I have lots of friends that are feminists, some even act as radicals, sharing political stuff 24/7 and almost hysteria-stuff about how woman are suffering and how we're "killing them", claiming how men are trash, kinda bad memes trying to make fun of "those males".
I can't wrap my head around those levels of hysteria and one-sided stuff. Those friends never suffered violence beyond cat-calling or some dude they don't like saying he finds them pretty.
I, on the other hand, have lost some friends thanks to general crime/violence. I see that as a bigger problem because more people die everyday thanks to just existing and having a fucking smartphone, something that almost everyone has. A very close friend got shot outside his house because some mugger wanted his car, another died because someone wanted his backpack and left him bleeding in some random street.
I never talk about this in public because they will throw shit and hate at me. I know I might be a monster for thinking this. I don't see woman as objects, I never harassed someone and I despise any kind of violence. But why are we giving so much fucking atention to that and kinda ignoring all those people (both men and women) that die thanks to crime?
I want to understand that to not get bashed later if I dare to share my point of view.
You're thinking is based logically. Theirs is based on an emotional knee-jerk reaction, coupled with doubling down on defensiveness when called on it. Best answer is to cut the crazy out of your life.
Nicholas Butler
Your thinking* My bad.
Jaxson James
Yup, I don't get how that works. That "men are trash" shit scares me because when someone replies "hey, not all men" they go full bananas saying "well woman have bad experiences with men so most men represent the bad side". That's some bad and terrible generalization that racists used to do last century: "hmm black people are criminals".
Am I supossed to apologize now for having a penis? I didn't choose this and i'm not guilty of terrible people existing, holy fuck, shit happens everywhere no matter who you are and what fucking genitals you were born with, I don't see american school teachers apologizing or being said that "your schools are trash" because some terrible shootings just happen there by coincidence.
Some of them argue that they were opressed for long years and it's their turn to stand up and free themselves but they should get mad at those now dead guys who opressed them, not fucking normal, modern people. Seems like it's more about having and using power instead of equality
Blake Evans
>Am I supossed to apologize now for having a penis? bingo >Seems like it's more about having and using power instead of equality double bingo
Robert Peterson
>Those friends never suffered violence beyond cat-calling or some dude they don't like saying he finds them pretty. That's probably part of the reason. Sometimes the fear of something can take more space in your mind than the reality of it. That said, get better friends.
David Turner
Literally almost every time someone catcalls you, you have to wonder "is this man dangerous, am I safe, will he hurt me" because he might be. Women are told how to act based on preventing violence. Imagine if you were told it was your friend's fault for getting mugged because he should have known better. It's not his fault, it's the dude who chose to mug him! Women hear that type of shit on a daily basis.
You don't know if these women have experienced violence or sexual assault, and maybe that has colored their views. When you think of that violence, imagine if that was your every day possibility that you had to think about. These women are being vocal and loud about it because unless you're a woman, you're not likely to see these things happen. Men will do shit to women when other men aren't around, and when you're walking with a woman men back off because she's not alone or you could be her boyfriend.
>Those friends never suffered violence beyond cat-calling or some dude they don't like saying he finds them pretty. They can smell the misogyny on you, so I doubt they'd ever confide in you about anything that had traumatized them further than that. You will never know the world of women because you refuse to empathize. Enjoy the dick club.
Jackson Phillips
>Enjoy the dick club. The club where you're more likely to be physically assaulted? Awesome!
Sebastian Morgan
Wow, someone on Jow Forums that has a healthy view on feminism? Did not think that was physically possible at this point.
But yeah OP, it's pretty much this. You would be shocked how many of the women in your life have been sexually assaulted, it's more common than you think and women have to be scared of it all the time.
You might be worried about being robbed, mugged, maybe even killed, but that worry only carries with you in certain places. Women don't get that, they have to keep their guard up everywhere, they have to walk on eggshells when rejecting the 10th unsolicited guy hitting on them that day, because they don't know if he's the one that's gonna trail them home and cut their head off.
Be empathetic OP, those girls you know are only speaking up loudly because they need to be heard. And about the memes, come on dude, take a joke. You've never made a single joke at the expense of someone else?
