
>have been let down hard in the past so don't like getting my hopes up
>meet a really cute guy on tinder
>compliments me on my looks and conversation, actively flirts with me
>go out for lunch, hit it off, have a lot in common
>he says we should do this again some time
>feeling bold, tell him to come over one night when my housemates are away so we can watch a movie
>he comes over, we chat
>I cook dinner, let him pick a movie
>is at my house for 4 hours
>seems a little frigid, assume he's just not a physical contact guy
>asks if he can crash at mine for the night, say it's not a problem
>not 10 minutes later asks me to sit down with him
>"I'm sorry femanon, I just don't think we're looking for the same thing. I'm not really into the whole 'relationship' thing."
>"I think you should just go"
>he keeps trying to excuse himself and make up for it on the way out
>"Have a good night user."
>lock the house and go to my room as soon as he leaves

What is the logic of guys like this? Genuinely just sad and confused rn

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hahahahaha what
Was he just there for the movie?

I think he felt bad for you, thinking you were a nice enough girl that he actually didn't wanna push you into sex with him?

Oh well, why fret over this? It's shitty but at least you didn't get strung along for a while! No use crying over spilled milk. Take a pamper day, make yourself free pretty, buy a cute dress, and soon go on another date. You'll get there!

Haha nasty little whore scaring away even the guys who only want you for sex. What an existence kek

troll or stupid

Two things: First, you really ought to know that a lot of people use Tinder just for quick sex, and evidently he was one of them.

But second, he had the decency to recognize you wanted more and not to take advantage of that.

Somewhere else on Jow Forums today is a guy asking what to do with a girl who wants a relationship while he just wants her body, and all the trolls are telling him to lie to get what he wants.

You had the good fortune to meet a decent guy.

>What is the logic of guys like this?
A good guy who only wants sex or an open relationship. When he came over, he was expecting to drop pants and start fucking you. Instead, he got a woman being nice to him, making him dinner and stuff, and a lot of time passing when he only thought one thing was happening.

He either felt scared, like you were trying to trick, trap, or capture him. Guys like him have a lot of exposure and woman use every trick in the book to capture a man. He could have been scared.


He meant what he said, he realized you're not here for sex and he is. He wanted to have sex with you, but chose not to, so that he doesn't ruin you for your future husband/man. Your future husband will hate it if you slept with him, and you'll be married to him your whole life, he is the most important man you'll ever know and you just haven't met him yet. This guy knows this, understands the future and the consequences it'll have on you, and decided not to sleep with you to protect you. I've done this with girls, too. Especially dumb girls where you get kinda heartbroken when you look at their life

If I had to suspect which one, I'd think he was the latter option. Be clearer on your first date and this won't happen again. Make sure you say works like "I'm looking for something serious" "I want a relationship" and "I'd like to get married one day". Especially the last one. If it scared the guy off, then good, he definitely was not the one for you. You've gotta get this stuff out up front. THAT's being bold.

he didn't want a relationship he wanted pussy, he thought you just wanted dick, and he realized you didn't just want that so he left

You're sweet and I'm proud of you for being classy user

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i vomited

>on Jow Forums

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It's time to finally bring this back.

Agree. I like looking at girls boobs

>inviting him over

He expected that you were an easy lay, judging by your behavior. You're too easy for a relationship but too slow for FWB/ONS.

Roasties getting BTFO is greatest thing on Jow Forums this is why i come here. Just to see you suffer.

It's not time to bring this back, it's always been this way, we only forgot the law for a while.

Lol whore uses tinder gets treated like a worthless whore lol. You have nothing to offer a man lol . Next life don't be skank

Considering that we get to laugh at dude's miseries about 99% of the time, that's fair.

Roasty. Men were modeled from suffering. We grew into suffering. It feed us. Women dont know anything about suffering.

Wrong coloured background for that twit. So desperate. Lurk more idiot.

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>nobody mentions that a dude on tinder does not want meals and movies, he wants the succ and the fucc
Guys if tinder thots are just in it for wham-bam-thankya-ma'am, then so are tinder fuckboys.

only whores sleep on the first date

You seem like a really fun person. I'm sure you're a hit at parties.

Dude got freaked out, plain and simple. This happens all the time when two people go into a thing together while not really knowing what the other person wants. He obviously wanted something very casual but as soon as he noticed that you were developing even an inkling of an attachment to him he freaked out. Honestly, in a perfect world there would have been a conversation about what the both of you were looking for but these kinds of crossed wires happen all the time. Its just a shame that it had to happen in such an abrupt and hurtful manner. I think, in the end, its a good thing. If anything would have happened between you two and he gave you this talk afterwards you most definitely would feel ten times more betrayed. At least he was able to get it out before you two pursued each other any further. It sucks but, unfortunately, it happens. As I said, I think as soon as you develop a connection with someone you should make a habit of kind of spilling the beans and letting them know right off the bat what you're looking for so these kinds of things don't happen again.

