Whilst browsing porn, I came across a site with bestiality and what I think is CP. What should I do...

Whilst browsing porn, I came across a site with bestiality and what I think is CP. What should I do? I've never seen anything like that, and I didn't want to see it. I honestly don't know what to do. Can you guys give me some advice? I'm scared shitless right now.

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Go to the FBI website and snitch.

Just ignore it and move on with your life

post the link

You can report it to the FBI on their site and get it shut down.

I like how some morals are icky but some aren't even though we've supposedly left behind all the old dogmas. Hey, you do you man.

Found the furfag defending kiddie and puppy porn.

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Not kid porn, but I don't see any reason why a grown woman (or man) shouldn't be permitted to fuck a dog. I don't get furries, but beastiality is just about my only fetish beyond some hentai shit

After I do that, what should I do?

Because retard, as has been discussed on this very board brute, fucking fido is abuse because the animal is incapable off understanding the abuse you're performing upon them, it is straight up animal abuse and after the deed is done it fucks with then mentally and ruins the dynamics of the relationship you have with your pet leaving them to believing you're a mate yet incapable of producing offspring, animals don't fuck for pleasure you dumb fucking degenerate.

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Do dildos consent to use? Do animals consent to being purchased? I mean, whatever. It's healthy for a country to enforce its morals, and I have no qualm with that. I'd never want it to be mainstream or anything like that, but it seems like a pretty post hoc rationalization

I once typed in "cute Japanese dog" and bestiality came up in a search engine. It was beyond silly. There is basically no filter for that shit

>What should I do?

You could report it, but doesn't that also incriminate yourself? Never ran across a site with something that brutal but I feel for you OP, the latter of what you are talking about is horrible.

A dodo is an inanimate object you dense motherfucker, will you furfags stop trying to moralise your sick fucked up lifestyle and just neck yourselves already?

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Dildo, god damn hate having to phonefag to explain this basic shit

Again, not a furfag. I just like seeing women be whores with lesser animals, which is why I also watch interracial on occasion. Even so, do animals consent to being purchased?

You're making the argument for me numnuts, animals are incapable of giving consent in general, so stop raping your god damn pets, and if you're against the purchasing aspect then go and adopt a pet instead of buying one from birth

Then again, by the sounds of it you shouldn't be allowed to own pets for the same reasons as kero and snakething should be kept as far away from animal shelter as possible

I'm not interested in convincing you of anything. I already said it's healthy for a society to enforce its morals, and I have no desire to undo that. Just wondering if there's more rationalizing beyond consent

fuckin hurts I’ll bet


Bein the dog

Are you a dog?

you're fine, but if you want to feel extra secure download CCleaner, and change the settings to secure deletion (7+ wipes), then have it clear your cache, then wipe the free space in your hard-drive.

From there, download veracrypt and do a full-disk encryption. Without the password you set nobody will be able to access your computer, even if it's the FBI and they have years to try (assuming you make a proper password).

You don't need to do all that but if it helps you feel better go for it, and the peace of mind full-disk encryption brings is nice. Knowing that your data is ONLY your own is nice.

Lol sick bastard