Please help me out

Please help me out
>Meet girl on dating app
>Click instantly, text a bunch
>Same humor, natural flow of conversation, positive emotions
>Meet up for date soon
>Spend hours together on first date, have first kiss
>Meet up for second date, end up at her place, end up naked in bed
>All over me, can't keep hands off me
>She confesses her lack of sexual experience to me, only had sex once and it was painful and bad
>Teach her to blow me and jack me off (she is bad at it, so I buy the sexual inexperience)
>Eat her out and finger her, she is super sensitive
>She says she is not ready for penetrative sex yet
>I understand, I got off, so w/e
>Spend the night, lots of cuddles and exploring bodies well into the morning hours
>Feelings of intimacy
>Can't see each other for one and a half weeks
>Squeeze in coffee date before, goes well, this girl seems really into me
>While apart, we text a bunch
>Today at like 10pm she just casually says she is going to a (male) friends place for "potato chips" for about one and a half hours, so she wont be texting
>Act nonchalant about it
>Doubt creeps up

What the hell? Who goes hanging out at a friends place late at night to eat chips?
Do you think she is banging this guy? We have not known each other for long, so I don't wanna ask and look needy.
Why would she even tell me this? Some sort of shit test?
Cause I'm not gonna lie, this is perturbing me.

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She's fucking him, and gave you the shittiest excuse imaginable.

"eating potato chips" holy shit.

lol if she wasn't nuts about you why would she even tell you where she was going to be

or that it was with a guy

why would she even feel the need to give an excuse that she won't be texting for like 1.5 hours (!)

girls who are jerking you around do not explain this shit, dude. they just do it and they don't tell you. she sounds legit. if she were lying about fucking this guy, why on earth would she tell the truth about the rest of this shit???

Not OP but I have a worse one, one time in high school a girl apologized for not responding for a couple days and said that "her dad dropped her phone in the toaster"

A man an a woman can't hang out, naturally the dude will make a move.


>meet a whore on cockfinder and she's being a whore wutdo? Why do this be happennen

It's 20 past midnight right now, it's been 3 hours.
Never since we met has she missed a singe "good night" text.
I don't know why she tells me this, women do lots of crazy shit.
I never thought she'd be that kind of girl, but I think I might be a fool for thinking that.
I only knew her for a few weeks after all.
How should I act now?

Stop dating whores

And who the fuck is not a whore then?
If some innocent young thing, who never as much as sucked a dick can be trusted, then who the fuck can?


The crux of this is you do not trust her, which is fine considering how this has gone. Be aloof, see other girls. That's it.

>lol if she wasn't nuts about you why would she even tell you where she was going to be

>or that it was with a guy
You'd be surprised, user. They're not official, so she has zero qualms about lying. I speak from experience when I say they don't owe you shit, as much as it sucks to say.

>I never thought she'd be that kind of girl, but I think I might be a fool for thinking that.
Congratulations on learning one of the hardest truths.

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Three bfs you know about ,she sucked 100 cocks

Ok buddy, strap the fuck in.
First of all, don't text girls other than to set up times to hangout, don't go to "coffee dates" that are in the middle of the day and short because you won't get intimate afterwards.

This girl probably liked you at first, but then you texted her a bunch, came off a little needy, or atleast not hard to get. Then you go on a date that has no chance of increasing any kind of sexual chemistry between you, then you continue to text her all the fucking time.

Girls like a guy who has shit going on.

Stop communicating with her unless its to set up a date.

Part of me says you should be upfront and ask her about it, but be nonchalant. How she responds and treats your relationship is how you'll react accordingly.
If she gets distant and you start hearing less from her, it's over. She's fucking someone else and you were used, sad to say.

You're wrong and right.
It's ok to talk over text if you're still getting to know each other and haven't met. Otherwise you'll never build a proper level of comfort for her to want to meet.

Thats fair, I suppose at the begining of this relationship thats fine considering they met on dating app, but to keep doing it after the first date is kind of retarded.

Exactly. Especially since OP got her naked already.

She was the one constantly texting me first of all.
Second of all, I very often let my awesome life shine through, going to concerts and parties, while all she does is netflix, work and occasionally go to mc donalds with her weird girlfriend.
She got borderline insecure about it.
I presented myself as very high value without ever being braggy, by simply answering the question "what are you doing today". Lot's of awesome stuff, that's what.
I texted her back when I had nothing better to do.
As for the coffee date, please read the OP, it was the last chance to see her, so I squeezed her in last minute.
Take your "as read on the internet" advice and fuck off, I did absolutely nothing wrong.