Big difference is girls lose value and guys gain value in that transaction. And once they lose their purity females are worth less than nothing

>Women dont know anything about suffering.
I've met a lot of women who were just as mentally ill if not more so than you and some of the other incel man-babies here. Trust me, being a deeply disturbed pile of dysfunction is not gender specific.

Aaaah advice from a worthless slut who let's anyone use her holes

>once they lose their purity females are worth less than nothing

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It kind of feels like you didn't read the post seeing as the whole thing was advice about how to avoid guys that only want to use her for her holes?

>imaginary value
Don't move the goalposts you cocksucking queerboat
If girls are sluts on tinder then so are men and expecting relationships out of sluts is like expecting water to be dry

But go ahead and keep shoving goalposts since that seems to have garnered your life a great deal of success to date, yeah

is his statement false? Think about it.

It's too late they are already used. It's either pure or polluted

Haha you think females can be men

Yes because worth isn’t limited solely to losing virginity, as astounding a concept as that is for you.

Hows that ideology working out for you? Have a lot of friends? Are you generally well liked? Do people enjoy being around you? I'm very curious.

100% false, yes. People don't become worth "less than nothing" just because they've had sex. Nobody who isn't completely autistic or from the year 1892 believes that.

In what other ways do women have worth?

How's that bonus chromosome workin' for ya?

Shh user, don’t fuel the fire. You’re better than these guys who have such victim complexes, they’ll lash out at women on the internet because they’re too pussy to do anything meaningful in their real life to fix it. As much as they love to whine and cry about the current state of affairs, the reality is that they can do nothing to change it. And that really pisses them off.

Do you seriously need me to explain the concept that the sum of a human's worth is more than just whether or not they've used their genitals to you? Have you ever spoken to another human being before or are you just asking purposefully obtuse, rhetorical questions for shits and giggles?

Case in point. They know they’re just trolling for responses at this point, by asking questions and throwing insults they know will get a rise out of any normal, functioning member of society. Why? That’s a question for a therapist.

Most guys on Tinder just wanna hook up but I feel like you got really lucky and linked up with a mature guy. Try to communicate what you’re looking for with dudes on tinder before meeting up

You think you are smart but you aren't. You forgot about liabilities. A females purity is her greatest asset. Let's say $1,000,000 everything else she has is worth $100,000 her liabilites are $500,000.

You take away virginity and you are left with a liability of $400,000 what sane person would assume a $400,000 debt for nothing?

you probably have over 100 matches/likes
literally just try again tomorrow or use a more serious dating app

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>A females purity is her greatest asset.
I just think you fail to understand the concept that outside of this little isolated bubble of traditionalist, Jow Forums nonsense there are not that many people left in modern society that at all subscribe to this antiquated concept. Your metaphor makes no sense because the social concept of purity has no objective worth. People don't have price tags. Having a robot brain is probably why you struggle to grasp this concept.

ya didn't!

Also avoided the question.

Don't waste my time guys. Facts over feelings.

What you're doing is called sea-limning. Its a type of harassment/bad faith debate technique which consists of pursuing people with persistent requests for evidence or repeated questions, while maintaining a pretense of civility.

>Facts over feelings.
Precisely what part about claiming that women have no worth as human beings once they've had sex is based in fact and not your personal feelings?

This has nothing to do with anything though
All I said was that slutty people are slutty people and you usually find them on Tinder and somehow I was mistaken about that
Jow Forums is just a stable for irreparable retards

>A roastie wrote some words
Not my fault you gave up your only asset , whore

No, it's called asking a question, or requesting evidence.

You made an assertion and I'm STILL waiting for you to back it up. All you offer instead is smoke and mirrors.

You’re the one talking about facts. How about, in good faith, you present these facts that women are worth only their virginity?

How much do you value a diaper that has been shit it?

Not the same guy.

desu virgins are pain in the ass, they make it a bit harder to fuck them as they are super guarded and worse of all are super needy if you were their first, even when you dump them they are super childish about it.

seasoned one know EXACTLY when I want her to stay for coffee and when I want her to show herself out.

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This is not an argument. A person is not a diaper and having sex isn't a pile of feces. Try again.

We guys dont think about sex all the time you know

You're not really a guy are you

Hi Peanut Butter
I enjoy your high quality posts. Thank you for regularly educating roasties on Jow Forums

You are just looking for a wet hole so yeah you can't see the value and not worth the effort. If you want a wife though don't settle for damaged goods

True. I would rather that a guy shat on a woman than have sex with her if I got stuck with that whore

Haha we do, some of us have more self control than others and need to be 100% sure that we can make a move.
Op needs to signal better

Don't pursue mysteries like these.

