ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

Previous thread: GUIDELINES:
Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself. You can use these macros:

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>get interested in kind of autistic girl
>some stupid shit happens and I become convinced she's not into me
>try going after some other girls and go back to just talking with her casually every day
>like 3 months later
>after getting rejected start noticing that she's acting like she likes me again
Girls, how would I restart what I was almost certain I fucked up before and am I an asshole for possibly inadvertently stringing her along for months? I mean I'm interested again now but i wasn't a week ago, and she's been acting like this for a while without me really noticing or doing anything about it.

Hey girls, I'm decent looking but I'm pretty shy.

There is a cute girl in my class that I honestly want to get to know better, but I always find myself thinking it'd be weird to talk to her, mostly cause I feel embarrassed knowing that I'm probably making it obvious I like her.

Am I wrong in thinking that way? How would you feel if a guy who sits next to you said hi and then asks for your number?

I'm not total strangers with her but I'm super scared of making a move though.

Reposting because other thread ended.

Question for females. I am a male and recently I messed up a thing me and this girl had. We stopped talking as much but not all together. Recently I made amends and she still said she had feelings for me. However, she said that I(me) wasn't ready for a relationship. I was then told I have to figure out how to be ready on my own. Any advice?

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>set up on date with my homie's gf's roommate
>mega qt, date goes super well
>homie says that the girl is super interested in me
>invite her over to smoke and watch a movie
>i get super nervous and we watch a movie/yt videos for 4 hours without me making a move

I feel like I ruined it. We matched on tinder also and I see she updated her bio. I feel like im nervous to make a move because I like her. Her body language is usually kinda closed off too (my roommate says she's nervous around me too). Any advice? I want to hang again but dont know what I should do this time

Question to both sexes:
When people tell me that you're people, how am I supposed to believe them?

You're fucking it up by catching feelings. You're going to hurt yourself.
Try to set up another night indoors and make a move. Compliment her, scoot closely while watching a movie.
Not saying to jump her bones if she's closed off, but little things like cuddling or hand holding, so at least you gauge a reaction

Movies are always a shitty first date. You're just sitting there watching stuff and not talking really. Choose something where you have to actually talk to each other. Cliche coffee date is a cliche for a reason.

I've been on nofap for 5 days and I need to fuck. I'm 18 and attractive, do girls give a shit if I'm unemployed? I make a bit of money off of commissions for artwork.

>movies are a shitty first date
Theaters, yes. At home however, it's pretty much "hey, want to come over and have sex wth some background noise?"

this was our second date, like 5th/6th time hanging out. I think it was a definite "lets fuck," i just couldnt relax. To make matters worse I am moving away in like 2 weeks, so I think she just wants something casual. Would it be a bad idea to just straight up ask her if she wants to kiss next time we are alone? >:)

Ask her. You're gonna have to get rid of the fear some time so just do it. Nothing to lose. Whatever she says or thinks does not matter. You will have learned. Besides, most girls would be flattered and probably somewhat interested if you're attractive. Do it!

Just go for it. Seems like you have nothing to lose. Also don't use emoticons.

if you're able to buy them shit then it doesn't matter where the money came from

>waiting that long
Also don't ask to kiss her. You set the mood and gauge get body language when you get closer to her, touch her hand or leg, etc..

Asking again but want non-tripfag’s advice:
>ask girl I’m acquaintances with to go do stuff in a group of friends
>she does
>while we’re out, ask her if she wants to go do something over the weekend
>she says it depends on if she’s around, but yes if she is
>day of, send her a text confirming
>says she’s still in if the weather cooperates (it actually is very bad that morning)
>it does clear up, tell her i’m heading to (insert place) to grab a drink before and then head there
>radio silence, not even a “I’m busy” or “fuck off faggot”
Is she ghosting or did I just not make firm enough plans? How do I text her and ask if she wants to do something this weekend without coming across as desperate?

It doesnt matter at all especially at your age. And doing some money off of a skill you have is even better.

Honestly, it sounds like she wasn't very into it tu begin with, based on her half-assed answers.
I would try again. Just ask how her weekend was, and if she replies, ask if she's free again. If she doesn't reply or leaves you hanging again, drop her.

This was our first time hanging out alone. Its usually at a party or something. Some other problems: I was super high, my roommates kept walking in and out, I pulled an all nighter from a party the previous night. She said she still had a lot of fun, but I feel like a dumb bitch for not making a move. I kept trying to put my arm around her but she kinda remained closed off idk. I guess my main question is what my next date with her should be?? Like maybe ill ask her over again next weekend and note smoke?

