I’m posting hoping to get some advice on something regarding my relationship.
Basically I’ve pretty much woken up to what’s happening in the world and I can see where it’s all heading, I always knew something was wrong in the back of my mind through instinct but was never able to describe it until I started reading books and stuff online and listening to podcasts and people online that basically redpilled me. For the first time ever I felt alone compared to everyone around me and that my outlook on things was controversial at best, though I think because I’m female I can get away with having a dissenting opinion more.
Anyways, every time I found out something new I would tell my boyfriend and he would just apathetically reply or say ‘oh that’s crazy man’ .. The best way to categorise him would be white pill, he realises there’s something wrong with the world but has kind of closed the blinds, he was never liberal and is probably one of the most open minded people I know but at the same time I can see patterns of thinking in him that would lead me to suspect he would go along with anything the modern liberal world throws at society (polyamorous relationships, having no children, adopting children to ‘save the environment’, viewing sex as a need external to a relationship but as long as the person fulfills the need he’s fine, brainwashed into thinking humans are inherently evil and assessing related issues with a slightly misanthropic slant [though I think this stems from childhood trauma]), I could go in but you get the picture.
I’m just wondering is there any hope in redpilling him? I encourage him to read more and he does like reading, he reads old horror and sci fi books but not theory or philosophy or anything non fiction really.
I keep trying to wake him up but he says I worry about things too much and there’s nothing much one can do to save the world.
He’s beyond redpillng, he’s gone full blown leftist cuck without realizing it. Dump his dumb add and find yourself a proper, redpilled man.
Brody Flores
Maybe the opinion you made yourself of the world around you isn't some universal truth. Even though you seem to believe in your viewpoints, they may not be right and you should doubt them, as you should doubt everything. What you want to do to your boyfriend looks more like forcefeeding than enlightening.
William Miller
Why do you want to brainwash your boyfriend? It's really disrespectful. Just talk to him about the things you believe and leave him think what he wants. Or find someone else.
Jonathan Jackson
It’s hard to come across a healthy redpilled guy who isn’t a shut in, complains about shit happening but won’t do anything about it, from my experience. Though the ones I’ve come across are all pretty young so maybe it’s just an immaturity issue.
Elijah Nguyen
Oh the last thing I want to do is forcefeed my opinions on him. And only recently have I felt that my beliefs are trust to my instincts than ever before, it took me a long time to break out of having opinions and more having outlooks. This way I can approach things without being too defensive or protective of my convictions. It’s been very freeing but at the same time I’m still glad I’m aware I see the bigger picture, and i’d like my boyfriend to be aware too. Not so we can just share similar memes and joke about shit, but so we can build a meaningful life together and be on the same page, and be truly in control of your own outlooks on life. Idk, like one of my friends showed me how fucked the meat and dairy industry is and I’m so glad they ‘forcefed’ me I guess because then I was able to me aware of that part of our unsustainable and cruel source of food... I think I’m life sometimes you should be allowed to try and make your loved ones aware of bad things so they can lead a better life.
If any of that makes sense.
Elijah Turner
I don’t want to brainwash him. I just feel an obligation to make the world aware of the unsustainable system we have and all the bad things going on underneath the surface. Especially those that I love. I’m aware that true awareness or enlightenment must be found not forced. This is why I’m asking for advice on how to go about it
William Evans
If you just want him to be aware, engage in discussions about those topics, and let him make his choice. Although do that with humility, don't start a debate with him with the idea that you're right.
James Wilson
Yeah, I guess I have to sharpen my debating/discussion/articulation skills. I never approach things thinking I HAVE to convince them I’m right.. I gave that up a good while ago. It usually just leads you to preferring echo chambers to actually making a difference. Thanks
Jose Lee
You did. You told him about your ideas. He doesn't care.
Carter Torres
Don’t really care for that defeatist attitude.
Jace Davis
I think she got to her opinions by doubting
Colton Williams
If you keep bringing it up after he's stated his opinions and he gets a whiff they you're trying tochange him, he can leave on grounds for you being manipulative. No boyfriend is going to agree with you 100%. But if you can find someone close up there that will agree to be in a relationship with you, then you're lucky. You can chalk up your failing in red pilling him to your subject introductions.
Benjamin Baker
that you're trying to change him* (fuck I'm tired, night)
Parker Sullivan
It’s not like I’m trying to force him to think a certain way or have the exact same opinions I do on everything that would be ridiculous. One of the reasons I love I’m so much and am still with him is because he’s open minded and I can talk to him about anything. If I got shut down every time I brought something up I wouldn’t have posted this. And some things I convince him of but he just seems to be apathetic about it. I don’t want to be with someone that I’ve to mould into the person I want them to be.. I want him to be him but I think there’s hope for him to be more aware
Tyler Hall
Try the looneybin if you want to be with some dimwitted right wing conspiracy theorist
Brandon Campbell
This. There are no problems in the world, and I hate how these trumptards keep making shit up. Go back to Europe if you want a "white" country
Angel Hughes
Paranoia man
I have bipolar type 1. When im stressed I tend to go through the same shit.