Mason Brown
>Men will do shit to women when other men aren't around
>I doubt they'd ever confide in you about anything that had traumatized them
The above post is basically spot on, with the exception that Patriarchy (rule of strong men) is the only hope women have to beat back the creeps. There will never not be creeps, you need deterrent, and the fact that you don't already have it means: good men are necessary.
The latter post is part of the infuriating thing, women seem to make no effort to enlighten men to what they are not able to see, for the reason I highlighted in the former post. Men in general seriously do not conceive of being creeped on because it is not part of their reality until they hear "crazy feminists" get all frenzied over it.
Chase Rivera
>Some of them argue that they were opressed for long years and it's their turn to stand up and free themselves Oldfag here, every generation says this shit. They all want to be the one that "gets payback" but frankly that account is empty.
William Barnes
>women seem to make no effort to enlighten men to what they are not able to see We do not want weak or fake support. Being vulnerable to men that have openly ignored our societal plight, and participate in ego circle jerks with the other "manly" men are as good as gay to us.
Gabriel Morris
Yeah, after typing that a bell went off in my head why women seem to desire a tall, muscular, or generally larger guy for relationships when they're the first to admit those things don't make someone a better man. Intradesting...
Jonathan Kelly
The whole stereotypes about gender and attraction are costing us our lives. It's a very slow process of realizing it, I will admit that.
Caleb Ortiz
You're being dramatic, which is part of what creates the divide between you women and so-called weak men, the ones that can't help you. So it's probably on purpose, so as not to attract their (unwanted) attention to the matter, which would just draw the eyes of creeps along with it until those flaky men retreat again to their fantasy life leaving you in the cold again.
Also just realized that women also desire wealthy men, even unattractive, for the same reasons: namely, never having to cross paths with, or be beholden to, these creeps. Access to better parts of town and better venues, even drivers and housekeepers for added protection.
Who knew staying up past bedtime could be so productive
Eli Hernandez
I do know, they're close friends i've known for years, they trust me as I trust them. I've literally never talked about my view on this, I always choose to stay silent because there's nothing I knew about this.
Violence is a common thing here. 8k+ people die each month in my country, most of them are men but every uni student is always aware and affraid of getting out because muggers here have so much impunity that they can shot someone in a big avenue to get a cellphone at the middle of the day in a big avenue and get away with it. It has happened. Every day I get out of my house I "prepare" myself to be ready in case it happens, either while being on a bus or driving my car, I must be aware.
Lots of people thought it was my friends fault: "Why didn't he gave them the keys early, why he decided to give them the car and then run to his house, what was he doing walking on the street on his way home so late". That's how culture is here.
However, I must say that while it sucks to feel the fear I do, women feel that too as everyonr and also have to worry even more. It's a shitty overall experience already and they get this "extra" possible violence if a fucker decides to do something just because he thinks they're "the weak ones". Thanks for remainding me that :)
My problem here is that I don't share stuff with guys that treat women/other humans bad, so I'm not that familiar with that violence and everytime I see a friend talking shit/treating someone badly I try to tell them that's not cool. That doesn't mean it's not there. Thank you!
Blake Sullivan
As I said before, I've known them for years and they've shared very intimate stuff, even their childhood traumas. It amazes me how you jump into a conclusion that fast. I've been invited and actually attended international feminist events, but they didn't had this "speak out loud" euphoric attitude, they always talked about education, social programs to help vulnerable people, politics to build safe societies and they didn't stop mentioning about how important including men in this fight for equality is. That's what leaders of womens institutions representing entire countries said in those events. As always, I just spectated, listened and kept my mouth shut because I am a man, I know nothing about this and I want to learn.
I get back home and see this big euphoric movement with strange violent and hate messages asking to kick man out of "their fight". That confused me, I thought it was all about including everyone in order to achieve equality.
I still keep my mouth shut, everytime a female friend comes to me to talk about their issues I try to be as empathetic as possible.
Do you really need to say that? I'm literally asking for help because I want to not be part of the problem, I want to understand in order to have more empathy and avoid this shit happening anymore. Comments like yours are the ones I don't understand, I never assumed anything about feminism, i'm talking from personal experience, not jumping into conclusions and asking for help to understand and you come here to tell me "hm you'll never have empathy, know women, enjoy the dick club"? I don't think that's necessary, maybe those kind of actions have a less possitive impact, I think helping to understand and explaining what this is all truly about is better. I'm ignorant and willing to learn, no need to offend me or humilliate me.
