being molested.

She's 39 not 49.

Sexual domination, it's the only way.

menopause is one thing, but being 40 and getting pregnant is no walk in the park.
The good thing here is user’s parents get to be young grandpas, which is cool.
Thin only in case user manages to dump enough cum inside of her.
Your life, your rules user.

Oh, and I forgot to mention. Tell your fucking parents about it. Go IN FUCKING DEPTH about which surfaces you bent her over, how much you enjoyed pulling her hair and choking her, and how she oscillated between begging you to stop and clinging to you like she would actually die without your dick inside her.

I would actually get so fucking pissed at them, if I were in your situation. You're 25, you're not some little gradeschool boy getting diddled by his homeroom teacher. You are living the fucking dream. She's hot, she's still fertile, and she knows what she wants in a man. She's got that extra horny baby crazy thing going, and she clearly cares about you.

Im in a similar situation but with my boyfriend (but the age gap between us is 3 years) I love him but my family doesn't like him, they don't even gave him a chance.I tried to listen to them but i just feel my life empthy without him.I don't know what to do anymore.

>3 year age gap
>Family is up your ass about it
It's not his age. They don't like his job, how he looks, what have he.

They did complain alot about how he looks but i didn't mind it, i love him for who he is.But my family won't accept and tries anything to split us, and at this point he got insecure too and said he would rather leave than causing more fights in my family.

Fuck her on the phone while your parents listen.

This is a terrible idea and only works in animu. Right now OP needs to help her heal slowly, buying a ring now would look rash and like he just wanted to spite his parents.

I'm not sure I buy this....I'm ready thinking bait here. Not for trolling reason's, as much as for attention/out of boredom perhaps. Seems most likely.

I mean nobody could even question this, but whatever I'll bite cause I'm bored too. Your parents are tools, if this women makes you happy, and you're into older women anyways and exactly where you want to be then just reaffirm your love for her. Get engaged. You're a grown man, fuck your parents, their opinion means absolutely nothing.

this is such a bad idea, you will regret marrying someone so much older than you are. good luck fren you are gonna need it, think about it when you are 35 she will be 49 amigo. you will limit your adventure and youth so much. good luck

>you will limit your adventure and youth
lol, you do that by getting married to anyone

I met my ex wife when I was was 20 and she was 36. We got married when I was 24 and she was 40.

My mom thought it was a terrible idea and she turned out to be right.

Your girl will go menopausal in a few years... She will completely change and she will resent you for it.

Get the fuck out while you still can.

>tfw no cute young man to sweep me off my feet and marry me
Life sucks.