People always say "bro go outside lmao"...

People always say "bro go outside lmao". But seriously do they not understand how fucking weird it is to talk to a random stranger out in public somewhere nowadays in what's almost to be fucking 2020? Like you don't just go to a starbucks or something and start talking to a random girl, everyone will look at you like you're retarded or laugh at you regardless of how "normal" you look or how much "game" you think you have, and most likely she has a boyfriend or some shit. You don't just walk into a bookstore and start talking to some girl. People are trying to do shit and they don't need you interrupting them, they already have a life and you're just some weirdo messing up their flow. They're just trying to talk to their hot fuckbuddies and wait for them at starbucks drink their whatever latte, they're just trying to get their BDSM books at the bookstore to try out new sex stuff with chadlite and so on

can one of you people that say shit like this actually clarify what this means? What sort of places do you go to in 2019 where it's actually normal to walk up to a random girl you don't know and start talking to them?

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You seem insecure. I do this all the time and I’m able to make conversation with almost anybody willing to talk to me.

I’m not too experienced with women desu, but I don’t have trouble havin conversation with them and getting to know them. Sadly most of the girls I’m interested in the most usually have BFs and then I get stuck with uggos lusting after me.

Just go to places where a lot of ppl are and you’ll eventually find a woman who’s out there by herself. Try having an actual conversation but don’t force it and don’t be intrusive.

how do you know what i am or not if you haven't even met me bro, you don't even know who i am

anyways, yeah i don't either but that's not the point, the point is does anything come about you doing what you do? i can talk to people just fine but what does that actually mean? it doesn't mean jack shit. Do you actually end up getting laid or getting into a relationship with the women you talk to? How do you even know they're not just sitting through and nodding to your weird ass creepy thirsty bullshit?

imo it just makes you look really desperate and thirsty and stupid when you go up to some random girl just minding her own damn business trying to do her shit or just hanging out enjoying some peace and quiet and fuck everything up by trying to talk to her it just seems annoying as shit to me if i was the girl even if you weren't being weird

also by approaching a complete and total random stranger out in public is literally the definition of forcing it and being intrusive. You don't know this person at all and have absolutely no reason to talk to them and have no business with them, so like what the fuck are you doing exactly?

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>Do you actually end up getting laid or getting into a relationship with the women you talk to?
Not that user, but I did both. It's way more common than you think, OP. And even when an interaction doesn't lead to anything more, sometimes it's just pleasant to talk to people. Heck, I've met good friends randomly like this.
People are just people, OP. They like to interact with other humans, it's in our nature. Sometimes you might be intruding, but sometimes the other person is just waiting for you to say something, aching for some human contact in this increasingly isolated society.
Get out more, talk to more people. You'll get the hang of it eventually.

you just have to start with a harmless and simple statement. i like your shoes! and if she is receptive to your comment, gives you eye content, smiles, and gives u some sort of more thought out response than just Thanks then you jusy kind of continue the small talk. If it goes will tell her your name and ask hers, from that point youre pretty good to go a bit more heavy handed

Answered this in another thread You're larping far too much into the why nots, and the reason it doesn't work for you is because you think you ONLY need to talk to the chicks you want to bang. It's not about them, it's about you and your ability to hold a conversation. It's a learning curve, desu

You have to start by making friends.

Obviously easier said than done, but make friends who will back up your credibility.

Then just talk to women like they're people. Once you move past the "I'm cosmically cursed and every girl I like has a boyfriend or is a bitch" phase and realize that you were just being closed-minded, you can relax and lean back on your personality to make friends for you.

Oh and be funny too it will get you so far.

man i go outside all the time. every day. have been for the past decade. never talked to anyone at all. normies have no idea how different our world is to theirs.

This. I'm outside or around people for at least 8 hours a day while on campus. No one, literally no one, has ever tried to engage in a conversation with me. I don't blame them, but I'm also not interested enough in human interaction to go out of my way and start talking to people about random shit

i find that college is the least social enviroment on the planet if you're not part of any clique.

at least in high school being a social reject would get you made fun of. in college you're just ignored and treated like a ghost/pariah an untouchable.