Thanks anyways :)
Hunter Lopez
The concerns over personal safety that women have (getting creeped on, raped, etc.) are those added to the ones everybody faces (getting mugged, assaulted, etc.). Additionally, being on average smaller and weaker than men makes them further susceptible to these latter issues.
I'll admit that for many women, particularly those living in well-developed Western countries, these fears are often exaggerated somewhat by society - everyone should avoid travelling alone as a general rule when in unfamiliar or unsafe areas, but the odds of being accosted in the US during daytime are fairly low.
There's also the whole rhetoric of bodily autonomy and independence being important, such that their loss can be seen as the most serious of crimes. This isn't to say that a woman being raped in the middle ages would avoid being traumatized, but rather that the more comfortable a person has it, the greater the shock they experience under the same negative circumstances.
Tyler Moore
>the dick club where I'm more likely to be assaulted, murdered, commit suicide or not find as many professional victims as I would in the vagina club
Jaxon Cruz
what the fuck do you want the young women you're around to do about violent crime? you're a true moron for whatabout muggings when someone hurt your feelings with a men are trash meme.
Hudson Cook
Just wanna say, I remember your trip from like over half a decade ago when I used to come to Jow Forums. Here I am, popping in after so many years, and somehow I get the feeling, you’ve been here all this time, wasting your life away behind a keyboard, while still acting high and mighty. Which should speak volumes about your mental state and the sort of person you are.
Also, just wanna add that I don’t recall you being this unhinged all those years ago. Seems the social justice bug bit you quite hard, huh?
Cameron Cooper
With thinking like this, you have no right to complain about being sad and alone when you hit the rag.
Chase Davis
Radicalism streams from fear or having little in the way of opportunities. Your friends are either irrationality afraid of something or they don't have many opportunities so they want something to blame.
Jace Jenkins
I tried but it just turns you off desu.
Noah Young
This is absolutely on point.
Xavier Davis
I've been catcalled by both men and women. It's not usually pleasant but it's far from violence. People who think it is have had an easy life with nothing more severe to be indignant about. Meanwhile women in third world societies get beaten, denied education and given away against their will like cattle. Sometimes they are even subjected to genital mutilation or facial disfigurement. Your friends are too self-centered to realize their situation or be empathic to others and you're waking up to the fact that you're the target of shitty peoples' ego boosting.
>Have harem of men spoiling her rotten >"REEEE I AM BEING OPPRESSED!"
Bitch please. Men gave you infrastructure, rights and fought to banish the stigma of whoreness. You have a squad of guys at your feet, you are bleeding them dry without a care in the world and you still claim oppression. The only women being oppressed in your case are the ten girls who don't have a bf because you've hogged like eleven guys to yourself. You've even bragged about it in the past. A sociopathic gold digger speaking about empathy. What a farce.
Aiden Long
>These women are being vocal and loud about it because unless you're a woman, you're not likely to see these things happen.
>Men will do shit to women when other men aren't around If you asked people outside, my father was a monster who got drunk and beat his wife and kids on the regular behind closed doors. If you ask their kids and close relatives, my mother was a monster who frequently assaulted my father, threatened to kill him, and then went to the free psychologists for abused women to play the victim. At some point she raked his face until he bled and he did nothing but stand and take it. Not to mention what she did to her children or her female friend that she tried to push to suicide. >inb4 you're angry at all women because of your mom At some point I got a call from out of nowhere to go to the local police station. As it turned out my mother had gone there to have my father arrested. After I explained the situation to them, a female officer yelled at her because her sister did the same thing. I talked with other officers and I discovered there were other cases like that too. And over the years I found other people, both men and women, with such mothers or in some cases SOs. Women LIE about what other men are doing to them when there are no witnesses. And there are no supporting services for abused men.
>unless you're a woman, you're not likely to see these things happen. That explains why all the fake rape allegations come from women then. Only they saw it.
>It's not his fault, it's the dude who chose to mug him! If you are shaking food in front of the homeless or you're walking around the ghetto with a suit and jewelry then half the blame is yours.
Angel Price
>Yup, I don't get how that works. Have you never met a woman before? Or took a biology class? Women are like that so their young child doesn't fall into a river or some shit. It's up to you as the man to temper that bullshit.
