32 yo bartenderfag making pretty ok money, most i've ever made

>32 yo bartenderfag making pretty ok money, most i've ever made
>4 months ago started dating a really high functioning art director of a marketing agency
>I'ts pretty intimidating. She lives in an insane east village apt, i live in a shitty bushwick basement
> I make about 1k a month give or take. I saw a comission for one of her installations for a mansion in Greenwhich that was 46k. A single one. That's not even her full-time job.
>That's the background to this: she asked me to move in and take less hours, i'd help her out with meal prepping and cleaning up the house, laundry, in exchange live in dope ass village apt, rent free.

I`ve never been in this position before of dating someone so much above my paygrade and part of me thinks it's a terrible idea.
I do like my job but i don't see myself working these hours and this much forever. And i'm scared of waking up a 50yo loser who gets by.
But, i'm also scared of becoming a stay-at-home dude, dependent on my woman's income.
>Pic related, gf in said apt

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Do it, be a force multiplier in her life. Be irreplaceable and after a while you might actually start your own thing as well. Who knows just enjoy her..

I would not do this if I were you! She's essentially wanting you be a house husband. This is going to place you in the submissive position in the relationship which is a recipe for disaster. My own parents did this for a time where my mom worked and my dad was a stay at home house husband. They nearly got divorced.

Do it user, and work out your stuff meanwhile

Free shit, focus on lifting and figure out a side income while you get pampered by a rich girlfriend

Also good luck keeping her from stepping out with other chad's when she thinks of you as the beta house husband who watches the home while she's gone.

What's gonna make you happy user? Do you really like her enough to take this step in the relationship?

To be honest I would do it for sure. Even if it doesn't work out would be a good temporary lifestyle. But as others say, if you have other ambitions this would be the perfect platform to start pursuing them from.

this is my dream OP go for it dude.
my father would never approve since he's very fundamental Christian/traditional and thinks that a man should be able to work 3 jobs before the woman needs to work 1. bless his heart, he did that for a time, but yeah I'd totally go for it OP. I probably would, damn the effect on me and my dad's relationship.

I wouldnt do it
who knows what she sees in you, maybe she's going to invite guys over and there's nothing you could do about it but stay in the living room and hear them fuck

In that job she is a mega whore if you don't mind that she has taken over 100 cocks you might milk her for casual and prizes if you are more manly that sales schmoozers

How are you only making 1k a month as a bartender? Find a new bar.

There’s something about this woman and situation I don’t trust.

maybe he means he only has 1k after rent and such?
because yeah I agree that seems low. as a waiter at a shitty seafood restaurant on fridays I'd easily make over 100 doll hairs

Tbh if that pic really is her I would back the fuck out now to save your dignity

I meant a week, yeah sry. I do 5 nights 3 evenings, 2 different bars.

Pampered by rich girlfriend? More like getting bitched at all day by her after she get's tired of seeing him around the house all day. This is the way my mom treated my dad after he decided to be a stay at home house husband.

So in other words you’re doing alright because your rent is under 1.5k/mo, no need for a car right? And you don’t have to fuck your bosses and clients to get a prestigious title, which doesn’t even mean she makes that much (if that’s her apartment in the photo it’s not that great). She looks like the daddy issue poster child. Don’t move in unless she plays by your rules.

You're 4 months into this, which is pretty early. If she is into you, just ask for a bit more time and see how your relationship is going.

Freud said that everything in the world comes down to sex. Except sex, sex is about power. So i`d say observe how she behaves, and how you guys fuck. Try to see if she's putting you into a beta servant position, because she clearly has all power in this dynamic.

I agree with many others, she is dressing, and looks like an instagram thot, and probably got her position from fucking people in power. Shoulder star tattoo is pretty indicative of her status.

She might have also inherited wealth and position, the art business is all about connections. To have her "work" evaluated at that price means she has the connections, as the art business is basically a way for rich people to get tax exemptions on money laundering.

Anyways, she looks like she gets spitroasted for breakfast. Good luck.

I'd knock her up and lock into that sweet sweet commission money user.

Worst case you divorce her and get half. What's stopping you?

>Tries to impregnate a man
That's a tranny dude.

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Keep dating her but don't lose your independence.

Enjoy this while it lasts. Start hustling and insist you want to do something to help out financially. You're looking for a problem that doesn't exist - you're being spoiled and you're complaining?

freud was a hack who thought ever man wanted to fuck his mom and kill his dad

>if you are more manly than sales schmoozers
That's not very difficult to achieve