I realized most women suck desu. Why is that?
I'm a women but
Most likely bait, but the short answer is you fail to see the good in others, and women are people. In the eyes of people like you, most people suck.
Men like it when the suck.
Most women suck because we're conditioned to accept abuse since birth. Once you say "Fuck all that noise" it's increasingly harder to identify with the gender culture.
Wrong. Most men are abused.
t. tripfag
I'm also a woman and hate women in general. Most of the shit they do is so frivolous and pointless. And don't get me started on girl drama - brings out the most absolute batshit crazy in girls.
I am a woman too and I hate incel, yikes.
If a guy is under 6'0 like die please! thanks, gosh,
Namefag retard.
Stfu fag
once youve met one woman youve met them all. they all behave the same way.
>A literal child
True inttectuals relaize humanity are flawed abortions in need of death.
Theres no such thing as good people.
I'm a girl and I don't hate them, but I feel as if they're a little hard to get along with. Most times all I see is catty competition bs and I just wish there was more positivity between other girls desu.
Yes. Are you?
>i’m not like the other girls!
It can't be a secret if you just told everyone here, user!
You're absolutely right. Quick thinking.
Why did you ask if I was a human though?
Some "people" pretend they are when they're not. It's all very interesting and also I'm a real person. Just checking.
Well put. Thanks. Needed to see this.
Have you ever contributed anything anywhere on Jow Forums that wasn't shitposting? You, Peanut Butter and Jelly of Everyone, Wishes He Was Hitler and Girl Who Breaks All Her Chances of Landing a Husband are all garbage. Yeah so are most of the anons, too; but at least they're not trying to build a name for themselves while doing it.
Neck yourselves.
Because contrary to the belief of some, women can be redpilled, too. A lot of men kind of suck, a lot of women kind of suck. Realising that isn't the domain of a particular gender. One of my best female friends often used to warn me about how fucked up nearly all women can be and often are; I was blown away that she'd do it, but she did.
How would they even know if they're a real person?
I guess when it comes down to it, some people evolved abnormal pathology and biology compared to the rest of the real humans. Probable cause RNA. I don't know yet.
But you just said you weren't human user...You're interesting, I like you.
I have no idea who those guys are, i just like to have fun, thats all
I cant make real friends so i come here, you guys are my only friends i ever had
>Why is that?
Why is that it took you so long to figure it out or why is that women suck?
First of all, I said good IN people, not good people.
I'm not going to argue with you. You seem like you need to become an adult and less of an emo teenager, before you can humble yourself enough to listen to your superiors. My best advice is to give it a try, and look for better things through patience and balanced reflection.
Resentment is when you recognize the flaws in others, but you're too proud to see the same in yourself.
Infatuation is when you recognize the virtues in others, but you're too humble to see the same in yourself.
When proudness and humbleness is in perfect balance, you get to have healthy relationships to other humans.
I've never sucked desu. What does it taste like?
Passing by to confirm they suck, idk why. Currently in an office of 5 women and i want to neck myself . Im also women and sick of this gender yes im friendless
I work with women and they are ok as long as you be distant with them. Female managers are the absolute worse and have no place in management. Women are spoiled in western culture. They want the priveleges that were traditionally afforded to men, because the world is much harsher on men, while retaining traditionally female priveleges/protections/ social nets.
Women would never want true gender equality. That would make life to hard for them. If we were truly equal and women had to endure all the negative things that go along with being male, they would be begging to return to traditional gender roles. I mean this is terms of legislation and social norms. Being a woman is like being on easy mode in a game.
I remember my friend said she never joked around with a girl ever before and that women are incapable of making jokes. She also said that's why women comedians suck, they are just trying to replicate male humor which they percieve as over the top edginess.
How true is this?
Born genders face abuse and hardship. Regardless of the negative aspects of being female, women have it easy.
If Amy 'Walrus" Schumer is any example then yeah sounds about right.
If men weren't superior there would be no need for feminism or gender equality movements. Women are inherently weaker physically and mentally and any objective measurement will show this. Men made western society modern and safe. Women contributef virtually nothing outside of giving birth to men. You litterally can't refute this because the results of mankind over time prove my argument.
I really dare you to go all out in disguise and live as a woman, you'd barely last a day and that's without half of the trouble of growing up as a girl. You still.wouldn't make it.
Guys see women and think the world is easy because they think getting the attention they lack would nake them happy but theu fail to realize in return they have everything else available to them that women don't, and only focus on the one thing they lack to excuse taking responsibility for their own unhappiness.
As for op, girls are pitted against each other by adults. All that insecurity manifests in cattiness. If you find confidence in yourself and befriend emotionally mature people that aren't envious of you in any way because they have learnt to love themselves, you'll find some women to talk to. Yeah it's hard, it's as hard to find a good female friend as it is to find a good guy worth dating. That's life. Try not to internalize others issues.
>prove it
>but theu fail to realize in return they have everything else available to them that women don't
And what would that be?
I don't have to. Just look at history. And btw any contributions made by females would have been made by males anyway. Furthermore their contributions were based on something a man figured out.
Exactly. Women have it way to easy.
Women are weak and pathetic which is why the only way they can move up in the world is whining, crying and playing the victim card to elicit sympathy. Thats what feminism is all about.
how would you know, tranny?
If most women didn't have vaginas they'd be dead or homeless
>poor whiny little incel likes to samefag
>please meditate and heal your soul
Lol nice comback
way to prove him wrong, hippy libtard
Lol pathetic
I bet you're a nigger too
I found that women who are close friends are great, but most stranger women or those in the workplace are absolutely horrible.
I work in IT and there's like a 70%-30% male to female ratio where I work, which imo is perfect. A couple of years ago I did a summer internship at a logistics firm and holy hell, working with 95% women and having a female manager was a nightmare. I don't know what it is, but a lot of women in the workplace are very competitive and mean for no reason. There's the whole meme about guys in tech being sexist to female coworkers, but I personally never encountered that. On the contrary, my male coworkers and my boss are super nice and helpful, always chill and never starting dumb drama or getting competitive for no reason.
Welcome to clown world where everything the media says is a fucking lie
>"I'm not like the other girls"
>I’m unique and different, yeah!
They have humour and there are female show-writers who are genuinly funny but the role of the hilarious person that talks shit and makes you spit your drink out is reserved for men it seems
That's our reality, either embrace it or try to better yourself.