It really is. At both my highschools (went to one for 9-10, another for the rest) I was at least ironically given some interaction. It wasn't bullying per se since it was targeted or cruel, but they obviously knew I was socially retarded and let me sit with some different cliches at lunch. I sat with a few different ones, including what would be "popular" kids and it was fine. I still never talked to anyone, but it was worlds apart from college. Everyone leaves me alone. It's so nice. I can just focus on my work and observe

Nigga you’re supposed to go to bars to pick up girls

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not OP but when i went to a bar i was just as socially isolated. girls wont talk to you without social proof. no one likes loners no matter where you go

it took me 6 years to graduate and i never talked to a single person the entire time i was in college.

>hahah just do all the work
No female is worth the effort.

Yep. I'm on year two and beyond what's required for group work, I haven't said anything to anyone on campus. A professor did wave at me once, so that's something I guess

this, sex dolls are the future
I feel so sorry for guys like OP who still feel obligated to play the game.

You guys go alone? You should go with friends and have fun, snd talk to some strangers (girls included). That’s atleast how it works for me. Picking on girls at starbuck, the library etc is just weird. People are there for a reason, and getting hit on by a complete stranger is not one of them. At least in bars/clubs they are aware of guys hitting on themHave sex

>have sex
It's pretty telling that the only way I'll ever know about the value of a woman is if I have access to her holes.

>You should go with friends
yeah friends haha good joke

normies always admit indirectly that women are only good for their holes.

I’m not a male feminist or something, I’m simply answering the autist’s post


Why the fuck? You guys have made up your minds already. You want to put zero effort into self-improvement, and you use the fact that females leave you alone as proof that there's no point in doing so. The sad fact is that the reason they leave you alone almost certainly is the signs YOU are putting out there. It's real easy for me to be left alone as well, if I want to, since I got resting asshole face. Fortunately facial expression and body language is something we get to control, if we so wish. But you're not going to listen.

>What sort of places do you go to in 2019 where it's actually normal to walk up to a random girl you don't know and start talking to them?


Fuck off. Op was asking about where it's normal (aka socially acceptable) for a guy to be able to approach a girl and start talking.
I do admit that I personally am no longer interested in playing the game, but for the few people dumb enough to still care, I think OP's question is useful

OP doesn't adress his desire or resolve. Does he want a girlfriend? Does he want a fuckbuddy? Tantric partner? Date several women at once? A wife? A harem?

He's not asking where it's normal, he's TELLING us that starbucks and book shops are retarded and laughable places to talk to some. He's failing to see the difference between asking how talking to someone in and of itself can be done without sperging, and the fact that WHAT he's meant to say to female strangers, and HOW, is what either makes it attractive or creepy.

It's moot to ask what places to go to, because the real answer is almost any place imaginable. Not mosques or public lady showers obviously, but there's nothing wrong with book stores, as long as you're doing it right. HOW you're doing it is what makes it socially acceptable, not where.

Well, why not answer the "how" question that you've raised, then? If you think it could help him, that is. Again, all women can rot in a ditch for all I care, but op and many other incels still care

>why not answer the "how"
I did so in my first post. This board is the most unthankful place on the internet. People will rather argue and tell people to fuck off, than to engage in a real conversation in response to the content of what's being posted.

>>Excuses: The thread.

But you didn't. All you said was anywhere is good if you're not creepy., but didn't explain what is creepy, or, more importantly, how not to be creepy.

That wasn't the point of the thread.
My whole goal here is to get OP to fathom that it's not about the places, or the women, it's about his skills in talking. I'm not going to pretend to know how he's going to improve, I'm simply telling him that he WILL by practicing talking to people a lot, preferably with no prejudice (you know, since it's about them, it's about him.)

I see.

