Dating advice

I have a date with a girl later today at 7:30

When should I text her to confirm that we’re still on for the date? Should I text her at all beforehand?

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Why the hell do people think they need to text to confirm? Just go, if she cares she will show or if she's a flake you'll know.

Ffs don't text to confirm.

So I don’t waste my time and show up?

You are already wasting your time on a whore

Why do you already assume this girl is a whore?

Who hurt you? Why are you so bitter?

Did a cunt ask this question because that's how they talk. Of course she is a whore. Dating in modern terms means meeting 200 people and having sex with them over 10 years. She may be early in her whore career so maybe a minor whore

Holy shit what an incel.

No, I’m OP. You need to have sex user.

>Thinking going out on a date is a waste of time
Wow great start. You should probably cancel since your

I hate when threads get derailed by incel cancer. Non advice should be a bannable offense

If there's been radio silence, it's ok to tell them nonchalantly "hey, I'll pick you up at xx", or "I'll meet you tonight at xx".
Don't ask and treat yourself as someone whom they'd forget about. Be confident.

>I hate when threads get derailed by incel cancer
This. Fucking hell why is there so much hate on a board designed for people to help each other.
Also I agree with your advice, good post user

Ok male feminist enjoy your whore and your boohoohoo what should I do

Are you retarded or something?

I don’t want to waste my time and show up if they’re gonna flake and won’t be there

Yes let's let all you incels give bad advice so you can stay incels just so we don't upset the incels or insult our queens

>not thinking every single woman is a whore and having sex makes me a feminist
Ok incel

You are obviously incel because you ask incels for advice

if u didnt text yesterday then just text her to confirm, if u texted yesterday just go

Just tell her you're 10 minutes late so she knows what's up

I like to pull the, " 7:40 work?, i'm running a little behind" like an hour before the date so it don't come off needy and also doesn't give her an easy out.

Asking the girl if we are still on gives her an easy out.

Ooh that’s pretty good

She just texted me this

>Hey. I’m sorry but I can’t make it. This morning my dogs caught a baby rabbit and i saved it and I’m currently nursing it and i just can’t leave it.
It may seem silly but this is who I am. I will drop everything to save something helpless. Even if it dies, I can't let it die alone away from all its family and species and not having someone who loves it. I'm sorry

Obviously it’s bullshit, but how can I call her out on it while still looking good?

Should I offer to help her take care of the rabbit?

Sounds like bullshit. Every girl that has ever flaked on me had some convenient shit like that too. I always just texted them "OK cool lemme know whenever you want to reschedule" and forget the bitch. If she's playing games then you never hear from her again and move on, if she's serious then she'll reach out to you. Girls that want to be chased are cancer.

Oh ya it’s totally bullshit. I just want to call her out on it somehow

I don’t even care if she doesn’t want to go on the date, I just wish she would tell me.

The funny thing is that she’s supposed to be downtown for a meeting (where I am) and it finishes right before the date so she was gonna be able to go

>but how can I call her out on it while still looking good

You don’t. Just move on. Say OK and don’t respond to her again.

This, this is perfect

Ignore it, calling her out on it just plays into her bullshit games.

If you try to call her out on it you're just playing the game with her. The only way out is not to play man. This is a shit test, even if she isn't consciously intending to do one, she's testing how you react to being flaked on with a bullshit excuse and waiting to pick apart your response. Complete and total apathy on your part is the only response she can't twist and bend into you being the asshole here.

Since I’m a fag I said that I understand and offered to help take care of the bunny (I know it was fake)

She replied with
>Omg I would so normally say yes but I’m at my parents house in [insert place here], and it’s literal hell. If I could take this bunny somewhere else, I would

I’m gonna do what the other user said and go with apathy

And for context her place is 40 min away from downtown

Yeah you really failed that shit test by asking to come over you fucking idiot.

At this point does it matter?

There’s no fucking way she was ever gonna meet up with me. With all the mental gymnastics she’s going through to make excuses, she could join the olympics

In modern dating you should text to confirm if you haven't spoken to her in like 24 hours. Most women are flakes, and she's probably got 10 other dates planned because that's what dating is like for women these days. She can easily forget about one.
I've been stood up before because women just lose track of this shit, the memes are right women really do struggle with the most basic things
You should do it the day before or the morning of, I'll usually try to touch base within 24 hours so if it's a night date sometimes day of, but you don't want to wait until the last minute.
If you just planned the date a day or two ago you might be safe, but if it's one of those things you talked about a few days ahead of time I would never trust women to plan things more than 2 days out

Get some reading comprehension you retard

So this girl i'm dating was dumped by her bf of 2.5 yrs just over a month ago

She asked me out even though i never got the vibe that she liked me. The 1st date went well until i drove her home and she suddenly became kind of withdrawn.

She says shes into me, but my gut just says she isn't. I'm about to ask her out again. Should i try and raise the issue before asking or during the date. I don't want to be pushy but i'm just so fucking confused.

Is she not really over her ex?

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Text her with see you 7:30!

So is it a good sign if she's the one confirming?