You need to see a doctor....for real
It only leads down a dark path. If not now, then when your paranoia is directed towards something else (people, your job, etc).
Eli Flores
There ARE problems in the world, and I live in a European white country, where 20% of native children live in poverty even though we’re one of the richest countries in the world, there are 10,000 homeless people in our capital city and the working class and their problems are ignored by ignorant middle class assholes like you.
Sebastian Adams
I think we need more details OP. What kind of redpills are we talking about? Because those come in wide varieties of controversial but sound to bat shit insane to someone not used to this stuff.
Like my brother is the same way. We're both redpilled, but he went down the deep end and has no sense of nuance anymore. And if you want nuance I recommend you read Factfullness by Rosling.
Dylan James
>when a couple thousand first worlders have trouble finding work Oh boo fucking hoo. The millions of lives at risk in Africa and Asia matter a little more than your ability to afford an iPhone. Get a fucking grip
Gavin Wilson
Idk man, like I’ve gone down the deepest end that you can go, but I think the most important ones are desu that our people in our country have turned against itself, the middle class left no longer stand for working class, the economic flow of the world is fucked and more and more money keeps getting siphoned up to the top while more and more slave labourers abroad and poor people in these well off countries suffer, while liberal metropolitans laugh and say this is the best time to be alive, they pretend to be virtuous but are just sellouts to corporate elites.. our country fought for its independance and gained it not that long ago but we’re giving it up to the EU which is one big soulless empire, I can see where it’s all headed and I’ve read the EU’s plans for the future.. they’ve taken the people sovereignty away with shady referendums no one understands and no one questions things anymore because they’re afraid they’ll be ridiculed/ gender pay gap lie/ the lefts hypocrisies and leading to social degeneracy/ I guess it’s not individual redpills but an overall redpill. And I’m aware that one can go down the unhealthy redpill root by watching Jordan Peterson Ben Shapiro or Dave Rubin or some shit, but I don’t watch them because i feel like that community is toxic. I feel like the one that re-pilled me in a healthier way was Decline of The west by Spengler, because it fit all my instincts and thoughts into a philosophical framework.. then I started watching Nrx content in YouTube instead of IDW shit.
I’m interested in language and reading theory on it and I’m aware of how disregarding nuance can be dangerous or turn people off. Thanks for the recommendation
Jaxson Richardson
Your post just shows your bourgeois ignorance and the fact that you’ve no fucking clue of the struggles of working class people. They don’t care about having an iPhone maybe the people sitting on their ass on social welfare do but most people that are working on low salaries just want to put food into their children’s mouths or be able to afford rent in a city they grew up in but is being gentrified before their eyes.
Oh please, what the fuck do you care about African or Asian people? How does living your lifestyle (which fuels slave labour and low wages for food growers in poorer countries) do anything for them? The leaders of the western world are fucking everyone over, they leave the countries of Africa and Asia in a perpetual cycle of poverty by giving foreign aid to corrupt governments and funding charities that do fuck all to help long term change in the countries they ‘help’.
Connor Morgan
> our country fought for its independance and gained it not that long ago but we’re giving it up to the EU which is one big soulless empire, I can see where it’s all headed and I’ve read the EU’s plans for the future.. they’ve taken the people sovereignty away with shady referendums no one understands
user this is the most retarded thing I've ever read. I'm redpill and I used to work in Brussels for the EU. If that's how you see it you're just factually dead wrong. The EU is not an empire. It's not even an independent thing. It's a cooperation agreement between 27 countries. There is no EU. There is only the consensus of these 27 individual member states. I can't go into detail but trust me, you don't know enough about it if that's your take on it.
>unhealthy redpill root by watching Jordan Peterson.. Personally don't think that's unhealthy content. I'm more talking about giant conspiracy theories that can not and never will be proven. Yet people still lose themselves in it because they want to find "the big truth". Do you want to know the big truth user? Here I'll tell yah. There is none. All of us were thrown outside of our will on this big fucking dirtball floating in space. What you do with that time given is entirely up to you. That's the big scary truth. You're responsible for everything in your own life. Personally am not going to waste it by worrying about shit I can't do anything about anyway.
Are there problems? Of course, but revolutions are retarded ideas with worse execution. Gradual improvement is the way to go. That takes time. Be patient.
Juan Walker
I don't know if I'd call your opinions redpilled in the traditional sense.
Isaac Harris
Same old right wing talking points. Just live with the fact that your leader killed himself, okay? It's time to move on from 1945. Maybe if you weren't so full of hate you'd see that some people actually do have empathy and care about people in worse circumstances than themselves. Please open your heart and mind
Zachary Wright
>There is no EU. There is only the consensus of these 27 individual member states. I can't go into detail but trust me, you don't know enough about it if that's your take on it.
Dude I don’t know when you worked for the EU but things have changed, the EEC started of with that intention but it has morphed into something a lot different. an EU MEP from my country spoke out about what are going to be imposing on us but by bit, she was literally told by a higher up in Brussels that the EU doesn’t care about family, they can’t trust parents to raise the ‘EU citizens they want’, and they’re going to be bringing in euthanasia to get rid of the ageing populations (and even children in some cases) in European countries in the next few decades. Their plan is to be a united states of Europe - I’m pretty sure this is mainstream accepted as well. I am not pulling this stuff out of my ass, I take it as true because the people talking about it are trustworthy.