Honestly, hearing you talk about her and knowing that she's sexually inexperienced, I feel like you shouldn't overthink it or worry.
Granted the way she worded that is stupidly sketch, but you sound like you have the better life and can move on easily.
Wait for her text to ask about her night. If you catch a whiff of anything bad, either move on, or keep trying to fuck her then dump her

If you didnt do anything wrong what the fuck are you worried about, keep seeing her and if shes fucking weird drop her if not keep seeing her. Why the fuck you on here asking for advice?


fuck women with males friends. male friends are fucking vultures just waiting for her to be single or fuck her when they can.

>She was the one constantly texting me first of all.
doesn't change shit, you're still texting good night and stuff

Get fucked.

>male friends are fucking vultures
Bluepilled and cringe.

She’s probably not fucking him but she likes the attention he gives her because he probably wants to fuck her. Just act indifferent and if the relationship goes a bit further you can ask some questions about who this dude is.

>She’s probably not fucking him
what makes you say that?

Im not the guy who posted shes not fucking him but he's right, probably.

She probably told you about it as some kind of weird mind fuck game. Like "Will timmy be mad if I tell him im going over to luke's house?"

Ignore it, she's being an immature tard, and she will continue to act that way if you play into her games, ignore it and she wont pull that shit anymore.

The fact that she is inexperienced with guys means she will probably do a fair amount of these immature little things, just ignore it and it will stop

She wouldn’t tell you about it if she was trying to keep it a secret. You guys haven’t seeing each other that long, appreciate the fact she’s open about it. Imagine if you were gonna hang out with a female friend you’ve known since 2nd grade to just shoot the shit and joke with each other, and this girl flipped out and got all jealous about it. Assume the best until you have something that indicates otherwise. Ask her how her night went but don’t sound insecure or ask a bunch of questions about the guy. The truth will come in time, and it’s probably no big deal.

>fuck on second date
>inexperienced but not a virgin
>gives oral sex like a degenerate
she's lying to you mate

This is also a good point she might be straight up pyhscopath that is fucking with you for shits and giggles.

>do you think she is banging him?
I wouldn't even be that unsure, I'm positive she's banging him

ignore these guys, they will be miserable forever with this mindset making negative assumptions wherever possible. Assume the best. If she betrays your trust it’s not the end of the world, you can find other bitches.

>Assume the best
People like you are why divorce rates are over 50 percent

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holy fuck, savage

Dude you met this bitch on a dating app. Either shes playing games trying to see how you will react to the thought of her hanging out with another dude, or she's having non-penetrative sex with another dude that she met on said dating site. Either way shes getting head without having to worry about getting HIV.

I hang out with my best friend at least once a week, and yeah...I'll admit I asked her out when we were starting to get to know each other. I don't feel bad about it. She had a crush on some girl at the time and they ended up dating, still together. Do I think about what she looks like naked and how she has sex with her gf? You bet I do, but we hang out comfortably like any other of my bros, and I'm more than okay with that.

She straight up told me she never sucked a dick before.
If you had seen the way she sucked dick, you would have believed her.

so she hasn't sucked a dick and is afraid of penetrative sex too, then what the fuck did she do? jerk the guy off? but you said you had to teach her that too.

Until you figure out what's up, don't jump to conclusions with her. We all know what's going on. At the very least she's hanging out with some dude alone and being weird about it. But she's probably fucking him. But don't accuse until you have more facts, or you can poke holes in her story. There's obviously something up and she could have been lying to you from the beginning.

Here's my take: she actually likes this other dude and just used you to build up her confidence.

Oi tell her you're mad jealous in a joking way

got a text from her at like 5am, saying that she fell asleep watching youtube videos.
I left that on read.
Some hours later she joked about having back pains from sleeping on the couch.

I think she might have ruined it. All I feel is a sour note of mistrust and suspicion.
Feel of whimsical fun is gone.

>"Don't jump to conclusions"
>Jumps to several conclusions

It's not like you guys were exclusive. Deal with it or dump her. But she will notice something is boring you.