I am a 27 year old virgin with poor social skills and low start-up capital.
What do I have to do to make myself fuckable?

I just got a new job and finally have some money, so please honestly tell me. It's not a matter of excuses, right now I just don't know what will produce meaningful improvement.
If you say "go to the gym" I'll start going to the gym. If it's about being witty I can start reading more books. If it's about dressing better I can buy new clothes. If you say "find a hobby" I can pick up a musical instrument or maybe start learning a language or something (as long as I actually enjoy it). But I don't know if women find those things attractive.
The only thing I've decided on so far is to spend my money on braces to fix that particular insecurity, even if it's going to cost $10k+ (which it will).

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It’s always weird to talk to strangers, don’t do it, even normies don’t do it. You should be talking to people who share the same interest or activities with you, something like hobby clubs or college or work.

What's the point of talking to girls? Is sex and validation all that drives men these days?

Be self sufficient, gym is a good start. Then pick up grooming techniques slowly, one step at a time user. One step a time..

(since it's NOT* about them...)

And alright, I'll indulge.
How not to be creepy: Talk to people. Be pleasant. Be outcome intependant. It's okay to show interest, as long as you also show that you can take it or leave it, wish them a good day or whatever, when ever it's not going to lead anywhere.
It's easier to compare:
>looking at someone at distance, establishing eye contact, not walking up to her, no smiling
>looking at someone at distance, establishing eye contact, smiling, walking up to her and asking where you've seen her before

I haven't got time for this now, but if you actually want some protip, watch this talk, and I'll be back later if the thread isn't died

>Be self sufficient
What does that mean?
Getting a better job? Or rearing chickens and making my own mayonnaise?

But alright, cool. Thank you. I'll grab a copy of Starting Strength, set aside 90 minutes after work 3x a week, and eat a bunch more protein. Those are things I know I can do.

Learn how to work and rely on nobody in case. For starters it means learn basic life skills, driving, cooking, doing taxes, cleaning house. These are basic stuff and cooking is sexy as fuck for dudes.

After that comes emotional self sufficiency, friends and companions are great but you should be able to go on without them. They should be force multipliers, not your bedrock.

Then comes later stuff..

Forgot how to tell this will improveyour gf chances. It will make you not desperate, and being able to say no to bullshit and bad fits.

It will make you attractive too..

"Bro go outside" means go outside and have casual, everyday interactions with people in the real world on a regular basis so you don't act like a total sperglord when meeting someone.

Fair enough.
To be perfectly honest I'm less interested in getting laid specifically and more about finally experiencing life in general. I've been drifting around on welfare for half a decade because the job market cratered the instant I graduated from university; it's liberating finally having money in my pocket, and I'd like to start behaving like a normal adult- something you can't really do when half your income goes to rent and the other half goes to food and bills. I couldn't even get drunk- a bottle of Vodka costs almost 2 hours pay in Aus.

I can clean, I can cook (need more dishes in my repertoire though), I can do taxes, and I can drive (can't afford a car yet, it's either that or the braces). Right now what I'm really struggling with is the whole emotional component you mentioned. It is fucking peculiar for a dude to be 27 and have no friends, but that's where I'm at and people can detect it- and are wary of it. And I don't know how to forge friendships because I'm hobbled by poor social skills and a lack of meaningful interests to bond over.

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Ok dude, thanwhat you should do is get some hobbies that are not financially draining, maybe hiking or sth similar where you need minimal investment.

After joining such a thing first you try to be not abrasive, keep somewhat a low profile but still get to know people. Then eventually with time yoj might make friends from such a thing.

t. dude who changed a few social circles by literally doing the above listed

Starting work in a hypersocial environment (a hospital clerical space where the phone rings constantly) has already done wonders for my social skills. I'm well liked, if still very socially awkward; a hobby would probably help even more. Gotta do some reading on body language and conversation skills though, I just can't seem to keep a convo going.

Anyway thank you. Gonna start looking at gyms in my area tomorrow.