I'm a fucking loser

so here's my story

>married my uni gf and she divorced me
>got super depressed
>started fucking prostitutes
>got attached to one and made a deal that she'd stay with me instead and I'll pay her home bills
>things were going great
>treated her with respect and used to cook food for her and provide literally everything for her
>she started opening up on how she only wanted to be educated and live a respectful life but her mother got her into this
>got her a job and started teaching her
>she had a breakdown and went home
>texted me that she made a mistake and didn't care about the money and just wanted to be with me
>picked her up at night and we were happy
>her mother lodged a police case against me that I kidnapped her
>both of us got arrested because muslim country
>she said I didn't kidnap her to the judge
>off the hook
>now she's back home and there's no contact and the police told me not to try to call her myself

I'm from a very rich background with a 6 digit income and she is so poor they can barely afford food. what should I do? everyone tells me she's potentiality the worst thing that can happen to me but I was truly happy with her.

Please give me a advice on how to proceed. whether she thinks about me or not. what should I do? how should I carry on with life? am I an idiot who is just squandering away everything?

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Run away together. Just fucking do it. Open up a business in some Latin American country renting mopeds to tourists or some shit.

I can't even fucking contact her. and she isn't even contacting me. makes me wonder whether she's in some sort of pressure or perhaps she doesn't even care about me.

in any case I can't run away. I have responsibilities like my parents and they'll be completely destroyed if I leave because my brother died of brain cancer just a few years ago and I'm the only son left

You can have love for many people in your life. Find another one, who is not a literal whore. If you're rich, I'm sure there are beautiful girls among your country's elite who will make good wives and true love can there develop. And they won't be whores.

this is exactly what everyone has said to me. my reasoning gets me to the same conclusion as well. why is it so difficult to let go and why is my mind completely plagued with the thoughts of her? I was never such a bitch. please help

to add I'm 27 and a professor. if that's worth anything

>why is it so difficult to let go and why is my mind completely plagued with the thoughts of her?
Maybe you think you can't do better
Maybe you think you can change her
You're wrong either way

what should my thought process be and what should I do from now on? I feel like I've become absolutely self centered but I need relief from this persistent anxiety and feeling of sheer lonliness.

The only way to get over her is to distance yourself
You're a desirable man, why do you consort with prostitutes?

I'm nothing. I only want to be happy and I was truly happy with her. honestly I regret getting into prostitutes because the whole act is beneath me but I would mainly just make them talk to me the whole night and drink with me so as to just get relief from the crushing lonliness just for a few hours.

I don't need to distance myself from her, she's done that herself and of course if that's what she wants I'll respect her wishes.

What exactly is the problem with me? am I so hooked on the oxytocin high that I get withdrawals like an addict? or am I just so psychologically fucked?

I must thank you for taking out your valuable time to talk to me. no one else even entertains me and I have no one to talk to.

There's nothing wrong with seeking happiness or seeking the comfort of other people. Do you have any close friends, or potential friends? You shouldn't feel bad about wanting to be happy.

there are a couple of people that are really close friends but I'm careful about talking about this topic since they get very upset with me and tell me that I'm going to ruin my life over her.

But the truth is that the only time in my life when I was truly content was with her.

You are a man who has accomplished feats of his own and managed his own life
Your faggot country just likes men to feel belittled because if you guys all picked up your balls at once, your ruling echelons would be completely and utterly fucked. To the point where they might not even eat anymore since they've come to be coddled by rich lifestyle choices.

You need to stop letting your country tell you you're shit. You've done shit, you've got shit to do, there's shit you should avoid-- but you're not shit.

none of that actually matters to me.

I was born in an affluent family but I built everything I have with my own hands. I have more money than I know what to do with. my worklife is very fulfilling and I get pay raises every year consistently. I've been told that I'm good looking and regularly go to the gym and I have been for 7 years now.

I've been the subject to many people's envy, yet, I am not content in life. I was only happy with her. now I'm completely empty and don't care about anything else.

if youre that rich, go get her and move to another country

my parents are old and I can't abandon them after they've been so good to me to this very day. being with her means leaving them.

How many women have you been involved with? Your relationship with this woman might seem bigger than it is because you haven't had many relationships.

five in total. one of them lasted 4 years and culminated in marriage. one of them only for 2 months. one of them for just three months.

this one for 6 months but she was living in with me.

If the woman died tomorrow, what would you do?

attend the funeral and pay my respects. mourn for some time and then the pain would start to erode until she becomes just a thought that wanders in my mind once every so often.

Let her become a memory

that's what I'll do. what do I do if she calls or texts?

that depends on what you want, dont reply straight away, take a deep breath and think about it carefully sober

I'm completely conflicted.