Yeah, definitely take her somewhere you can be alone. Also lay off the drugs.
I'd recommend a dinner date and then going to a nearby park or secluded area to park and just talk. This sets a good mood and you can make an advance on her without stress of getting walked in on.

Kind of my thoughts. She seemed to be very physically flirty at the bar (in the group) and other times I’ve hung out with her, make any excuse to put hands on me, always holding eye contact with me more than anyone else etc. could just be her personality though.

Do girls on tinder think a low snapchat score is a red flag?

Girls who know me here

What do you imagine a date with me would go like? What kind of guy do you think I am IRL?

Why would you care about a whores opinion when she won't even fuck you?

>gf and i having a good day having lunch together
>she brings up politics
>i am not a trump fanatic but I defend some of his positions because she believes he is satan incarnate
>she gets mad
>i tell her that i’m not mad at her so it’s unfair that she’s mad at me
>she gets more mad
>she doesnt talk to me for rest of work day

I want to text her but I can’t help but feel like she’s the one who should text me to break the silence. I never instigated anything, and if it was up to me this negative feeling between us would have not happened. Am I being immature if I’m giving her the silent treatment waiting for her to contact me back first?


I’ve fucked whores I’m not bad looking it’s just my score is low and you know how women are with social status

Grab her by the pussy and give her a good dicking.

>Am I being immature if I’m giving her the silent treatment waiting for her to contact me back first?

Her behavior is bad, but it never excuses hostility from you. Now that you're conscious, accept that she's going through an anger spell, and she'll soon (or eventually) be out of it. Once she calms down, explain to her how it make you feel without being accusing.

To help you, start your sentences with the words "I feel ___ when you ___" or I felt. It's important you handle this maturely and communicate your feelings.

No matter what she does, how bad she gets, be perfect. So even if the worst happens, and she sabotauges the relationship, then in the future when she's an old hag, she'll look back at her time with you now and thing "Wow... what a patient, loving, and caring man I had. And I just let him go. I lost him, because I chose to be angry instead of choosing him. I regret this. I was such a fool."

And not out of spite. Just be the best man you possibly can be. If she comes back and she's actually sorry, the forgive her instantly and expect NOTHING in return. Just open your heart up to her again like nothing happened. Trust she will punish herself, don't do it for her.

girl ive been seeing always pays for me as well why, is that her way of showing she likes me, its happened tree times in a row, she goes to the counter and pays before i can even say anything

what does it mean ?

it means she wants to peg you

Am I an awful person for not being interested in someone because they're really unattractive to me? Like to the point I don't think even trying out a date would be worth it.

Their personality is alright, intelligent person with similar interests, a bit weird but otherwise seems like an okay person

can you elab0rate ?

'Course not. We all have our preferences.

There is no reason too small to avoid dating someone.

I just saw my opening and took it. idk what it really means.

Ok, women, so here it is
>chatting with this girl
>we've gone on a few dates
>today she says she's going to chill with a friend
>friend turns out to be the uncle of another friend plus one more and they're both fat mexican dudes
>kind of weirded out, I think this is fucking strange, I don't know what to say, her explanation is that they're only a few years older

How unattractive?

I'm going to play with you for no reason.

>Hey girls, I'm decent looking but I'm pretty shy.
Hi bored femanons of Jow Forums, I capitulate to my fears.
>There is a cute girl in my class that I honestly want to get to know better,
There's a human female with a nice looking body, I want to have sex with her, and receive the pleasure of ejaculating in her body. I want to enhance this experience by bonding with the spirit that rests in the skull of this bald monkey.
>but I always find myself thinking it'd be weird to talk to her,
But like I said, I capitulate to my fears...
>mostly cause I feel embarrassed knowing that I'm probably making it obvious I like her.
Mostly because I feel like I don't live up to society's standard of behavior. I believe other male humans have a better experience at this stuff, and the gap between them and me makes me feel sad. I don't know how to fix it.
My main concern is that the female knows my secret. I think she knows that I desire to stick my penis in her and use my mouth and ears to synchronize our thoughts!
>Am I wrong in thinking that way?
Can you offer me some words that will change my perception of society? Maybe if I think that society is lower, or if I get the approval of random bored females on Jow Forums, then perhaps it'll close the gap between my self-perception and my perception of society. Maybe then, for just a long enough moment, I will stop experiencing the fear which blocks me from engaging with this human female, and I might have a better shot of ejaculating in her womb!
>How would you feel if a guy who sits next to you said hi and then asks for your number?
So can you tell me, in kind words please, how my perception of society can be lowered to equate my low self-perception? That way I won't feel embarrassed into inaction.
>I'm not total strangers with her but I'm super scared of making a move though.
Here's some conditions that can help you tell me nice words. Just reminder that it's my fear that stops me!

