Why you will never keep the woman that you truly like

>Here to give some friendly red pill advice
>Women instinctively want to be with the superior alpha male
>Once a man starts making a woman a priority in his life and showing genuine feelings and affection for her, the woman will start to feel like she's the superior one in the relationship and lose interest in him
>Once a woman knows that she's got you pussy whipped your days are numbered
>She might still stay with you if she's using you as a beta male provider or if she currently has no better options but she won't be loyal
>This is why you will never keep the woman that you truly like

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Thanks for reminder bro.

The only thing is that it works both ways actually. That's what I've learned.

>This is why you will never keep the woman that you truly like

But you can keep the one you don't like, but you will also dump her on anything better.

At least when you are already red.

Genuinely good advice

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It's almost as if what people think is good for them, isn't actually healthy for them

Why I never want to date men ever again: people like OP and those who agree with him exist.
Rather be a ronery roastie cat lady than with some abusive monster that thinks he has to be a bastard nigger to keep the relationship going.

What does alphaness have to do with being a bastard nigger?

>Women instinctively want to be with the superior alpha male
Not true
>Once a man starts making a woman a priority in his life and showing genuine feelings and affection for her, the woman will start to feel like she's the superior one in the relationship and lose interest in him
Not true again
>Once a woman knows that she's got you pussy whipped your days are numbered
Ok now you make no sense at all
>She might still stay with you if she's using you as a beta male provider or if she currently has no better options but she won't be loyal
Ok this is just now Jow Forumsbraincels shit
>This is why you will never keep the woman that you truly like
Ehh some people know each other from childhood, i know a girl that was born on the same time as me in the same hospital, her and my mother were next to each other, we went to school together, i was just never in love with her

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keep spreading the bluepill user, you ain't fooling us.

I'm willing to believe there are genuinely loyal/nice women out there, but all the ones near me in the city are vapid materialists. I need to get out of here but I'm pretty disinterested in women at this point

kek i am red pilled as fuck, while there is some truth to this you twist this into a black pill, fuck you niggy.

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>I'm willing to believe there are genuinely loyal/nice women out there
they are, i am sure your mom is a nice lady

the blackpill is the true redpill, the so-called "redpill" has been overtaken by these pickup artists, "just have game bro"

>euphemising niggard behavior with ""alpha""
There is no help for you, psychopath. Go beat up your mother and gf. Shoot up a school.

>implying all women on the planet are like this

one day you'll meet the love of your life OP. then the bitterness and the self loathing will all be gone.

I'm a bastrid nigger and I'm beta as fuck.

>Go beat up your mother and gf. Shoot up a school.
Alphas are in complete control, stoic, calm and not aggressive at all

I don't believe this shit, I just watch anime at this point.

Reminder that you will never be her first choice if she decides to settle down.

^^this. Its absurd people fall into such beliefs

I know this is just bait, but if a woman “loses interest” once you start expressing feelings, it’s just a sign you weren’t compatible, and you weren’t that into eachother to begin with. If you feel things aren’t really taking off like you planned, or you feel things are kinda one-sided, just move on. Don’t try to force something that just isn’t there, or you’ll most likely end up stringing eachother along for like 6 months.

dude don't make me write an essay right here and now.

Look black pill is retarded and is NOT TRUE, why? First of all, you give up, second of all, you can always improve yourself, if you can walk, talk, think you are FINE.

Why black pill is retarded and for incels only:
For example, If you have a 10% percent chance of getting gf incels will see this as a 0%, in really 10% is huge, you just have to try harder and that's it.

On looks:
Looks are IMPORTANT but they are not all if you are pretty your life will be easy, but that doesn't mean that a 5/10 can't get to the same level, we just have to try harder. Like I explained above we just have a lower chance which means we have a higher chance of rejection but that's fine

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tagged a wrong guy, fuck my IQ

>I know what alphas are, I watch anime

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if 10% is considered huge I don't want to know where I'm at

>Look black pill is retarded and is NOT TRUE, why? First of all, you give up, second of all, you can always improve yourself, if you can walk, talk, think you are FINE.
I'm not saying everyone believing in the blackpill is hopeless.

>Why black pill is retarded and for incels only:
For example, If you have a 10% percent chance of getting gf incels will see this as a 0%, in really 10% is huge, you just have to try harder and that's it.
Well, I'm incel and I just gave up, I don't really care anymore, I just need to connect with my virgin brothers on a deeper level.

