Do you guys actually pick up girls in public? Like public transportation, univ, on the street, etc.. I don't see any real girls I like ever other than when I'm in public (non social setting)
Question for you Gigachads out there?
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Literally don't. I don't know why everyone here is so obsessed with the concept of accosting someone in public to get their dick wet, as if someone goes on a train to meet their future husband. These are not the places to try to approach women.
Because there are videos and stories online about people doing cold approach that are (mostly) fake. And because people on this website don't get out much so they don't understand how finding somebody to have sex with works. Every once in a while I will see a post on Jow Forums that's like "Well guys, I've finally mustered up the courage and I'm going to go to the coffeeshop down the street to try and talk to girls." And every time my response is don't do it, you're just going to feel even worse about yourself when it goes badly.
This... I've literally never seen anyone, gigachad or not, walk up to random females irl and succeed. Frankly, we live in an isolated society where everyone is to themselves and if you aren't in a social setting such as a bar or anywhere centered around meeting people then good luck. I think this is why apps for hookups such as Tinder are so popular now
I mean you can talk to people in public but more often than not it's more of a hello hi friendly chit chat thing, not a proposal or anything.
> Frankly, we live in an isolated society where everyone is to themselves and if you aren't in a social setting such as a bar or anywhere centered around meeting people then good luck. I think this is why apps for hookups such as Tinder are so popular now
This is really true, the concept of a "third space" has shrunk dramatically in the US and has completely disappeared in many communities. Community in and of itself is increasingly vanishing because things are more commercial and we're encouraged to isolate ourselves in modern society.
this fantasy I can tell you is perpetuated by a lot of Youtube (prankster vid channels) where they just pickup random chicks. Mostly fake like you said
lol don't do this.
lmao at all you cucks mentally masturbating each other for the sole reason being that you're gigantic pussies. cold approach WORKS.
I've gotten laid way more from approaching girls during the day than I have from any dating app. lost count of the amount of women I've been with
I got a super cute girls number and I'm an azn 5'5 manlet. I was a virgin and she was alone at my house to chill. I fucked up. I fucked her friend on tinder 5 years later and it was a weird coincidence. I also got a girls number that trolled me (asking to use a strap on on me and if I'd be i to that, I showed it to my friend live), dated a chad friend of mine a year or 2 later, remembered me (I forgotten about her) and felt bad about doing that to me (showed my friend I mentioned it before). I also live in a huge city so it wasn't like this happened in a small town, where you should never cold approach.
It definitely can work and this happened in 2010-2011. Seems like it's highly variable. If niggers can do it and be low inhibition it's probably why they don't need apps though.
fuckoff retard
No OP, it rarely works. most women are approached in the same environment they both share in, multiple times. such as in the school, office etc.
cold approach do not work because you both do not belong in the same "social" group that allows her to (((relate))) to you. you are completely anonymous
It works for some people
>f-fuck off retard!!!!!!!
It doesn't work because you've never tried it? Or you did try it but got btfo ergo it doesn't work?
your reasoning is retarded and makes no sense. prob an incel. if so, the world would be better off if you removed yourself from the genepool
>prob an incel
Incels scream over and over how cold approaches do work or men get cold approached but only if they are Chad. At least know a few things about what those incel fucknuts cry about daily before lambasting someone else as an incel for saying the opposite of what they say.
>t. incel who loves azn women
found white trash whos projecting. my reasoning isnt retarded. youre just incapable of understanding what i said because you're socially retarded.
socially retarded but I write this message literally after getting a 19yo qt's number.
>reddit spacing
>calls someone incel
>b-but i got a 19yo qt's number
found the retarded collegeboy who has nothing else to do but shitpost.
look, you clearly lack understanding how socializing work. either keep lurking and read what others msay that might help you or fuckoff and back to the shithole you came from.
The two of my best friend picked up their current fuckbuddies in public - one in a store, the other in a bus
Maybe it's different in the degenerate states of america
Are they tall, handsome, or Chads in anywhere, cause that's the real kicker? If they are average or nothing special that's more reflective of America than it is of Chad privilege.