For some reason he did not like you. Or did like you, but for some reason did not want to continue the relationship.

In either case, move on. Stop getting your hopes so high with every guy who takes you on a date.

At least he told you first.

exactly. no women on the net.

Man I can't tell when this is sarcasm anymore lol....

But you sound genuinely nice, so I will accept it that way. Thank you user have a nice day and this nice meme

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shut up retard

>having anything more to do other than fucking with women

You aren't really quick on the uptake of the direction the world is going in

there is no marriage material, as esentially every

>having anything more to do other than fucking with women

You aren't really quick on the uptake of the direction the world is going in

There is no marriage material, as esentially every one of them is out there to get a good bargain for their snatch.
Ever heard of the 20% that constantly fuck 80% ?
It might be exaggeration but its closer to the truth than you think it is.

Every woman woman wants tall, good looking, smart, confident and competent guy. THOSE are the 20% that pass the screening.

Thing is, when they fuck a woman, why stop there and enter relationship when they can fuck another, maybe even better than this one since they are already in that 20%, might as well go further down the line and experience as much as pussy as possible. Why settle for something lesser than you, since next one is just around the corner?

In this modern time, only guys who really marry are the schmucks that take sloppy seconds in their 30s who lower their standards as their looks are fading and value of guys in their 30s are just ascending. THE rest are miniscule minority and are more of an exception than the rule.

Yeah OP you pervert, stop seEexualizing us

>In this modern time, only guys who really marry are the schmucks that take sloppy seconds in their 30s who lower their standards as their looks are fading and value of guys in their 30s are just ascending. THE rest are miniscule minority and are more of an exception than the rule.
Sick of this stupid meme perpetuated by echochambers on this taiwanese destrier breeding emporium. Some men want long term companionship. We're not unfeeling monsters; or 'schmucks' for doing so. Some people want to grow old and have children and have someone take care of them and vice versa, and the 'guys in their 30s ascending' are much like the cool wine aunts. They're on several layers of cope for their loneliness even if they do get wet hole now and then.

It is always sarcasm, PB. It is very clear to everyone else.
Stop giving advice and start asking questions if you ever wish to redeem yourself because you are clearly on the other end of the stick.

I mean, when you think about it, there is advantage to being a tripfag asking for help because people have a whole post history to sift through, so they could potentially help you better.
Well... Either that, or they'll find a way to fuck with you worse because it's Jow Forums.
Stop being a misanthropic shitter. It will form mental habits.

Here we go again, the story of an ant and locust

An ant and locust are born in this world.
Ant works painstakingly hard, saving up,and living on a budget, making sacrifices entire summer just so he can enjoy winter. He doesn't enjoy this period of his life.

The locust on the other hand parties away and does whatever he want whole summer. He enjoys this period of life.

The winter comes hard at locust. He has no built shelter, no food, no warmth.

He comes asking ant to share his home now that he has nothing and will be miserable whole winter.

What would you do in his place schmuck?

Sounds like he has some kind of incongruency or mental problems. To some guys being overly physical or open to them makes them automatically categorize you as a ho. I have a problem with this when I meet girls on tinder.

Or maybe its the opposite and you were asking for too much from him and he just wanted a ho. if thats the case, he's trash and you're better off now.

In sum, tinder is trash.

How can I improve myself? What do you see missing in me?

>i-if w-w-women are sluts then that means men are MANSLUTS!! H-hah..

You realize this shit was like never a thing for a reason, right? Men sleeping with many women and women sleeping with many men is not held in the same regard by both genders because unconsciously people are not autistic enough to substitute strange egalitarian gender standards to what is contextually different. Women sleeping with a lot of men = sluts. Men sleeping with a lot of women = womanizers, or too caught up in desire. Not the same connotation. Language reveals all.

>she thinks she'll find true love on fucking Tinder

Get out and meet a real person, dummy. Unless you're looking for a quick fuck, Tinder will leave you unfulfilled and lonely. Pic fucking related, by the way; it's me lmaoing at you.

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lmao just meet a guy at the gym/library/favorite restaurant/gun range like a normal woman. Imagine having the pick of the litter and still fucking up. Cleveland Browns tier wew lass

Girls have done this to me too. Some people just don't want a real relationship, want something casual, or just want to bang. It is better he told you now rather than months later, that's when it really hurts.

damn its rare people put their cards on the table like that. I'd be grateful he didn't lead you on like most people who just want sex do.

you were meant for someone else thats what that means. he is out there somewhere waiting for you

she’s a complete retard for looking for love on ayy bby u want sum fuk: the app.