What the fuck! I just had surgery, they put me under and I went home. My eyes now look like this, what the fuck is happening. I called the doctors office but they asked me to call my physician and leave a voicemail. They're closed now. Shit! Fuck! Help!

Attached: owie1.jpg (1302x718, 113K)

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You ded

Can you see okay? Is this painful or are you just freaking out because of the way it looks? Do you have any documents of the medications they gave you? I would suggest looking those meds up in case this is a side effect.

What kind of surgery did you get?

But srsly go see someone man
If you still can i guess
Danm u ded

I can see okay, but the area around my eyes is sensitive. I also have these dots all around my eye area, like broken blood vessels.

I was put under, they had to remove some hardware from my body. I had a tube put in my throat so I'm thinking I must have gagged/coughed really hard when they did that, causing these ruptures. My throat hurts too and I'm talking funny.

Why they wouldn't tell me about that though is pretty fucked up, imo.

Attached: eyefuck.jpg (1009x716, 99K)

If they actually opened up layers of your eye I could imagine some side effects but man does it look fucked

Imagine actually being so retarded to write on anime imageboard for help instead of calling ambulance and stating your problem.

Well lot's of humans arent smart but this is pure idiocy OP.

Go to a fucking ER, idiot.

I can see fine, I have no adverse reaction besides this looking horrifying. I'm also on pain medication, so I cannot legally drive. My only option would be to call an ambulance and I don't really feel this is a medical emergency that justifies that. Doubly so, since I'm in America and would have to pay for the ambulance.

Just calm down man. It looks like a subcobjunctival Hemorrhage. It's a lot less worse than it sounds because it's really self-limiting. As long as you have no blurring of vision, eye pain, or scotoma you should be fine. I would advise to go to your doctor as well.

t. quack doctor

Leave a voicemail/book a followup appointment ASAP, if it's painful enough consider seeking emergency care. Wouldn't suggest trying any quick fix treatments if you weren't told you can have OTC stuff with whatever you're on and just letting your body rest and recover.

They should've definitely given you a "what to expect after surgery" sheet or at least touched base with you. Did they really say nothing before or after the surgery? You just walked in and they put you out and told you to go home when you woke up? That sounds like neglience on the doctors' behalf.

ignore this tard plx thx

since op is a burger he would probably have to file for bankcruptcy

>subcobjunctival Hemorrhage

Whew, it looks exactly like this. And the skin stuff looks like this:

Going to try and skip any more pain meds in case I need to drive in tomorrow. Hopefully I can make it through with just Ibuprofen and Asprin.

Thanks bros, I called them again and got someone from their answering service. The doctor suggested this might just be the way they taped my eyes shut, some kind of allergic reaction (lol wut). Said as long as there is no pain when blinking, I should be fine, but if its still like this tomorrow, to call in.

They fucked up my IV 3 times. I have large veins, never had an issue before. Stabbed 5 times between 2 different nurses before I politely asked them for someone with more experience. Dude got it on the first try.

Come to think of it, I think they forgot my discharge papers. The whole place was a disorganized mess.

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It's probably the aspirin.

Noticed it long before I took the first Asprin. I've also taken Asprin without issues before, very recently for a prolonged period (original surgery).

Anyway, if I look like a zombie tomorrow, you better make sure to reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight.

Attached: zombo.jpg (1571x321, 58K)

This might be the best gore I've seen lately, holy shit.
If you don't get that shit treated you're going blind. Really scary.

user please be okay. That shit looks scary.

What kind of cheap disorganized medical center are you going to? Jesus Christ

It's just from blood pressure changes, my cousin had this worse when he was run over by a neighbor. It'll clear up.

That's sexy.
I'd get eye tattoos if it were safe. You're lucky as fuck.

> my cousin had this worse when he was run over by a neighbor.
literally the backstory to why 2d from gorillaz has black eyes

Just take a taxi to the ER

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go to the fucking hospital you degenerate, you think medfags on Jow Forums are gonna jump through the screen and help out?

hey everyone, femanon here, about to go into labour but looks like it'll be a breech baby! what do - hospital or post on Jow Forums?

If you are really worried then just go to a walk in clinic.

Uber to the ER