I am an 18-year-old girl who has spent most of my teen years + met most of my friends on Tumblr

My social life has almost entirely originated from Tumblr and I, therefore, hadn't realized how nutty my friend's opinions were until recently. I'm sure most people here know how SJW Tumblr is, and the drama that results from trying to one-up each other's "political correctness" (which, most of the time, is completely inapplicable to the real world) is overdone and repulsive on so many levels. I don't really enjoy political discussion and side with choices that ease suffering/help the highest # of people(take that as you will) and most of the time their opinions don't align with my own. I don't want to lose the friends I've already have but it is extremely tiring to constantly monitor myself to avoid mentioning anything of differing opinion that they would consider "icky". Most of these people are 18+, but I have to watch my language around them even more than I do around children. It doesn't even matter if you are condoning the subject, the mere mention of unsavory topics sets them off like you just killed their grandmother (I would be yelled at for using that comparison).

My apologies for the rant, I'm just unsure how to go forward now that I've realized how out-of-touch everyone in my social circle actually is. I know 4-chan is considered as anti-Tumblr as it gets so I thought this would be a good place to start.

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Why would you hold your tongue for them? Speak your mind, whatever you wish. Don't let them control you.

Go out in the real world and find real friends. Trust me, things will work out better for you. Many people who de fecto live on the internet, are in a political echo chamber / bubble.

>I'm just unsure how to go forward now that I've realized how out-of-touch everyone in my social circle actually is. I know 4-chan is considered as anti-Tumblr as it gets so I thought this would be a good place to start.
Real talk, don't make friends here. You're gonna find creeps and weirdos on the other end. Anyone worth meeting up on this site doesn't want to meet up. Go out and make normal friends to spend time with. The closer you get with people you meet in normal places, like school, work, bar/club, gym/other hobby areas, then the easier it is to get away from crazies. Since you're 18, I would suggest going to college, and getting involved in non-political clubs and groups. It might be tough, because if they're controlling, then they'll want to keep you from spending time with other people. They might harass you if they find out you're thinking about cutting ties, and try to make you feel bad for associating with people who aren't like them. They may not, but be prepared for anything. I wish you the best of luck.

I feel you user, having to censor yourself around friends sucks

You can either a. Not give a fuck what they say and talk the way you want to talk and they can suck it up
Or b. Fund some new friends
Personally I say what I want and my friends can eat shit if they dont like it, lucky enough most of the time they don't care

Also post tits or gtfo

get new friends and cut those people from your life

Trip on here as a girl, I can teach you.

Be honest about how you feel w/ them. Also, spend less time on Tumblr.

From my able bodied but aspergers/depression/anxiety white male self who has trouble with employment because equal opportunity hiring:

Fuck you and fuck your friends. Eat shit

Are you a virgin?

Don’t do this. Don’t listen to any of her advice.

what is SJW and why are you asking for friendship advice?

stop with these made up terms if you're trolling, if not go hit /b/ with that shit

Most likely a dude or trap LARPing as a girl.

Trannies are mentally ill

Normally people just find the polar opposite and hang out with those for a while and eventually end up somewhere in the middle. In general though, try to make some real life friends (through work or whatever).

And so begins the hottest yuri show of the season.

dude ur a female lmao just pretty up and wait for guys to approach you
you dont gotta do shit

Look, it's the 2019 version of the manic pixie dream girl; "I hate Tumblr feminists so much I came to Jow Forums to escape them"

This is right up there with "I just get so wet for guys with zero sense of hygiene and no social graces"

>on Jow Forums
But let's go with it.
Here is the thing: it's too late for us in the west.
Enjoy your time, and whore it up like a good SJW, cause you fucked us all with that pseudo commie bs.

>My social life has almost entirely originated from Tumblr
Didn't read the rest of your post.
Go back to the unsavory pit from whence you came.

>made up

Hey OP
Do you want to be friends with me?
Im pretty cool

As a male, I just lone wolf it. "Every man is his own island", etc. etc. I don't give a fuuuuuuuck.

As for females, I'm not sure if they can lone wolf it. I'm not saying that to be antagonistic, but I literally don't know if females can stay mentally healthy without the comforts of a tight knit social bond.

In any case, think of it like this. If you stay with your current group of friends, you will deteriorate in mental health and sanity. If you lone wolf it, you will deteriorate in mental health and sanity. If you run away and find new friends, you may or may not deteriorate in mental health and sanity.

Pretty much, if you don't do SOMETHING, you're fucked, and they'll slowly poison you to death. Might as well break free RIGHT FUCKING NOW, no turning back, and try and find something better. May I unironically suggest reddit? If not, may I also suggest /cgl/ or /soc/? Those two are the most tumblr-like boards on this whole website, without being a cesspit of tumblr's insane sensibilities.

I really, really, really don't think Jow Forums would be your speed. If it is, hey, great. Another girl on Jow Forums, now we have like 10 of them. One more and we can make a soccer team. But generally speaking, it probably isn't for you. You should probably visit xxchromosomes on reddit or something.

Also, feel free to rant. Something tells me you're not done ranting. Tell me about individual members that you've developed an opinion on in tumblr. Tell me specific examples of stupid shit they do.

Don't come her to make friends lmao. I creep on /b/ and Jow Forums from time to time just to vent or talk to strangers in a place where I won't be judged. But realistically I know Jow Forums is a really fucked up place so be careful.
Go to school and join a club. Join a sports team. Get a job. All great places to meet new people and make new friends. Internet friends are overrated.

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Why did you even post in this thread ?

Because I have a quota to meet and I'm starved for (You)s, obviously

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Basic bitch wisdom