>On looks:
Looks are IMPORTANT but they are not all if you are pretty your life will be easy, but that doesn't mean that a 5/10 can't get to the same level, we just have to try harder. Like I explained above we just have a lower chance which means we have a higher chance of rejection but that's fine
so utterly disgusting bluepill.
look me straight in the eye and tell me that someone with down syndrome can get a hot model girlfriend, just not happening.

that's fine let me read it.

oh, nvm it's the same post except for the YT video.

Yeah man, I like myself some anime, not to say that I'm an uberalpha myself, I hope you didn't take it that way.

I wish I could go back in time and test this claim because yeah, I lost the woman I truly liked.

>I'm not saying everyone believing in the blackpill is hopeless.
Who are you trying to lie to? Do you see what happens when you take a black pill? You get incels.
>I'm incel and I just gave up
That's what happens when you believe in nihilistic bullshit
>so utterly disgusting bluepill.
No user, bleupill is way different what i told you is the truth
>look me straight in the eye and tell me that someone with down syndrome can get a hot model girlfriend, just not happening.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH DUDE READ MY POST AGIN, i told you as long as you can THINK you can get a gf, which means if you are not mentally ill you will do just fine

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>AHHHHHHHHHHHHH DUDE READ MY POST AGIN, i told you as long as you can THINK you can get a gf, which means if you are not mentally ill you will do just fine
My bad user, well I have autism anyway and that checks for mentally ill, so no chance for me man.
Well, to give a counterargument though, how do you know she isn't cheating with a genetically superior male?

I like your anime pictures though.

Well apparently I have mild autism, as long as you can think normally it should matter too much, you sound fine to me
>how do you know she isn't cheating with a genetically superior male?
Lol, what? Dude, you are so inexperienced, hahaha. I am too tired to explain, but i can tell you should worry about this stuff user.
>I like your anime pictures though.
Eh is just some random pic I throw for fun, but thanks anyway hahaha

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>Lol, what? Dude, you are so inexperienced, hahaha. I am too tired to explain, but i can tell you should worry about this stuff user.
Oh, was about to agree here.

>Eh is just some random pic I throw for fun, but thanks anyway hahaha
this one is trying to insult me though

Nah man, women it's not for me, at least at this time, I'll start going to my local gym soon, maybe I'll change my mind sometime.
I get fucking rejected by women with hair in the color of shit, just poopyhair, alright don't take this sentence seriously that was a joke user.

>Nah man, women it's not for me, at least at this time, I'll start going to my local gym soon, maybe I'll change my mind sometime.

dude THAT'S IT, good job!
Keep on improving for yourself and not for women and soon you will see that women will want to be around you. Once you get Jow Forums and go on tinder you will see how easy is to get laid.

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It's not your fault. The natural instincts you have were made for a time when women actually valued a man's ability to protect and provide for her. Nowadays women have been so corrupted by modern society that they'd rather fuck a guy who doesn't give two shits about them than someone who genuinely cares for them. This is why you never emotionally invest in women and always keep them chasing your validation.

Tinder is brutal man, imagine how many real lvl100 420 pro MLG chads are on tinder. Just fucking brutal.

I have problem really shutting that whole gym down because of school, but luckily that's almost over for me.

I bought a Philipp Plein t-shirt to stick to my alphachadvirgin goals, so I'll probably do it. Man, my autism is on another level.

The true red pill is that the world of luxury has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth and that you'll never look at luxury the same again.

what luxury are you talking about user?

But following the pattern of what you said, wouldn't I still keep her if I just never made her a priority?

>Go beat up your mother and gf. Shoot up a school.
Uh oh, someone sounds mad.

>Tinder is brutal man, imagine how many real lvl100 420 pro MLG chads are on tinder. Just fucking brutal.

CHAD DOSNT EXIST is all about how you sell yourself.

If you can trIck a female brain that she can't get better than you then she will want to suck your dick ;)

If you are fit and look at least 5/10 you are golden, all that it takes then is to take proper photos, that's all.

Most of the guys on tinder have a shitty selfie and look like nerds

That's right you will be able to keep a woman you like by not making her a priority and not getting emotionally invested in her but be aware that this is not as easy as it sounds. If you're with a dime piece once you start getting a taste of that pussy and being around that pretty body and feminine energy even the smartest of red pills can still fuck up.

The same thing happened with me the other day. I was with a dime piece and slipped up twice around her but I did some good damage control by ignoring her for a bit after that and managed to get her interest back up again.

sounds to me just like you simply don't know how to make bitches cum

>Man, my autism is on another level.
Then you found a friend with something in common in Lawliet. Now you just need to be deluded and borderline retarded to really fit in with him.