Joshua Jackson
I wouldn't say the blame is theirs, more that they're being willfully ignorant/reckless. It's not like refusing to wear a sweater and then catching a cold, since a cold virus has no mind of its own.
My mother had a reasoning like this for other matters, funnily enough. She always said that it was unkind to provide other people with temptation, such as leaving money lying out if you had workmen in the house. The fault would still be theirs if they took it, but you were being inconsiderate if you made it easier for them to even contemplate doing so.
Charles Butler
Racist, mysognyst homophobe, islamophobe, white supremacists, white nationalist, sexist, trannyphobe, anti semite. As long as you internalize these words you are a slave. Op you realize PARTIALLY that feminism is overstated. Wrong it's 100% bs. Under your current mind control regime you are nothing. Are you nothing? Are you lesser than? Are you going to let them enslave your mind and thus your actions and thus the essence of who you are for the rest of your life day by day saying the new stupid thing to fit in?
Luis Hill
I see what you mean and to a degree I agree. However I don't believe that ignorance is very frequent in this regard and recklessness is no excuse since it's choice made with poor judgement. It's still choice like how the homeless or the thug chose to attack you and should be blamed for it. Personally I'm reckless all the time and I blame my dumb self whenever it bites me in the ass even though I never learn from it.
Grayson Gutierrez
You don’t reason with feminists, user, the same way you don’t reason with a crazy person. They don’t reason either, so don’t feel bad about it. Would you argue about religion with a fundamentaly religious person? I mean maybe you’d argue for half an hour one day, ok, but would you go about it every single day for 90% of the conversation? This is the same thing.
Jack Murphy
Most of those words didn't exist when I went to college in the 1980s and feminism and racism never came up in class in 4 years. Guess what? Men and women got along.
Jonathan King
Wait till they are beyon 30 and depressed. THEN it will be fun!!
Brandon Butler
No. Then they get into politics.
Robert Williams
Most of them will get a cat. But since you are rigth, lemme ask you a question: where will you run to, once they are more than 50% female in politics? You gotta look to the future, man!
Jack Foster
Don't run, just turn gay.
Anthony Perez
Sure bud. Till they come for you.
Evan Reed
You need to ignore all this shit and forget about it. Stop worrying about feminism. Stop caring if it's logical or not. Eventually you're going to keep asking questions and finding out too much information about the way the world actually works until you just can't enjoy shit anymore.
Lincoln Sullivan
They have been in control for fifty years because women make up 54% of voters. So you have the women in office rooting for women and then the men who all rely on women are also rooting for women. All the dudes are beholden to females which is why they all cuck. Have you ever in your life heard any politician speak out on men's interests? No and you never will
Camden Morris
True. What's your point?
Brayden Turner
I already ran to Asia. West is fucked. Look, if China is the future, then I’ll just marry a hot, wealthy Chinese girl and be done with it. At the very least I can watch the collapse of the west while on he upper echelons of the new global top dog.
Adrian Ramirez
You fucked up. You should have gone in another place.
Jaxon White
That the future is here and you missed it.
Ryan Russell
Mmmmm, I definitely don’t think so. I’m living like a king over here.
Dylan Ward
Women are queens you fucking bigot!
Elijah Miller
You don’t really argue anything here in the first half of your post, you just say that your mom was abusive and manipulative. Men get abused all the time, and there should be more resources for them. Abusers will lie to the police to cover their tracks. Your mom in this case is lying about what happened and leaning on patriarchal gender norms to push belief into her court. The patriarchal gender norms will hurt your father in that case. Also do you understand how hard this makes things? Imagine you ARE raped with no one else around, should you just wither away and die? Are you suggesting there should be no resources for those who are victims of rape, because they didn’t have a random rape watcher in the corner of their room? Most people are not going to try to get away with crimes in broad daylight, because they’re smarter than that. Just because feminism exists does not mean that this issue does not either, or that space for one takes up for another. It’s not antagonistic, they’re both issues for equality of gender.
>If you are shaking food in front of the homeless or you're walking around the ghetto with a suit and jewelry then half the blame is yours.
