Repulsed by sex

>repulsed by sex
>still (very) romantically attracted to women
How can I find a relationship like this?

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Asexual dating sites.

>repulsed by sex
Why? Thats a pretty decent issue to look into bro.

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OP are you autistic?

Being genuine. One of my roommates has aspergers and so high functioning to the point where I never would have guessed otherwise on the surface. She wants a relationship but thinks penetration is gross.

Would an asexual be fine reading the lines of males in porn comics/fanfiction while I read the female lines without any masturbatory interference?
That's the only way I get off because I don't want to touch my genital.

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How do I get a sex repulsed bf? I'm not asexual but I'd feel more comfortable around someone who isn't trying to bully me into giving up my virginity because of how sexually corrupt our society has become. Why does no one value chastity anymore? Why do so many men gotta be so neverendingly thirsty?
I just want long term romantic love and companionship beyond the honeymoon stages.

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>Why does no one value chastity anymore?
People do.
You just don't see, meet or actually like the people who do.


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>Are you autistic
Nah. Interesting take, though.

Is it that big a deal?

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Means you go after Chads, dumb cunt.


I am not to excited about sex and all. Being male its kind of weird because I thought something is wrong with me, not being able to bust up guts like joe shmoe down the road. I like people (man or woman) who are able to have a consciousness and a want of self improvment. Wanting to be able to talk about things we think matter. Or nothing. Being able to slowly build one another up, as well as our wealth in the process. To focus on the future when all bases are covered. To follow our dreams to the end. Sounds vague - but dont worry - its been tested and it works. (Trust me. Im the most truthful person I know)

An animal's primary biological function is to reproduce. Your brain has evolved to want to reproduce or fuck. If you don't want to have sex something deeper might be the issue.

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Seconding the earlier user, you're gonna want an asexual dating site.

That actually puts you at an advantage. Statistics say there are more asexual women than men, and there are certainly more women aware of the fact that they are asexual. You'll have a much easier time that you would on a typical dating site.

Also, asexuality doesn't mean lack of horniness or desire to get off. It explicitly means a lack of desire to have sex with other people. You can still have sex (you just don't actively desire it for the usual reasons, and can want and engage in it for things like intimacy and closeness). You can still masturbate (you just don't really want to engage other people in it and may often fantasize about people that are not yourself). You can still get horny (hormones happen). You don't even have to be completely sex-repulsed in order to be asexual.

You basically just don't find yourself being like "hey that person is hot and I would totally bang them."

This is true but genetics are weird. We're designed to have a lot of variation (mostly short of devastating and deadly effects). Also, traits do not have to be explicitly advantageous in order to be present in the population. And recessive traits are also very much able to hide and propagate and only show up later.

There's some evidence suggesting that having a caretaking figure that does not breed themselves encourages your own survivability, as you can essentially get a third parent who helps take care of you and provide you with resources.

Numerically, if you ensure the survival of two of your siblings' kids (25% similarity x 2), then you have spread your genes just as effectively as if you had bred yourself (50% x1). If you ensure three, then it's even better than having a kid of your own. So it's not like not breeding is necessarily an evolutionary dead end. And it also means that you have probably spread at least some of the traits that contributed to your own non-breeding status.

YOU value chastity, right?
Or you at least claim to.
There's 7.7 billion humans on the planet, and lots of them share beliefs, values and morals.
Or they claim to.
So, how do you reconcile the above information with ''Noone values chastity!''?

For examples of this kind of behavior in nature, check out swans. It's increasingly common for two males to breed with a female in order to get an egg from her, then drive her away and raise the egg together. The chick gets two bigger and stronger parents who can hold a larger territory, the female gets a chance to recover from egg-laying, and everyone wins. This chicks tend to be more successful. The genetics for this behavior then spread.

And for instances of ensuring the survival of your siblings as opposed to breeding on your own, this is the entire formula behind eusocial species such as bees and termites. They are more related to their siblings than they are to their own parents OR children, and it makes more sense to protect the siblings instead. This leads to castes of workers protecting their own and a single breeding pair to ensure the survival of the group.

I would also like to add that on top of genetics, you have things such as hormones and environmental conditions that further complicate things and can even change how and which genes are expressed.

So it's pretty easy for something like asexuality to come up and stay in the population.

Thanks for the input. What I’ll add is that I’ve got an interest in tits and asses and shit (I’m into groping), it’s just sex that I’m not enthusiastic about.

I'm and I did not make or . I do not like chads at all (the brainless macho ego is extremely unattractive to me, looks are not that important on men) and I don't socialize a lot IRL so I guess I just haven't met someone like that in person yet. Did a LDR with a guy that was sex-repulsed for a couple months until he ended up liking someone else he met IRL more than me (he was polite and upfront about it). Beyond that it was a really nice relationship while it lasted, one of my happier relationships tbqh.

You have your priorities right and I think you will find a nice loving girl as long as you guard yout heart and stay smart. I wish the best for you, OP.

>How can I find a relationship like this?

I don't know.


I also get this. Turned on by tits, ass, pussy. Utterly turned off by the mechanics of the body - I mean we’ve all been down on at least one girl when she wasn’t smelling her best? Human bodies are a disgusting mess of smells, secretions, disease and source of infection. In some cases awful to look at too. Bad tits, pussy, fat asses, teeth. I like to blow a load in a girl as much as the next guy but it’s a bit like eating meat - as soon as I start thinking what I’m eating I’m done.

Sex repulsive asexual here. Involve yourself in the asexual community, learn more about yourself. My best friend became my partner and that’s because he fell in love with me after knowing all my conditions as a friend. AVEN is a good place to meet people, and they have live meet ups. Try asexual dating sites as well. Much love from a fellow sex repulsed romantic.

>every asexual I’ve met is gay
are ppl gonna think I’m gay user

I wish it was this easy to find an asexual guy that also isn't gay desu

Not really???

Just get married

I didnt realize that other people felt the same way about sex but still feel romantically attracted to the opposite sex. Feels good man.

It's just a coping mechanism for incels. Don't get any for a long time and it becomes less and less appealing.