Get it off your chest

Let's hear it!

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life just doesnt always seem worth it, we live to feed a corporate world and earn enough for a chill retirement but in the end is it even worth it?

If we died now all we would do is upset the people around us but in reality well either become a meme or be forgotten about as everyone moves on with their lives.

Think of 3 people who have died and describe who they were as a person

I gave a heartfelt personal response to a thread hours after OP was last spotted and now I'm bummed that no one will read it.

Post it here.

here goes nothing

I'm in love with you.

Same boat, my friend. I take it further by thinking the loved ones who “give” you a reason to live and truly selfish for expecting you to deal with life so you can be a tiny part of theirs. It is a fucked up world rn

I don't understand you, really.

You’re the best thing in my life. I miss you.

I would an hero if i was bothered at this point, looking in the mirror to tell myself that i hate myself and i want to die is getting old

Tell them

Then you wouldn't have to miss so much

Get that sick fantasy of torturing and killing me off of your head because that's MY sick fantasy, go get your own

Do I really have nothing to lose if I tell her that I like her? I don't even know her, but she is awfully chirpy to me. I don't think she likes me, of course. Friendliness just means friendliness; I talk to people all the time. But I have nothing to lose, right?

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Course you have something to lose in the short term but ultimately we all die and it's better to not accumulate regrets. Tons of people can be merely friendly to you, so it's not a big deal if you lose one. And you stand to gain much more.

do it, if it goes wrong it wasnt meant to be and its time to move on

First of all, never TELL a woman straight out that you like her. You ask her on a date and her response is your answer

I think he’s mad at me or tired of me and also he doesn’t love me anyways.

So, ask her out on a date "first?" She sits right next to me, and she started talking to me on random occassions first, so I have no problem talking to her either.

We will not be forgotten.

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You really dont have anything to loose. In the future you will regret not doing it trust me

Piss or get off the pot, as they say. Just find an equilibrium where you are comfortable on your own terms. It will take drastic outside forces before the world will change for the better. No use wallowing in misery

Fuck! I kinda want to eat pizza for dinner, but there isn't any in the house, and I don't want to go through the hassle of ordering one for delivery or driving someplace to pick one up! Why is life so unfair, bros?

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Vegan cheese is some of the most disgusting shit.

>meet international student 4 weeks before she goes back to her home country
>we get along really well
>she remembers little things about me
>I'm the guy her other guy friends get jealous of
>she always comes and hangs out with me when she sees me
>but doesn't really text me much and shuts down conversations pretty quickly
>gave me a thumbs up emoji when I brought up hanging out sometime
What do I do bros? I wanna experience something before she leaves.

>finally get bf, took so long because I am very picky
>realize I have no idea how to be affectionate and it feels forced and awkward when I try to be
>he had a bad day at work and I have no idea how to comfort him other than sex stuff
How do I fix myself fug. I know sex handjobs and blowies are a good, but I feel like I should be more cuddly and stuff. He doesn't have a high sex drive he doesn't even fap or watch porn... why am I so awkward, relationships are alien to me.

I don’t deserve anything. No matter how hard I try, I’m not good enough for anyone to care about me. I don’t want to live anymore.

Its all my fault. Sorry man.

Mum you always told me since i was a kid that all i cared about was food and my fat self.

Well look how the tables jave turned now that you have become a fat peoce of shit that seriously only cares about yourself, you are irresponsible and put your kids in danger and are a fat peice of selfish shit.
You wont say shit against me anymore becuase you know how worthless you are roastie whore.

It's a matter of understanding your partner. Some people like cuddling for comfort, some just need an ear to vent out on, or just have someone to laugh with. So, there is no right answer. Just depends on the person

I know I'm unattractive and wood, but I can't get over this idea that I'm not, and just have low confident. It's like I'm waiting for someone to say "of course you're gone, and likeable!"
No matter what I do, I'm stuck constantly between hating myself and being over confident (masked by low confidence).
I've had people tell me I'm funny and such, but that's it. I don't know why I feel like I'm waiting for the impossible.
How do I snap myself to reality?

Why do you assume this? How long have you known him?

Someday you'll be a real boy.

Don't get attached and show her an amazing time that she won't soon forget. Local wonders etc..

That constantly repeating I hate myself makes you hate yourself and depressed


because you are evil

I will just have to experiment then, I guess? I wish this came more naturally to me.

Do you feel the same? Why do I sense you do? I wish I could just ask.