You don’t understand how crime works. If someone stabs you while you’re walking home to work they could list any number of excuses “you looked at me funny, you were wearing a crop top, you reminded me of my ex, you were walking on MY street, I was afraid for my life from you!” but at the end of the day that’s how they justify it to themselves. You are never at fault for someone’s actions because it’s their actions, period. So while the person who stabbed you likely had reasons why they did that, at the end of the day they were the one who stabbed you. The type of logic you’re using is why domestic violence happens.
So what you're telling me is that cases of men being oppressed by women are proof of an all-powerful Man Supremacy.
>or that space for one takes up for another. It’s not antagonistic
But it is antagonistic. PSAs, televised discussions and other means of raising awareness are portraying a certain scenario only. A man hitting a woman. Not a woman hitting a man, not a man hitting a man, not a woman hitting a woman. The campaigns and helplines doesn't address domestic abuse even in name. They are specifically for abused women. They are creating more social bias, portraying one as the exclusive abuser and the other as the exclusive victim.
Lucas Scott
OP, you are just as bad at them. We all operate within the extremely limited point of view we have.
The admirable aspect of feminism is that a group of people is statistically shown to be deprecated on the basis of being part of this group, and so we need to right these wrongs.
The admirable aspect of what you are saying is that there are very general problems that need to be addressed like crime and violence, and often times this includes as a subset the aforementioned wrongs we need to right.
But neither of these admirable things preclude the other, and it's imperative that you do not state your thing is needed more than the other. There is no moral basis for that, since morals are just a bunch of widely held non-empirical systems.
Another example is the BLM movement. If they had instead used a slogan like "Black lives matter _too_", then a lot of the backlash against the movement would evaporate as it doesn't seem to preclude other lives mattering.
So while you are definitely justified in your beliefs that there is some problem X, when someone is on a platform advertising the problem Y, you shouldn't get up there and be like "but X is a problem too, you know". This would only start nonsense fights about what problem is bigger (something you simply cannot agree universally on).
Ian Lee
It gets them the attention they need...some people don't have any brains or talent or anything special about them that's why they get the attention they need from this
Benjamin Hernandez
It was never about equality. It was always about power.
The woman who opened one of the first women's shelters attempted to open a men's shelter. She got death threats, got attacked and her fucking dog was killed by rabid feminists.
Easton Price
>Whilst living in Santa Fe, one of her dogs was shot and two others were stolen, which she claims was a result of racist neighbors.
Stop spreading lies. You only contribute to more misunderstanding in the world.
Oliver Wright
>Men and women got along. You mean women understood their place in the patriarchy and put up with sexist bullshit in order to further their career or goals. Men like you and OP are bitching about having you're livelihoods ruined for no good reason by sjw, but that's been happening to women and minorities since the dawn of humanity up until a few decades ago. Most of the population was still alive when sexual harassment and institutionalized racism were rampant, and yet you altright incels like to pretend it's been an eternity.
Alexander Cooper
>sexual harassment and institutionalized racism
These are made up things to oppress white men. Females shouldn't be working because they make bad workers.
Brayden Jackson
Y'all got me upset, so I'm gonna rant at you.
When I was five years old a local girl took me into her room, exposed herself to me, and forced my to touch her. I managed to run away to my (feminist) mother. When I tried to explain what had just happened, I was put introuble for interrupting her. My parents forced me to continue to be around this girl for years. She sexually harassed and assaulted me with complete impunity. None of the adults did anything if I spoke up. They thought I was lucky to be getting female attention so early. If I tried to use violence, I would only get in trouble for hitting a girl. There was even a party where she had other girls lull me into a false sense of security while the adults were in another room and hold me down so she could forcibly kiss me. Did anyone do anything? Of course not, boys are supposed to revel in attention from girls and be completely invulnerable to such things even if they're eight years old and outnumbered. I've had other experiences like this later in life as well. I've known other men who've suffered similar things as well. One's even a paratrooper.
Aside from this, my mom, like other feminists, thought it was okay to take out her frustrations with men on her child and talk about how men are terrible human beings by default in front of her son. She still does this. Apparently it's perfectly acceptable to try to force your own children to try to think and be a certain way if they're male, because adult men have done bad things in the past.
But I guess my mom gets a free pass for being an awful parent, as do the other girls parents, and my paratrooper friend and I don't exist according to you.
Gabriel Scott
>wahh my personal experience invalidates all the personal experiences of everyone else.
You are no better than those who you criticize.