One is tall, the other is I guess handsome (although I am a guy and girls think differently about male faces than we do, believe it or not), both of them simply know how to smile tho
Also we're not in the US, we're in Denmark
Generally it all depends on you user.
Realistically it wouldn't be ideal for a woman to be approached by a stranger in the street. BUT, if you make yourself presentable and attractive and make a good impression, that her standards will approve of, I doubt it will be an annoyance for her. Remember we all want to find our special someone and women also hope that the guy who has approached them is their knight.
So if you end up seeing the love of your life on the street, don't pass up on it just because some anons told you it'd be weird and socially unacceptable. You'll regret it later. And the worst thing that can happen is you get a 'no'. Just move on.
With that said, approaching women in a setting where you both have something in common (like a class together) will increase your chance of success, to be fair.
Those settings are the most conducive to a relationship cause you're liable to both be pretty sober and actually talking, whereas club hookups, whilst validating for a man, are drunken hookups and you never know what the hell the person you're getting off with is like cause it's all physical.
So is it over? Cold approaching is my last opportunity. I live in autism land germany so my chances are probably lower.
This thread makes me feel physically bad.
this board is a circle jerk of incels and permavirgins who don't know what theyre talking about. cold approach works
Just go outside and notice of any women exchange prolonged eye contact with you or smile etc... If you get any hint of interest then approach if not then they don't/care know you exist and don't bother
I am inclined to believe this and you make a lot of sense m8 but I have no actual place where I can meet women organically so I'm gonna do cold approaches and hope I fall on a desperate enough woman to be okay with that I guess
Don't you guys go to college, work or have acquittances who know girls they can present you? Getting girl is pretty difficult as it is (at least for the average user), you shouldn't try to do it the most difficult way.
Nobody EVER does that, and if it does happen it'll be the girl initiating it and likely not for sexual reasons (I've seen girls start talking to guys in costume for a play, for example). That's it.
Actual chads will pick up girls from a common setting, like a college class, club, bar etc.
My favourite part about this is I too have been telling people not to do this for like 10 years on here and you get met with so much anger.
Ironically I've been called a virgin a lot for even suggesting you shouldn't do this.
It's like o ok. I have normal social sense. Guess I'll never have sex.
Well, here's a proof as to why I don't deal with women
>no woman is attracted to me
>the only women worth interacting with are the ones attracted to me
>therefore no woman is worth interacting with
>won't interact with women
>whines that women aren't attracted to him
You do realize that you've dug yourself into that ditch?
Yknow they're people and some make great friends and can then lend access to more women rite?
I'm not whining and am content without women spreading their legs for me. I just wanted to get some (You)s
Not interested in people as a whole
I just picked up a girl yesterday, in front of a burning Notre Dame cathedral.. wouldn't call myself a gigachad though, what do you want to know?
Not giga-chad, but good looking, social, Jow Forums, well put together, and relatively intelligent.
I don't actually get with girls because I'm too busy going to school and working (it would be irresponsible to start a relationship with girls I know I couldn't devote myself to), but I've met plenty of girls who were interested in me, and I've also blatantly been called "cute" to my face, and many more times I've overhead girls talking about bf'ing me and wanting to have sex with me (they'd either whisper too loudly, or they'd purposely whisper loud enough so I could hear).
Those are my credentials, take that as you will.
To answer your question, the correct thing is to set up a schedule. If you see a cute girl that you like when you go shopping, set your schedule so your grocery days coincide with her work schedule and build up a report. I go to the laundromat, and I see a cute girl there every Saturday, so I changed my laundry days to Saturday at night so I could see her. The good thing is, people are smart, and when you change your schedule to coincide with hers, she'll be smart enough to know it probably wasn't a coincidence and you're doing it on purpose, which is icebreaker enough for her to start talking to you.
I coincide my gym days with the days a cute girl works there, and after a month or so of seeing each other like that, we joke and occasionally she invites me out to eat with her friends after the gym closes and we spend a lot of time together.
You can sort of think of it like a dating sim. After seeing a few girls for a while, when you're ready you can decide which one to pursue for good. You can still be friends with the other girls, but just don't lead them on, because that's fucked.
