Problems with small talk and getting over woman

>Fall for colleague
>Think i got a shot
>Lack of experience fucks me up, get friend zoned
>Still friends

Big problems are

>Base every interaction needing to be "perfect"
>Get super high if good, get low if bad
>Today was bad, talked too much about myself when we went for lunch
>Showed weakness by talking about my future plans and concerns
>Talk about how i want money
>Show i have low self confidence
>Still come across as clingy
>Known her for about 4 months

My two main issues. How to stop being infatuated and to vastly and consistently improve my small talk.

Sometimes I can be very good at active listening, others I feel awkward with silence or just waiting to go in to talk about myself.

Any advice for both of these situations?

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Ideally you should have some real talk with her and find that out from the source. All I can tell over the text you wrote is that there is something unhealthy about your thought process, but I won't be able to help you. Ask people who know you in real life. Perhaps even go to a support group or a shirnk if you can afford one.

Real talk as in? I know she does not like me that way.

I am somewhat aware my thought process is unhealthy but can you elaborate on that?

You're still friends right? Ask her what about you is weird.

As far as your thought process all I can tell you is the perception you give across.
>Today was bad, talked too much about myself when we went for lunch
>Showed weakness by talking about my future plans and concerns
>Talk about how i want money
>Show i have low self confidence
>Still come across as clingy
Sounds neurotic. The kicker is that you will probably be like this until god forbid someone actually accepts you. And I honestly don't know what to tell you. It's a shit situation with no way out. Eventually you may or may not find someone willing to help you through this, but if you're 29 then you may just be SOL. Maybe you'll learn to fake it until it becomes real. Or maybe you'll get a shrink and fix this through ten thousand dollars in two years worth of therapy.

I would recommend turning to some successful friends if you have any. If you can afford it, get a shrink. If you can't get the cheaper variant of group therapy. If you're completely strapped for cash, you could always give a fake name and ask for advice strangers at a pub whom you'll never meet again. You'd be surprised how helpful women can be if you make it clear that you're not hitting on them and just want advice.


Here is the kicker too. I have talked to friends who have given me varying advice. Ive tried to kick it. I have. But jesus fucking christ its eating me up so hard.

I think she is the best looking woman etc etc. My mind is like it is on heroine. In hindsight while I am happy I met her, it has been fucking awful for me in the aftermath. 3 weeks we spent together. It was intense, I grew feelings. Then she met others, I fell down in priority as she met more socially competent people.

I got friend zoned. Now I am where I am. Sometimes we talk great, others like today is poor. I am "in love" but it is horrible.

>You will be like this until someone accepts you

In what context?

SOL = Shit Outta Luck

The advice you get will of course vary, and sometimes you can do the right thing five times in a row and fail fives times in a row anyway. It takes years to unfuck yourself from those things. The only difference between you and everyone else is (not) getting the positive feedback of reciprocation around age 18. You'll find you have all the same skills as everyone else, just practiced less, and that you're mindfucked about it. And now you have 10+ years of emotional baggage built on top of that which you will have to spend 10+ years undoing.

I wouldn't give up on her just yet. Persistence is an attractive trait. You just need to figure out a variant of non-pathetic-looking persistence.

What I mean by "you will be like this until someone accepts you" is that the neurosis just goes away after your first proper success. Alternatively you can beat the shit out of yourself for a couple of years in hopes of defeating it, but no one will care, or give you any kind of medal even if you succeed, and it's one of the most difficult things anyone can go through.

Please let us know if you figure out a solution. I think some 28% of men are not sexually active so it's becoming a grave societal issue, but no one knows how/cares enough about these men to help them, and there will be consequences for us all.

That is brutal. Well the situation is mildly complex in that there is a large age gap, 7 years, and she has just moved here where I am at the latter half of my ESL contract. I like her, a lot. But my social skills are not strong compared to the others who on a more casual basis are better at chat than me.

Hence why I would like advice how to be better at active listening and improve my chat skills. That said, thanks for the overview of my situation, it is fairly accurate.


Holy fuck is this thread me?

I'm in exact same situation except I'm a year in and realized wow this is going to hurt when she inevitably gets a boyfriend.

So I've been cutting down contact and chatting significantly. I think I'm going to just ghost her and get it over with.

You kind of have to ditch the thing of feeling you HAVE to succeed. If you want her too much, like you appear to, then that is ironically the thing that will destroy any chance you have. You have to approach her with an attitude of, I want her, and I'm going to make it obvious by saying she's hot, directly, and then I'm going to invite her to an obvious romantic date situation, and I'm going to make a move, touch her leg, get up close to her. If she's not into it at that point, you never had a chance to begin with. But at least she knows your true intentions. Hiding those intentions will lead to nothing except further friend zoning, whereas trying and failing can at potentially change her way of looking at you.

>You kind of have to ditch the thing of feeling you HAVE to succeed. If you want her too much, like you appear to, then that is ironically the thing that will destroy any chance you have.
You'll have to elaborate on that. I don't think that this level of anguish is even possible to mask. We're talking about a whole new level of "easier said than done" here.

See and she has made her position clear we are just friends.

Any advice to improve small talk would be neat too.

Any other input?

Quit being a beta orbit faglord. Unless a female is sucking your cock why the fuck waste your time all you are doing is feminizing yourself

She is actually pleasant company and I genuinely like her.

Oh hey it’s this user again. I wondered what happened to you. Didn’t you not actually get friendzoned, you were just too scared to make any sort of move on her?
>How to stop being infatuated
Stop hanging out with her. That’s the only way to quit your obsession. Don’t give me that horseshit about how she’s such a great friend and you want to keep her around for that, because clearly the main reason you still interact with her is because you “love” her. But you probably won’t change or take any of our advice at all. You didn’t months ago when you started these threads.

I did but not the ones you are thinking of

>Ignore her
>Let her initiate contact
>Don't be pushy
>Distract myself

The boat has sailed and I did make a move but sadly to no avail. No i am trying to survive the rebound.

>I did make a move but sadly to no avail
Which was what exactly?
>>Ignore her
>Let her initiate contact
>Don't be pushy
>Distract myself
Clearly you did none of these things since you seem back to square one.

I let my interest be known and she said "We are just friends though right?"

Got fucked in the head for a while. Then I followed what I said there, even took up a damn sport and social drinking. But the last 2 weeks its exploded, my infatuation so yes I AM back to square 1. I am at a loss.

Probably shouldn't have given up so quickly, but that comes with experience. I still think that your chances aren't fully over with her yet, but you need to run it by someone who knows you IRL. Preferrably someone who knows you both.

I have and havent. But im still mentally fucked atm.

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Well I asked if she would be up for hanging out tonight yesterday. Today she just said she cant cause she is going out. Tomorrow she said the same after I suggested it. Guess its time to back off.


I'm a few years younger than you, but I identify with your problem. I'm bad about developing these feelings, not knowing how to act on them, being afraid to talk about them, and basically torturing myself while paralyzed.

At this point I've come to the realization that maybe I'm just not made for this kind of thing. Maybe things will change if I stop caring entirely, but if they don't I no longer will care.

That's the only advice I can give you besides meet more bitches, and care less about ones who you aren't even fucking. Dial it back a fuck ton.

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