How to become more tough?

How to become more tough?

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Experience, you have to go through some tough shit to be tough

In what way?

In every possible way. I'm already rather tough, but I want to be very tough.

You're not tough if you're looking for ways to "be tough," and can't describe what you want to improve. Start doing more things.

Seek uncomfortable situations.
Seek experiences where you know you'll lose and seek to challenge yourself, seek competition for the sake of competition and be fine with losing for a while.

Do manly things like weight liftinf and combat sports. It will change your mindset a bit. Maybe go yo a survival camp. Go to a bootcamp resort, push yourself to your limits. Being tough really is just having your fears under control.

>You're not tough if you're looking for ways to "be tough,"
Brainlet tier insight.
>You're not smart if you're looking for ways to "be smart"
This is how you sound dignus.

do competitive things. learn to accept defeat, endure, and when to preserver. You can't win'em all, but you can always hold your dignity.

Also, I'd say being tough is recognizing the opportunity to acquire insight on something from others. the willingness to learn is a sign of personal security.

>you're not "x" if you're looking to be "x"
Yup. That's how things work. If you're trying to be something, clearly you aren't already that thing. Maybe think next time?

endure hardship

> How to become more tough?

By being tougher.

Go ride a motorcycle into the mountains. Stay there for a few months. Or you can skydive into the mountains. Pack efficiently.

Read antifragile

Got my heart broken at the age of 16. I used to cry in close room and wipe my tears when someone come. I am very tough now.

why do you wanna be tough? just because it looks cool or you have a purpouse?

Suffer severe trauma

This, I would prefer being myself than going through all the shit some people have to live, but I still admire them.

my mom died when I was 12 and my brother was heroin addict for years (around same time). I feel little for loss of human life and what people think of me but guess what Im still socially unaware and afraid to talk to girls so what good is there. i go through every day feeling tired, doing enough to keep going but rarely enjoying myself or pushing myself to anything uncomfortable

Do not become old and rigid user. Towering old trees who harden are strong, but in their narrow mightiness they shatter and die. Be like the young shoot, the green, the one from the ground who can bend and twist in the way of many things. One may cut him back but soon he will appear again, renewed from the earth. Through his willingness to change he is formidable, and no one can be his master.

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Being alive, going through hard times. Look there's more important things than being tough, it don't matter what some useless fuckhead thinks of you.