So you say no to 'introducing yourself to a stranger and telling them you thought they were attractive and you'd like to know them' right off the bat?
Don't kid yourself, it definitely CAN work. Nothing is guaranteed. I've done it before, and it's worked sometimes, but then again, I've done it at other times and nothing came of it. It really just depends. The schedule thing I brought up is good because it breaks the ice, and it sets up a precedent for "Why is this dude talking to me? Why should I care?"
I'll give you an example:
>Class about to start
>Need a pen
>Ask a girl I think is cute to borrow a pen
>Make a self-deprecating joke like "I know I'm such an idiot, first day of class and I forgot to bring something to write with."
>She laughs
>Hey, maybe if you give me your number I can text you and give it back when I'm done
>She says "yeah, I finish around the same time, maybe we can get something to eat too"
>I say okay
>We part ways
>I never texted her because I genuinely forgot (I wasn't even playing games with her, I just straight up forgot about it and by now it'd be too weird to text her)
Here's an example of when it didn't work:
>Be shopping
>Actually, coincidentally bump into cute girl every time we reach for the shelf because it seems like we both are buying the same thing
>She's buying soda, I'm buying soda
>I'm buying chips, she's buying chips
>Eventually we laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation
>We both realize we're prepping for a party
>I invite her to my party
>Not a smart move
>She obviously says "I can't, I have my own party to go to"
>"Well maybe if your party dies down you can come over to our place and lighten things up"
>"Haha, no..."
>"Oh...uh, okay"
>Never see her again for the rest of my life
So like I said, it really does depend, but I generally don't because it's high-risk, medium-reward. You don't even really know her. At least with people you regularly see, like a cute cashier, or a cute laundromat girl, you can kinda know if you'll like her or not.
Just go for the medium-risk, high-reward girls.
jesus christ todays men are so fucking pathetic. youll tell yourselves anything just to not be forced to deal with any sort of discomfort.
>the correct thing is to set up a schedule. If you see a cute girl that you like when you go shopping, set your schedule so your grocery days coincide with her work schedule and build up a report. I go to the laundromat, and I see a cute girl there every Saturday, so I changed my laundry days to Saturday at night so I could see her. The good thing is, people are smart, and when you change your schedule to coincide with hers, she'll be smart enough to know it probably wasn't a coincidence and you're doing it on purpose, which is icebreaker enough for her to start talking to you.
holy fuck, do you realize how autistic this is? you'd actually change your entire schedule around just for the chance of seeing a girl again instead of approaching her the first time you see her?
> h-hi i ch-changed my schedule around cause i know you're here at the same time!!!
Based retard poster. It's a strategy, user. A very common strategy at that. Like I said in my other post, I completely can just approach a girl up front and something can come of that, but I don't know her, I've never met her before, I don't know how she acts or if we're compatible. If I see someone over and over again, I'll begin to understand what she's like and if she's someone I want to talk to.
It's not that difficult either. I used to shop on Wednesdays because it was the middle of the week, but shopping on Friday isn't some big change. Literally nothing changes. I just shop two days later. As for the laundry, I don't give a fuck. That's such a small price to pay to meet a girl that I think I like. Wow, I changed my laundry day, wow, such a huge conundrum, wow, how will I ever recover? Sit down, I don't give a fuck.
I would never fucking try either of those two. I know no ask, no get but I'm too repressed and mentally fucked and have too fragile of an ego to try that shit.
> It's a strategy, user. A very common strategy at that.
an autistic strategy that sucks enormous gorilla dick
> I completely can just approach a girl up front and something can come of that, but I don't know her, I've never met her before, I don't know how she acts or if we're compatible. If I see someone over and over again, I'll begin to understand what she's like and if she's someone I want to talk to.
so you'll waste a shitload of time and do things that don't make sense ie change your schedule around? instead of being direct? how the fuck do you think you get to know someone? by talking to them
>It's not that difficult either. I used to shop on Wednesdays because it was the middle of the week, but shopping on Friday isn't some big change. Literally nothing changes. I just shop two days later.
yeah, you're changing your schedule completely for the CHANCE of seeing a girl again. this is retarded and autistic
>I changed my laundry day, wow, such a huge conundrum, wow, how will I ever recover?