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>what does it mean ?
the first WHATTTT DOEZZ IT MEEEEEN GUIES??? post of the day

Could mean a hundred things, moron.
Civilized beings talk to each other.
Funny enough.
If my gf was doing that to me.
And if I was wondering why.
I would like...
Hang on, you're gonna think this is crazy.
Hear me out.
I would.
Tell her.
I mean ask her!
I'd like, totally move my mouth, and form a question
Then, you know.
She'd like answer me and all.
Then I'd know.
I'd just know. Cause she told me.
Like, no more mystery.
yeah man.
Feels great
But you know the last thing I'd do?
Yeah, of all the possibilities I face,
including killing her,
the last thing I would ever think of
is like
going to Jow Forums
and asking a bunch of inept strangers
and tripfag assholes
"What does it mean"
That would not get me the best answer.
or maybe it would

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Hey girls,

I regularly go for blood checkups in a renal ward and this posh extremely attractive nurse always "flirts" with me. I know that she's probably just trying to be polite as part of her job but would it be any harm in telling her that she's pretty?

He's kinda builtfat and bald, and that wouldn't usually be a problem (even though my type is skinny guys with long hair), it's just something about his face that really turns me off. I've kissed guys considered not very attractive but his type of look just doesn't do it for me at all, like I can't even imagine wanting to kiss him.

Sweetie there is nothing wrong with her exploring her sexuality with those men. They will probably make her a better woman by teaching her things don't be so fragile you will drive her away

Not at all, bring her a box of chocolates too

Thanks mate you’re right. I texted her.

Girls, how would you define the "mom friend"?
I feel like i'm vaguely the mom friend in most of my groups of friends (i'm a dude), caring, responsible etc

i got a normie girl's number today and I don't know what the fuck to do. i usually only fuck with hipster bitches and they're really easy to make conversation with.
what the fuck do i do?

Gay guy who hasnt come out

Nah, i find men repulsive in a sexual sense.

But that's how you come across

>Am I an awful person for not being interested in someone because they're really unattractive to me?
No, absolutely not.

Any advice on first kiss or just casual kissing?

> I want to enhance this experience by bonding with the spirit that rests in the skull of this bald monkey.

Holy fck user my sides

Chick was staring at me on and off at gym today for long time
Normally it doesnt bother me but that girl is very good looking (very petite and skinny, cute face, not so much going in butt or tit department) i doubt she suffers from lack of attention.

Staring is one thing, maybe im THIS ugly.
But then i was doing lift (bent over rows) and she started doing them (like straight up mimicking) in front of me, to the side.

Later on im doing dumbbell rows, i look in mirror and there she is, talking with female friend at other side of the gym, looking at me again.
Yet when i try to catch eye contact and smile she doesnt smile back, and at most she just said "hi" by water fountain to me

I should probably talk to her but i have no clue what icebreaker to come up with.
Like i said im average looking at best but tall and wide shoulders and easily twice her bodyweight so maybe shes attracted to that? And i lift heavier than anyone in this gym basically. Also it wasnt first time when i noticed her paying attention to me.

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girls, best way to make the 1st move or approach a girl?

some context:
the other day saw this girl in the caf at my uni. She was standing in front of me and kept looking back even smiled at me. I think she noticed i was looking and stepped back so she was right beside me. Didn't say anything though, when i grabbed my food i hung out at the entrance because i wanted to say something but pussied out.

what the fuck do i say?

What would you be comfortable with doing for a BF that has a mommy fetish?

Which stage would typically come first: kissing or saying "I love you"?

The answer is obviously no, but can I ask why do you feel this guilt? What prompted this question?

Kissing. Kek.

Why do some girls just want some guys to turn out gay

"i love you". But different cultural norms may apply.

Girls, should a guy kiss the girl on the first date?

depends on how the date went desu

also be aware that not every girl will go for that, particularly ones with some kind of baggage.