Kek. I meant weird, but it turned out alright

Who hurt you?

So long... many years.

Have you two been intimate? Why do you assume he doesn't love you?

You understood the reference, give yourself some credit friend.

Why can't you ask? It better be an actual reason and not insecurity.

What a news of a post
I don't really hate myself, I'm just realistic about my looks most of the time. Thank you though, I knew how much damage those kind of loops can do

They've sent the signals out, the world is going to get crazy now

He did it to himself

Kill me now

you hurt everyone

> I knew how much damage
Hey fuckface it's not enough to know the concept you have to apply it

Are you phone posting or what?

You don't even know me, are you ok?

*pets you*
shhh, relax.

Not evil but I do turn cold when I feel like I have to protect myself. It’s dissociative... leftover from childhood abuse. I’ve never been able to fix it.

shove your fake empathy up your ass

Boy am I ever


I consider it intimate, yes. He’s never said he likes me much less love me.

What a charmer.

*head pats*
Its going to be ok. They can't hurt you here.

And what are you going to do about it ?

Slap you with my 9" dick ?

I fell asleep this morning (I've been waking up really early in the morning because my ceiling fan broke when I committed suicide and it constantly clicks now) listening to H.P. Lovecraft who've I've never read before because I thought he was overrated. There's some things he says that I also believed and it really freaked me out. I even wrote an essay about something he wrote about atrophied glands in the brain being able to detect wavelengths that the average waking conscious human cannot that I thought was some weird nonsense I spastically wrote out one day that came out of no where.
Makes me think what if humans can train themselves to remember things that's happened before their time by pulling from a collective conscious cloud of thought. Would be really cool.
On the other hand, maybe I'm related to the guy and it's like that one episode of X-Files with the lady who was trying to kill people because she inherited the mind of her grandfather who was a homicidal maniac. Upon further inspection, he was from Rhode Island and no one in my family has ever lived in New England so maybe not. Plus, his face is too long and thin. Hate to inherit that.

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You had TWO YEARS.

Where at?


Figure it out?

I'm upstairs, come say hi.


In a bad mood again where I think everything I do is stupid and worthless, that everyone will always be better than I ever could, and that I should just give up. I hate feeling this way

To confess your feelings

Did you ask them to do this thing that they had two years to do? People aren’t mind readers.

Take a walk with just your thoughts and no phone or internet.

Right, so vague.

Yeah, sorry for such an ambiguous answer. My philosophy with advice is often "self-searching" and stuff like that. Hopefully, someone can help you pin point what to do, but otherwise, just trust your instincts and do what feels natural, if you have nothing better planned. Understanding how someone works on the inside isn't easy.

That's what I meant by figure it out.

Did they know they were supposed to figure something out?

Life isn't fair my friends. the evil eat the good alive. No one can be trusted. I just want a simple life, no frills, no expectations. I don't want to step on others to get anywhere, nor will I kiss someone else's ass to be promoted. We are not friends, you are my boss. I will smile as you downgrade your equal peers since you are consumed with your body image. Karma handles everything and being detailed oriented is a curse I am glad I am stained with. Documentation is everything, I just hope the retaliation you throw back is well thought out.


There are people in my life that I love dearly but I am so unhappy with myself. I drink everyday just to sleep. I feel so worthless.

What's the point in anything anyway?

...don't take away the tendies.

Be thankful it's only two and not four years.

They weren't suppose to wait on someone else to figure it out. People aren't mind readers. Actions...

I don't get it. They probably don't get it either. Just tell them what you want.

I'm at odds with the idea of having kids: I want kids for the legacy, but I don't like kids.
I don't like kids up to like 12-14 (when there's, on average, significant thoughts and decent conversations to have).
I'm fairly certain I'm more fit to become a cool uncle over a good dad.
I don't want to wait too long, but I also don't want to fuck up my life map; I don't have shit for resources.

... I think the legacy detail is strong because of my strong fear of death, no matter how far away it is from now...

You realise that'd make it worse

Cant. They're taken

Take care of yourself J, you deserve to be happy.

Your hair looks stupid, F.

Wew lad, time to cuck someone or move on.

Just shut the fuck up.

Your larps are stupid.

No u

I've never larped with you, dimwit.

Are Js the most triggered initials in these threads or something?

I just wrote about how people shouldn't be greedy and spend their money on Gucci and look what happens.


You did, you idiot. Please have some self awareness.

We all know about the history of J.