How do I stop hating women?

This is a serious question. Everything that they do is annoying to me. Their child like fickleness. Their stupidity. Their entitled mindset. Their priorities. Their vanity. Their senses of humour. Just everything. They seem so worthless as a a sex outside of giving birth, it enrages me to no end that we have to pretend they are our equals. How do I overcome these feelings?

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Get a lobotomy or kys. I don't want you to do that but that would be the way to stop hating women

Seems to me you should check your own entitlement, priorities, vanity etc. Average dude is really no different from your average dame. You're just getting pissed because the dames doesn't want to fuck you. Get a job and get socializing with real people.

No I won't support you you used up slut

I have a job, not a virgin, every aspect of my life is normal except probably my view of women. I work with women, I know how incompetent and bratty they are firsthand

I kinda relate, I find woman boring. I don't hate them. And I'm no an homo.

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Women are most pathetic beings in this world. With the world wide web introducing porn the men started to realize that women are nothing but total retards. 10 000s years of doing fuck all women managed to evolve into nothing but mindless, egoistic cunts with nothing to offer but their vaginas. I strongly belive that men will be fed up with this bullshit in near future and top scientists will create artificial wombs just so we will make women obsolete. Genetical manipualtion will make sure that there will be no women born and sex bots will take care of sexual urges.

Women can go fuck themselves off i might sound like incel but this is truth. Women are boring, retarded, selfabsorbed, egoistical, controling, did i say retarded? Cunts.

why do you have to overcome those feeling? maybe they are justified, after all those feelings are very familiar. throughout history.


Out of curiosity, have you ever been in love? Do you have close female friends? Do you feel like your mother is also like that?

My mom was a whore who broke up my family and had me arrested for something I didn't do. Women are all garbage

why your dad stick his dick in crazy?

yes yes and yes

They are all like that newfag

Porn actresses are transgender clones

Think like a gay man in the sense that gay men don’t let women control them

>Average dude is really no different from your average dame
there is a lot that you can criticize OP for but this is just fucking stupidly wrong. Dating is the most obvious, the average man puts a ton of effort into dating and has reasonable standards. The average woman doesn't put any effort into dating, feels entitled to have the guy take all the initiative to swoop her off her feet, and actively tries to stay single while somehow also complaining about being single.
Women are fucking weird and modern women do have a lot of entitlement and stupid complaints.


move out of your shit culture then

I work with women they aren't all bad. Some are exactly as you describe. But so are plenty of men. So many men are juvenile retards too.

I'm an average woman an i literally dont even care about dating lamo idk why guys are so obsessed about it??? like. get a hobby lol

You don't overcome these feelings, you should feel superior, you are. Just don't go around saying it, just know it and act like it. Find a woman you like to fuck and make her yours

Dude here, you guys get it all wrong. It is really us who have all the power in this dynamic. Usually it was pretty even before because you had to marry a lass once you fucked her and if you lived in a small village you didn't have many choices, so sex was all dependent on woman.

Now look at dating, it IS supposed to be hard. All of womens defenses are concentrated at the beginning of relationship/acquaintanceship. The entry curve is hard and you need to put in a lot of effort to enter her body.

But listen to me, once you do that, ALL THE POWER is in your hands. They are completely at your mercy. They yearn real hard for relationship, status, security AND you can be a hardass like her as she was at the start and neglect her or even straight up just disappear from her life after sex.
Nothing ties you up if you don't know each other much unless you knock the bitch up (be safe). Also, guess what, a woman won't give you some and is making you wait? Easy as fuck, introduce competition to her, talk up other girls who are giving you an easier time, you can play both at the same time.

Also go to gym, get Jow Forums, never dress casual, groom yourself and be assertive and develop your intel stats by reading as much as possible, and talk A LOT to everyone to grease your groove in social skills.

I promise you guys, the world is actually yours if you actually reach out.

Not even reading this, I saw
>Dude here, you guys get it all wrong. It is really us who have all the power in this dynamic.
And assume it's a 90% chance of pasta, 10% chance you just don't know what you're talking about
You say that now but in 10 years you're going to whine about being single and regret wasting your younger years.

There is nothing wrong with having the right ideas about women. You just need to learn to act accordingly without telling them to anyone. Use it to your advantage.

Remember that an incel's thoughts are a Chad's actions

Make up your mind about not caring about women, loser.

? see?

what empirical research supports this. please tell me.
maybe OP is predisposed to unfairly judge women’s actions.

Mature the fuck out. You got to deal with stupid women and crazy bitches, because most of the people are like that.
I’m my experience, I’ll try to stop judging by appearances and and minding my own business.
But I’ll advice you to keep dealing with them or change your views, because the only two other options left are isolation or kys

Why stop doing something that's right?

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