>You're responsible for everything in your own life. Personally am not going to waste it by worrying about shit I can't do anything about anyway.
I know there is no universal big truth but I feel like I’m closer to that than ever before and for the first time not sleepwalking Into an ideology. I get your point man and you’re right, I just can’t help but care about the people around me and about how we’re killing the environment and our lifestyles are just so degenerate and unsustainable.
>Gradual improvement is the way to go. That takes time. Be patient.
But there have been revolutions throughout history that have changed its course? Also my county revolted against British colonialism and just managed so save remnants of the culture it destroyed - perhaps revolution isn’t all that pointless? But I guess if your outlook is that nothing matters and we’re all floating on a rock spiralling through an endless ether, I’d see it that way too.
Caleb Brooks
You’re not redpilled, you’re cuckpilled. You try to justify your own pointless life by arguing that mankind and society is terminally ill, doomed to collapse, and that therefore there is no reason to even try. You see wrongs in the world? Do what you can do to fix them.
Also get your boyfriend off of onions before it is too late.
Daniel Roberts
I see what's wrong, but it's illegal to address the issue.
Adam Price
Wtf are you talking about? Oh I’m quite aware of humanity’s innate goodness in nature, and I believe we all have that power to overcome hate. Just because people have the ability for good doesn’t mean they live like that.. choices speak more of a person than ability.. my heart and mind is open and I don’t see many people thinking in the same vein as me and I feel sad and alone.
What a pathetic excuse for a reply, you have no response at all to what I said, it’s almost as if it was auto generated
Ethan Morris
Wtf I’m the opposite of that; where are you even getting that from! I do want to help and I do want to make a difference. I’m still learning how
Carson Smith
> an EU MEP from my country spoke out about what are going to be imposing on us
Everyone has an agenda user. Just because someone says something that coincides with what you believe is true, doesn't mean it is.
Euthanasia to get rid of ageing populations is BS. It's a choice to end one's life humanely. I agree this is very liberal but there's no masterplan behind it.
United States of Europe is a mainstream idea in the Eurobubble yes, but for every proponent there is an equally big opponent.
I don't mean that revolutions are useless, I mean they're inferior to gradual bloodless progression. I'm not a nihilist, I'm an existentialist: Life is in itself pointless, but you can make it not pointless by being the best possible person and helping those around you.
Benjamin Myers
>Everyone has an agenda user. Just because someone says something that coincides with what you believe is true, doesn't mean it is.
True but I had quite liberal viewpoints on the EU until I came across her talks, it’s not like all her talking points slotted into my outlooks. Her talking points seem to come from a genuine care for people and her country.
> Euthanasia to get rid of ageing populations is BS. It's a choice to end one's life humanely. I agree this is very liberal but there's no masterplan behind it.
So you’re saying everything this ex MEP is saying is false? Based on your sole assumptions of the future of euthanasia?
>United States of Europe is a mainstream idea in the Eurobubble yes, but for every proponent there is an equally big opponent.
True, but just as you frame revolutions in the general gradual bloodless progression as pointless, wouldn’t the opponents of the overarching ‘progression’ of the EU be just as pointless?
> Life is in itself pointless, but you can make it not pointless by being the best possible person and helping those around you.
I get what you mean, and that is my ultimate goal in life.
Leo Watson
Can I ask which MEP you're referring to user? Besides that, all I'm saying is to be and remain critical of everyone. Even those you agree with. Doesn't hurt to try and understand the opposite viewpoint.
> So you’re saying everything this ex MEP is saying is false? Based on your sole assumptions of the future of euthanasia? Uuh no where did I say that. I was referring to what you said here: > and they’re going to be bringing in euthanasia to get rid of the ageing populations (and even children in some cases) in European countries in the next few decades I used to live in Belgium. The first European country to legalize euthanasia, also - in very rare cases - for kids. Euthanasia doesn't mean you just decide to die, there's a ridiculously lengthy process behind it. It can take years. Requires 3 psych visits, written consent from spouse and a whole slew of other bullshit. It's not an easy: "Exterminate all the elderly" button.
I'm not sure what you mean with your third line, but let me rephrase. Bloodshed in the name of politics is retarded. We should do everything we can to prevent unneccessary loss of human life. This means preventing wars, revolutions, overall instability. Dickwads that say wars are good have never lived in it. That's also why I'm pro-EU. It's the largest successfull peace project ever undertaken in the history of humankind. But yes it runs on dialogue and compromise so no one is ever going to be happy with all they do. That's when we have to take a step back and remember the big picture
Adam Lewis
Maybe there's an issue with the mindset you have if you are unhappy with other people with the same mindset's lifestyles
Daniel Taylor
It’s not my fault people can’t handle hard truths when they get them. It’s your responsibility to find a way. Also I feel like the toxicity of boards like /pol where they spend a lot of their time contributes to it. As well as not reading.. just watching videos on YouTube and scrolling Jow Forums boards