Next week I'm homeless

Well this is it. 27 years old. I tried so hard to overcome my aspergers, depression and anxiety. Used my credit card for counseling even. I tried so hard to get some sort of decent job going but my social skills always block me.

I couldn't handle manual labour anymore. Day in day out, the same thing over and over. I just quit. Now I'm about to suffer the consequences. It's been a good couple of months not having to be on the verge of a breakdown 8 hours a day though. Played a lot of video games and relaxed.

I am kind of scared but to be honest mostly just resigned to the fact that my life is over and that at least I tried. I don't think I'm going to last on the street, I'm not very tough. I'll probably just end up throwing myself off a building or hanging myself in a park.

Any advice on street life?

Attached: homeless.jpg (4000x2250, 1.42M)

Seriously, busk, and busk well. Get a typewriter and write poems for people. Anything. You'de surprised at how much money you can make.

Attached: f4vzMCJ.png (988x1024, 1.72M)

I, too, am interested. I think I'll end up a traveling bum here shortly, and am looking for tips/advice, especially on loadouts

Posts like this scare me because it'll most likely happen to me in a few years.

Do you have any family to lean on?
What about a car so you're at least not sleeping on the streets?

I'm too ashamed to do that. Don't want to really talk to anyone either. I will maybe just put a sign out that says "don't want money just need some food to eat" because I know people think money will be spent on drugs which I don't do

I'm crying right now. It sucks man, I'm not even low IQ I just can't navigate the school/job ladder.

All your excuses caught up to you. Happened to me twice in my life. Once I ended up homeless, as you, and the other was this year actually, and I caught myself before I lost again everything I've worked for. I'm 27.

Anyway just move to LA. Seriously.
Unfortunately, I know SO much about the homeless life, welfare system, where to find things. I can't fit it all into one post. It's crazy how adapt we are to "knowing where to find things". You'll see what I mean soon enough.

Anyway, spend all your money on a bus ticket to LA. If you can't, then take a freight train. Find a social worker ASAP and get on welfare. There are programs that will house you as long as you prove that you're searching for a job. Don't even worry about food, there are a absurd amount of programs, I was literally eating fast food on welfare lol. Even a date at Dennys. heh.

Public transport was great. people will complain but for me it was perfect. 120 dollars monthly, gets you on every bus and tram in the region. They're reliable and will take you to your job. That's what counts.

Looking back, it was some of the best memories in my life. In the moment, felt like everything sucks.

Email me if you need help with something [email protected]

I don't want to move back in with my mother. My sister is already a burden on her.

I have a car but where am I supposed to park it to sleep? There will always be some nosy piece of shit calling the cops on me I feel

fwiw I never had to do this. The system was too easy to Jew. Just claim welfare and spend your time looking for work. Don't spend your time bothering others. It's not necessary.

Being homeless isn't like what you think. I kept myself showered, clean, well dressed, and groomed at all times. Not one person could tell I was homeless. There's many others out like that too.

>There will always be some nosy piece of shit calling the cops on me I feel
That's your excuse machine still working.

You've got to understand what an excuse it and try to start breaking them. It's what put you in this situation.

Consider this. Remember my voice every time you make an excuse...
Next time you feel like making an excuse...just tell yourself...
It is possible.

That's it. You may not know how; but it's possible. You can figure out how, why? Because it's possible. And so on, and so on...
That's how you can break excuses.

That's just you being paranoid. I live in LA and they allow homeless folks to live in their RV.

Just don't park in any neighborhood streets where you risk getting called on, or somewhere public like a mall or shopping center lot. Street parking is generally pretty inconspicuous.

Move/migrate to Seattle. Hobos top the hierarchy.

I don't think it's excuses that's my problem. Society has changed. It used to be that young men like me could just walk into any union hall and get a decent paying job with benefits.

Now uneducated males are relegated to the most shittiest of jobs in our society and forgotten about

I'm not looking for pity just stating a fact

I live in Canada

I went to try and get welfare once when I was younger and the lady treated me like shit and wouldn't approve me. I can't remember why I'm probably just too autistic to stand up for myself or navigate these things

>the lady
Theres your problem, you were dealing with a kitchen appliance outside of the kitchen.

it's true. I'm 25 and a security guard. feel like this is going to be the rest of my life. all of my co-workers young and old all live quiet, resigned lives. The other day I talked to one about finding love and they thought I was being funny

I remember giving a fuck in high school and college.i was actually interested in things. i want love, i want to be successful but my brain is god awful, low IQ bullshit. I'll probably end up in OP's situation some day.

I don't know how to get out. I'm stupid and poor and a coward

OP here

Sometimes I hope for a big war, I think it would be exciting and would love to see people getting fucked up. Karma :D

i feel that. there's a lot of people that shouldn't exist (including myself).

Life rewards courage, OP. It sounds foo foo, but 90% of the time, you get something. All you gotta do is challenge the other side

Says is going homeless
Doesn't respond to this post

maybe he emailed him?

Or maybe he is an underage LARPER

>I have a car but where am I supposed to park it to sleep? There will always be some nosy piece of shit calling the cops on me I feel
When I was homeless for a few months I would just sleep in different Walmart parking lots every night and donated plasma every few days.

As long as you're not parked in the same spot for long periods, you're fine.

Make sure you have a decent-sized bag and some spare clothes, and go hitchhiking.
Doesn't matter where you're going, make up a reason, but in the eyes of most normies a slightly disheveled hitchhiker "taking a year off traveling across the country" or "Going to surprise long-range GF" is leagues above a homeless guy sleeping on the bus-stop bench.

Generally, people treat hitchhikers really nice, often offering food, a bath, place to wash clothing and a couch for a night, as long as you make an effort to be nice yourself.

If nothing else, you can use it to go be homeless somewhere with nice weather.

Try to work at a ski resort

They have pretty low standards and a lot of employee housing. I think most will need some capital coming in though

Move in with her, maybe sleep in her garage or whatever if there's really no space. Start looking for jobs asap. Maybe work around the house while you stay with her, like cleaning and and fixing stuff. Everything is better than staying hungry in the streets right? I can't imagine your mother would want you to be homeless either.

What's so bad about living a resigned life by yourself? Maybe get a pet, pick up some hobby in your freetime. You have to enjoy the little things. Everything is actually fine when your needs like food and a bed are satisfied, everything else is just ur mind fucking with you. Nowadays I literally get hyped about watching TV in the evening or going the gym every few days. Things could always be much worse. You can still move by yourself, you have no terminal illness and you're also not a drooling retard or a fucked up schizo. Learn to enjoy what you have it's the cheapest way to be contempt with life.

>I don't think it's excuses that's my problem. Society has changed.
heh. Absolutely brilliant.

Well one of two things will happen.
---You'll either pull yourself out of it, become a success like I did, and see the folly in that quote
---Or you'll stay the same and succumb to a low and miserable place in life, and find miserable company there like Really it's all up to you, in your head. But I just gave you the golden ticket and you dropped it on the ground.

I haven't received an email.