>Sit down, I don't give a fuck.
the fact you replied shows otherwise. you'll probably reply to this post as well.
That's okay, you can take it slow if you want. You just need to find more things to do. Go to the gym or something until you find a qt that goes there on certain days too. Go to a tennis court or a swimming pool and change your schedule when you see someone you like. When you finish your classes, don't just go straight home, but instead find something to do: library, cafeteria, study hall, etc., and when you find a girl you think is cute, change your schedule to see her more often until you become familiar.
While this is happening, ALWAYS improve yourself. Your mind will follow your body. When you start to dress well, work out, eat right, and take care of your hygiene better, your mind will improve along with it.
I wasn't always so out-going either. In highschool I was a total weirdo loser, and now anytime people from my highschool see me, they always have to ask because they're not sure if I'm the same loser that I was. Very few people start off good, user. I didn't, and neither will you, but you can still try.
I don't give a fuck about replying to your post. I didn't lose anything, this is just another tedious retard that I'm talking to.
She's a fucking cashier. I see her every friday night after working out. The store is empty and we talk for a few minutes after I buy my shit. It's nice and comfortable, and sometimes she teases me about what I'm buying for my groceries, and it's a pleasant rhythm we have going on. Like I said, I'm not looking for a relationship right now, so I don't bother trying, but she's an open door that I can walk into anytime I'm ready to commit myself into a relationship-- an open door that would've otherwise been closed had I not built up a steady report.
You act like sex and girls are everything because you're insecure and autistic. You're the kind of person that started to lift and buy nice clothes with mommy's credit card, and now you don't know how to handle suddenly not looking like an oily virgin, so you just sperg out and parrot whatever corny shit you read on Jow Forumspickupartists or something.
Actually mentally mature adults are patient and take their time and don't rush into relationships because hurr durr muh boobies muh pusy. I have about 5 girls that I keep in the back of my mind for the day I'm ready to have a gf. There's no rush, they're not going anywhere; at least not all 5 of them. Even if they do all get boyfriends overnight, then I can just as easily find more girls that I'll like. It just takes me a few weeks, and I'm not in a big rush to have sex because I'm not desperate like you.
Off-topic question for the other Chads:
If you're ever getting mixed signals from a chick, do you explicitely call her out on it?
I'm a chad lite but no, why the fuck would I spend my time hanging out in public trying to pick up women.
I just swipe tinder while I take a shit.
If you like her, don't say anything. If you couldn't give a shit either way, it's up to you, but calling her out won't be a bad thing, and seeing her get flustered after being called out can be pretty fun.
For some people it is that easy huh?
Thanks user. Thing is, I suspect she has an overly chad view of me. That I've got a harem and I just string her along for sex, while I actually do kind of like her. She's massively insecure and all this makes her play very hard to get at the moment.
Not gonna contact her for a while and let the hamster do its thing, but man some women are... just pff
Approaching a girl I see almost everyday in class with: "don't i follow you on Instagram?" is autistic right?
But now that I followed her and she followed me back it's really awkward do I have to approach her like if I haven't ever followed her on insta and only after "remembering" it?
I've done it once when I was a ballsy 19 year old, just started talking to her, before her stop asked for her number, we hung out a few times, she had to go to the UK eventually and that was it. Never done it again now I just use tinder like any other cunt
its sad, theyre all justifying their fear
It's incomprehensible to me that some guys have to is. Are you over 6 feet, handsome af, muscular, etc.?
Not at all mate. I'm 5'8, lean but not that muscular. Above average in handsomeness, but most of it comes from charm and frame.
Also to be clear because I'm not sure what your sentence implies, I don't have a harem lol I wish, but that's the view she has of me. Probably could get with a ton more chicks but I just don't want to spend that kind time right now on that.
>youll tell yourselves anything just to not be forced to deal with any sort of discomfort.
Well said imo