Josiah Robinson
>they make bad workers. No, NEET incels like you do.
Ethan Thompson
Yeah are not pretending to be men like you are. We are the beautiful ones
Adam Jones
>So what you're telling me is that cases of men being oppressed by women are proof of an all-powerful Man Supremacy.
I’m literally saying what you say in your next paragraph, that your example is a good one of men being hurt by people buying into patriarchal gender roles. This is why men should be supportive of feminism, because typical gender roles put them in a box as well. You’re talking about a double standard that exists for men that is upheld by our traditional notions of women being seen as victims.
If you truly believe in feminism you would be against this notion inherently because it’s a double standard. I feel like you’re not understanding that I agree with you on this, because I’m using the frame of the patriarchy as the lens here to explain the feminist side of this.
Josiah Wilson
Their hasn't been patriarchy in 100 years. Patriarchy equals meritocracy the only ones who believe in that are white men as seen in this pic
You're not wrong for thinking that you're more at risk than other people, such as your female friends. You're not wrong for being vocal about it. You're only wrong if you compare how bad you have it vs how bad they have it. Gender inequality affects men and women everywhere, in some places in the world this inequality is greater than others. It's everyone's responsibility to fight against inequality and injustice. If your friends truly support feminism, they must know this. Feminism isn't misandry.
Evan Lopez
The solution to women being horrible to men and getting away with it is for men to give more power to women and also stop trying to be strong and dependable. Of course. It makes perfect sense.
>If you truly believe in feminism No, I don't believe in feminism. I believe in equality of opportinity and meritocracy. That includes men having the equal opportunity to beat women when they merit it.
Christian Murphy
>Accept feminism This was your mistake; the rest of your post is just meaningless drivel that distracts from the fact you're a limpwristed faggot.
Samuel Roberts
William Harris
Don't accept their feminism, it's just self-indulgence masquerading as a noble cause.
Joseph Murphy
Like this user says you are revealing the man behind the curtain. But I don't think you need to let it destroy you. Just eject toxic people from your life feminists are some of those toxic people.
Luke Thomas
Feminism is and will always be a crazy conspiracy that men is out to get them. Don't waste time listening to their screeching any more than you would someone ranting about how the earth is flat. I know they have more political power and pose a danger to society, but ignoring them is easier than getting worked up because you disagree with their hateful ideology.
Andrew Rodriguez
user she doesn't really care about you just let them go. They are steeped in bitterness the best thing for you is to just walk away. It may be sad because they say some good things but that is why they are toxic they trick you into thinking they care but they don't and all they do is poison you.
Daniel Reyes
The fact that your response to that story was to blame him and shame him says a lot about your character. You are not a healthy person at all.
Blake Fisher
>how men are trash, kinda bad memes trying to make fun of "those males".
asking to be falsely accused of rape by hanging out with them like no joke.
Dominic Mitchell
>stats by generation >implying this says anything about white men The only thing that's interesting here is that more people are more uncertain about the value of meritocracy over diversity, but not vice versa.
I think there's a lot of value in that. Meritocracy sounds great, but the immediate consequence of the idea that if you're better you deserve better, or to go farther, or to get more, is that those who are slightly better will use those advantages to continue to get better, to continue to get those advantages, ad infinitum until they die. It doesn't strike me as fair to those who are average or slightly worse, because they'll never get to take advantage of that feedback loop if those who get in there stay in there, which they would of course be idiots to not do. It doesn't leave a lot of room for advancement.
Ryder Perez
Imagine if you are told it's all your fault your a virgin and depressed men are told that on a daily basis. The truth is that you people are so full of shit it's starting to seep out of your mouth and infest the words you speak. The thing is reality is a scary shitty place malevolence is present everywhere the source of that malevolence is within every consciousness it is a force within nature. The reality that YOU are the devil is too frightening for you and these women so you choose to come up with this bastardized view of reality that doesn't require letting go of your ego. You can't face the truth of your own existence so you blame men for everything but really YOU are the evil in the world. We all are sinners and that is the original tale of Christianity being wiped out of the western world yet it is a good tale that speaks to the truth of the human condition.
Angel Wright
>China is the future
fuck that shit. The Chinese are losing their freedom everyday in china. too much censorship and heavy government surveillance.
Gabriel Wood
Ignore this trip OP. Does not know what they are talking about