Be me

>be me
>Had sex with gf 7-10 times
>Gf comes rarely
How can I make her cum?

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It is about erotic playing too, is not only about making oral, women mind is extremely seductive, try kissing neck and a lot of touching. Also listen to her well, is extremely important.

Good luck user.

Work out
Lift weights
Run or ride a bycicle
Work on your core

by kissing, massage, lots of oral, lots of rubbing.

Basically you're supposed to make her cum, then you stick your dick in and really rock her world.

>having sex for woman

Let her have sex with other men.

Women don't have orgasms. They all make it up to convince men to have sex longer then 5 minutes. Think about it, there is no biological reason for women to have a climax

My best suggestion is trying to establish communication about what feels good for both of you.
In general though, listen to the movements of her body, try to connect with it empathetically. Don't just go in and out real fast, try to like grind your dick into her using your hips alot, and then do faster spurts in between that.

Also, some (most) girls are just really fucking difficult. It's normal.

We don't know everything about the female orgasm yet, there's plenty of theories about an orgasm causing something that makes it easier for sperm to reach the egg. In any case it is evolutionarily important for sex to feel great for women too, and while we don't know everything, MRI-scans of the female orgasm have been made (

In general there's a lot of misunderstanding about female sexuality, it's still pretty recently discovered that the clit is not a little button but an organ that wraps around the vaginal canal on the inside.

@ OP: having sex for longer will in itself help because there's more trust, relaxation, less inhibitions and you know each other's soft spots better. Other than that your best bet is to make sure she's about to die by the time you put your dick inside. For some women it's also easier to have an orgasm from penetration if they already had one (manually/orally).

Don't put pressure on her, that's pretty much a death sentence (needing to "perform" doesn't help when you want to relax and be in the moment), and asking her to just lie to you. It's about the journey not the destination.

have had sex with gf 7 - 10x

>make my gf cum 7 - 10x every time we have sex

Does she get wet just by looking at you? It's very helpful if she does

>How can I make her cum?

Does she want to cum?

Or only you wants her to cum?

Jow Forumsihavesex

pretty good advice

>not wanting sex to be mutually pleasurable
enjoy your multiple sexless betabux marriages in the future

>What is clit stimulation
All you fags need to learn how 2 eat pussy

This incel bullshit gets out of hand. Men and Women get orgasms and shit in order zo reproduce, dumbfuck. If she wouldn't orgasm she wouldn't like to have sex you dumb utter fucking nigger.

>Does she want to cum?
kek. user... Are there times where YOU don't want to cum when you have sex?

Totally personal for me, don't know how it is for other girls

I've only orgasmed through penetrative sex with my previous partner, and it would take after a few changes in positions and half an hour or so of sex. The best positions for me were either me on top or the one where he's on top and my legs are on his shoulders.

It had to do a lot with how comfortable I felt, both physically and emotionally. Like once I couldn't orgasm because I felt like pooping and it was stressing me out lol. I felt a lot of desire for him and I trusted him enough to feel to be able to totally relax and that's when I was able to orgasm. Think I first orgasmed with him the 4th time we had sex.

But yeah, other than him I had sex with 3 other people, but never more than once so I never felt comfortable enough with them

Maybe she likes bigger dicks. This is what I fear from women, idk which one is compatible with my genetic limitations and will NOT lust over better ones.

Actually yes. Sometimes I don't like to cum because it means sex is basically over, as far as me fucking at least. And I like to make it last as long as possible. It took convincing from my gf for me to cum every time we fucked. She still jokes I'm the only guy the world that gets disappointed about a girl telling them to cum for her. She had to explain in order for her to feel like she did a good job and is really wanted, it's really helpful for me to cum. So sometimes I do it more for her. Thankfully I have really good stamina and control, so I can basically cum on command. Otherwise I go all night and she's tired.

just be yourslef man

1. Get to know the clit
2. Pay more attention to her butt
3. Learn what she likes - & follow her lead
4. Kiss her more
5. Use Lube
6. Focus on her neck
7. Don't be afraid to talk dirty
8. Use toys

>No sex ed


>spent night with girl
>made her cum 7 times

How does one make a woman come ?

How does this help?

>buy few dildos different length one of them thick af
>more foreplay keep her on edge longer
>roleplay ?
>spanking choking slut calling etc. ?

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Fuck with her head more. Make her a little nervous.

I'm glad most meditationfags don't have children, so that this shit will continue its steep decline and fully die out within a generation or two

If she loves you and isn't just a whore dating you for convenience it should be easy because she will legitimately think you're sexy, all you have to do is figure what really makes her panties wet in foreplay and pay attention to what she wants when you fuck her.

We don't serve your kind here

Yes they do.

Foreplay. Eat her pussy, finger her. All by stimulating her clit. Listen to her moans and reactions.

Depends on the girl honestly. Last week I fucked a girl who was pretty tight and extremely sensitive. From after only fucking for like 20 minutes she squirted 4 times and that was just me going medium speed and rubbing her clit.

>be me
>gf likes rough sex
>I bust in under a minute if I go at a fast pace

Help me lads. I work out, and I'm fit and have a good diet, but she's so tight and her body is so amazing I just explode way too fast if we're not taking it slow

Some girls cum easy, others hardly ever. Even the ones who have difficulty cumming can still really enjoy it. Very individual dependent.

Things that help: Spend a lot of time on foreplay. Find out if she has any major turn ons and cater to them. Learn to love her clit, with fingers and mouth. Tell her she is beautiful.

Attached: So Bill.jpg (480x609, 71K)

Suck it up like a winner and enjoy your quickie.

clit rub

This. JUST FUKKEN ASK HER, FUCKASS. She will appreciate it a lot that you ask her.

This, and take your time.
Don't be in a hurry.

Working out disciplines you and makes you become a more competent individual overall, which is what women are attracted to.

females don't cum user.

kek I can literally feel my gf's vagina spasm when I make her cum. It's not something you can fake

>sex ed
Sex ed never said anything about size yet it’s so loudly talked about everywhere. I’m 4.7” bonepressed so no working out and diet is useless.

just get really good with your tongue and fingers and you'll be gucci. most girls can't even come from penetrative sex anyway

Mine waits until I cum before he gets his. You gotta be patient and let her be on top.

Lmao look at this brainlet

dicklet cope

You really should ask her user, different women like different things. As example, butt play makes me cum the hardest, but that's really not something that a lot of women enjoy lol. However, you can never go wrong with more foreplay. Find out what gets her off the most (be it oral, fingering, back kisses, nipple teasing etc.) and start doing it more before actual penetration. This stuff takes time and communication, it's very important that you talk with her about what she likes or wants to try.

Ask her. She might not even know herself. Orgasms as a chick aren't always as easy as a man's.

t. chick

You would think that proper stimulation would be more common knowledge nowadays.
How can so few people in general know about this, even hentai does it more often now.