On one end my reasoning tells me that she's an extremely bad option. not because of her past, rather because her family is full of very bad people. also she has developed severe psychological issues because of being forced into prostitution which manifests in the form of some sort of bipolar symptoms. she's not an intellectual match for me either.

Then again I love her and she's actually true to me. she makes me happy and that matters a lot to me.

she told me she would tell the judge she wants to live with me but she went home, where they've taken her phone. I feel like she doesn't even think about me anymore, or if she does, she's completely given up hope.

in any case reason dictates I should move on but I can't seem to find the inner strength and am utterly depressed and sad and I don't have anyone in the world to properly talk to without getting an eye roll end being told to forget her.

You're a good man OP. Not many people could try to save someone like her. Sounds like her mom wants her to stay with her to make more money from her or wants her not to succeed more than her. You have money, I'm sure you can pay a private investigator to find her. It's not too late user. Give her the happy life you know you can

Just don't get into trouble cause of it. It seems what you're really missing is a relationship. You need a girl you can love and can love you back.

Also in the long run she might not be good for you. Or she might. Who knows? Why did she leave in the first place? What the other user said is true. Her mom is probably pushing her to stay so she can squeeze money from her. Can you anonymously call the police? Whoring your daughter is basically illegal in most countries.

the police know everything but can't do anything until she lodges a complaint herself. it's absolutely important that she makes the move herself.

The police pretty much dropped the case after hearing all the details and called me an angel. they said I did good by trying to help her like that and had attained heaven in life. but just yesterday one of the police officers said that I'm better off without her because I have a rich and fulfilling life ahead of me. everyone keeps telling me to move on but my mind clings on to her desperately. all I can think about is whether she's thinking about me or not and I'm reduced to tears several times a day. I don't make it visible to anyone else.

I don't even know if she's ok and it breaks my heart. No one else cares about her in the world but I do. From what I know, she loves me back but I don't care whether she does or not. As long as she's doing good in life and is happy, I'm going to be fine with that knowledge.

Is it wrong that I care so much? I believe that even she doesn't care about herself. given her actions, she surely doesn't care about me.

As a dude from a muslim country there is an option that you might be missing.

The mother wants her investment in her daughter back, there is a good chance they will just sell the daughter to you.

But dude, you cant save everybody, you should take care yourself qnd find somebody who likes not because you literally pay them. Or hell i dont know, you are the successful professor here.

Anyway good luck

> am I an idiot who is just squandering away everything?
yeah, youre treating a literal whore like a wife.
but then, you are also a self-admitted loser so i guess you know what kind of fuck up this is.

maybe her mom's keeping her hostage and threw away the phone/computer/internet. or threatened her with something if she contacts you.
It's not wrong to care this much. She had some bad circumstances. You had some type of relationship.
hell, I am worried for her and i don't even know her.
I think you should try to see what's going on. Try to talk to her and tell her you want her to be with you. Make one last effort to see that she's ok and is choosing what to do (and not being forced by her parents).
Then. if it's not what you wished, move on.

I don't want to buy anyone she's a person not an object.

yes I am a loser. but the reason I treated her like a wife is because she deserved it. in fact I treated her better than anyone treats their wife. she's only 21 and she deserves everything that was snatched from her from the young age in which she was forced to sell herself. I can't seem to tear myself away from her, even though I suppose she's going to just not care and go away herself.

I was calling the police everyday to find out how she is. one of them said that he's going to give me brotherly advice that I should back off. he said that he could see i have a great life ahead of me and I should just leave her to God. And I should definitely NOT try to contact her myself at all. only let her do it.

In any case, I've fallen into depression, lost around 5 kg and started smoking a packet a day, as opposed to max 1 or 2. People at work have even asked if I've a terminal illness.

You might not want to buy her, but her mother may want to sell her. I am sorry user but it is a thing that happens..

nigger why would the police care about some random girl they don't know. I mean you should ask a friend to walk by and see if they can see she's ok or something. or disguise yourself.
Just see with your eyes that she's not being starved. And then listen to the police officer who was nice enough to not tell you to fuck off after calling ever day.

we spent the weekend with the police and they heard the story. they were nice people who were good to us and actually cared.

I can't go near her myself because the case is still ongoing. the police actually call her mother to talk to the girl themselves to check up on her every couple of days. and my friends would kill me for suggesting something like this because they're telling me I'm throwing my life in the gutter for her. besides she lives in a slum and my friends wouldn't ever even go past it.

>to add I'm 27 and a professor
no you are not

I haven't lied about anything at all. If it matters, feel free to not believe that part and just focus on the issue at hand.

I must thank all of you for taking out the time to talk to me. I greatly appreciate it and will surely reciprocate by trying to give helpful advice to others.