I guess I’d say that since you’re at that point just go for broke and ask what the deal is with you guys. To me it sounds like you want something exclusive, so just be forward about that and tell her you’re not interested in seeing her if she doesn’t feel the same way. Don’t torture yourself playing these games.

yeah shes fucking him, unless shes quirky and she really wants to eat some exotic hard to find potato chips. BUT EVEN THEN WHY TF WOULDNT SHE BE ABLE TO TEXT BACK. ABORT

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Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you.
Its just your turn mate.
I was highly infatuated with a girl(20y/o) but it turned out she was fucking the manager(45/yo/)
Get redpilled or get woke.

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This OP

If she's dumb enough to say potato chips and mean anything sketchy she's either dumb or bold enough to slip up very soon. You should be cool.

>>Same humor, natural flow of conversation, positive emotions
Always creeps me out when guys talk like this. It's like you see women as tools to be used and not humans to appreciate.

>Tools don’t clean themselves kys

The way you describe yourself here makes you sound incredibly insecure. You're going on about your "awesome" life and how you've done no wrong yet here you are on the advice board crying over some girl who, according to you has little to no social life. If you truly want to know what the deal is, then communicate her. Let her know that you want to be exclusive and set boundaries, because sitting here speculating about her sex life (or lack thereof) is honestly kind of pathetic when you've only known her for a few weeks.

>ask girl to be exclusive after 3 dates
that's the most beta thing I have ever heard lmao.
It's like you WANT women to disrespect and despise you.
Don't do this OP, just play it cool and leave your options open. Be ready to walk away at any point.
>It's all about honest communication bro
Dumbest meme, perpetuated by women.
Never listen to women when it comes to what women want, not even joking.

>going to concerts and parties
Get a job.

OP is already acting as it they're exclusive by posting this in the first place. His two options are either grow some balls and talk to her about it or be "heartbroken" because a girl he's known for two minutes is talking to another guy.

Man, is this what dating is like these days? Jesus Christ that actually makes me glad I'm married - this shit sounds way too stressful and pointless.

>Dumbest meme, perpetuated by women
Sucks to be you. I can communicate with my girlfriend without issues instead of playing that game which leads nowhere.

You fish for shit, you’ll wind up reeling it in. Don’t complain when you wind up eating shit instead of fish.

this op, be a man and dont get played, maybe shes trying to make you worry on purpose to manipulate you into thinking she coulda cheated on you and make you more insecure and vulnerable to her

good points, but she might be trying to make him squirm

how do yall do it

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I personally don’t agree. Some chicks are like that, not gonna lie user, but with my current gf, we texted nonstop and tried to see each other whenever possible. So not everyone is like that

I agree except I enjoy coffee dates, and they dont hinder me getting real dates anyway. And the reasoning is a bit off. way I see it is texting can fuck things up but not really make them better. I used to be complete shit at texting girls, then I learned it literally did not matter a few years into uni. It is a bit like waggling your foot in the pool before you jump in. Not a terrible thing to do, and alright as long as you jump right after. But if you sit there and just waggle your foot in the pool everyone will think you are some fuckig weirdo and you dont get a good swim. Understanding woman is near impossible. I have no idea if Op fucked himself with overtexting, if the chick was super into him but now not, if she is getting dicked by some other dude, just trying to make him jelous for some reason or one of a thousand other things. Op just fucking meet up with her and ask. And if you cant see a chick for a week, just dont text her for a week, fucking christ you wont die of seperation.

Ignore everyone else, this is a shit test, sink or swim. Let it roll off your back and not bother you.

For future reference, you're texting her too much even if you had been a couple together for years. It appears needy and she's testing how easily she can break you. Shrug off this test and learn your lesson, do not put all your social gratification eggs in the basket of one girl, set up a date with her for when she gets back and let things ride. Spend some time with your friends.

They really can't handle the bantz

You're a cuck. I am glad this is happening to you.

nigger you met her on a dating app

Seriously, I couldn't imagine dating and up to getting physical with a girl without being "exclusive". That "exclusivity" even needs to be considered disgusts me. Fucking degenerates.

anyone wanna run the next line? got plenty of matches. I'll send her next reply

>So was Schindlers List, I still laughed. You are rude.

Sent, we getting box tonight right?

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RIP she's fucking the guy