This girl I text pretty much every day has started using a lot of stickers. She never did that before. Is she trying to be cutesy or something?

if she's willing to hang out with you alone at home on the bed/ couch then she wants to fuck you

I got kissed on every single first date I went. I did like each guy though, if I were to have a bad date or just one where I see we have no chemistry I wouldn't kiss

I know this girl, she's not the prettiest, but god do I fucking love her personality, I talk to her for literal hours. Then I introduce her to a friend of mine, and despite them not interacting at all during, she started messaging him instantly, even sending good morning messages apparently. That caused me some serious heartache and anxiety.

Probably. What THAT means isn't something we can answer.

My advice: Use stickers and emoji back at her.

>qt at uni
>into all the same outdoorsy naturey and /out/ shit I am
>really smart, really interesting and at the top of her field
>she's good friends with one of the people I'm moving in with next semester
>she's good friends with two of the folks I'm working with in the year-long capstone project I'm leading
>always says hi to me in rooms full of people
>sometimes have a cute/ casual conversation, complimented me a few times
>barely know her at this point but have a massive crush on her

I've distinguished myself in my field at uni, am well known, and there are a ton of eyes professionally/ socially as I tackle a massive project with a couple people she's close with, so that makes me nervous. Really wanna go for it but if I fuck up it would be a disaster. I'm gonna be living and working with some really good friends of hers next semester so I'm hoping I can get to know her better then and go for it, but it's still kinda sketchy. I feel weird because I barely know her... should I just wait it out?

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They want a friend, straight guys try to relationship zone you.

Oh my fucking god, women, what the fuck do you want?

>normie facebook posts
>omg ladies get you a MAN who texts YOU BACK and doesn't IGNORE YOU
>actually text back often and be responsive
>suddenly I'm needy

I'm not gonna lie I am terrible at ending conversations on applications like Snapchat because I hate leaving people on read because I feel bad but my question still stands.

It’s called texting them back not turning everything into a conversation. Also, if you don’t have time to talk, say you’ll get back to her later.

Now I'm learning she's asking how his day goes an shit. They didn't even fucking interact. Why is this happening to me.

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>cute girl in lecture
>sit by her one day
>we get paired for group activity
>next week we match on tinder
>don’t message cuz I’ll see her in class
>class comes and we sit near each other
>I sperg out and don’t talk to her
>end of lecture she leaves quickly before I can talk to her
>message her on tinder an hour later
>”hey I missed you after class want to get lunch sometime?”
>no reply now after a week
I have class again tomorrow. Is it over? Should I bother talking to her again?

I feel like this is going to sound weird, but I am really confused and would like some outside perspective.

I have been dating my boyfriend for almost a year. He is my first real boyfriend and my first for pretty much everything else relationship wise. We have sex pretty frequently and I enjoy it, but I rarely initiate and when I do it's because I can tell he wants to. The reason is because even though I enjoy it in the moment, I have never really felt that "urge", I guess, to have sex. When I told this to a friend she seemed like I was doing something very rude and said he deserves to know he doesn't turn me on. But I disagree, I like my boyfriend a lot and I really do like having sex with him, I just never really feel a need to do it though. I feel like if he never asked again I would probably be alright.

Is this something I actually need to talk to him about? And am I rude for having sex with him practically whenever he wants?

Yeah you fucked it. First thing you should’ve done when you matched is said, “Hey don’t I know you from [lecture]?” From there you could’ve brought it up to her personally.

You come as a having sex with bf as a chore. Why aren’t you turned on?

>I really do like having sex with him, I just never really feel a need to do it though.
> I feel like if he never asked again I would probably be alright.

you do realize that you're systematically destroying your relationship? Sure you say yes when he wants to. But you rarely initiate. how do you think he feels knowing his gf doesn't show any desire for him? He'll start thinking that he's unwanted, fat, ugly. He'll wonder if something is wrong with him.
this is how so many marriages end up in divorce.

>Maybe if I think that society is lower, or if I get the approval of random bored females on Jow Forums
>ITT: Ask the opposite gender

You're a tripfag so I'm not expecting the best posts, but I expected better quality than this

It's a lazy submissive thing. You should want to strike desire in your man's heart and be taken up on an offer as opposed to him being the only one doing the chasing. Like if he stopped initiating date night I'm sure you'd be pissed yourself.

1) You might be on the asexual spectrum. If you've never felt any drive to fuck any man or woman, this is probably you. You can sometimes overcome this by faking attraction to some degree; make sure he feels attractive even if you don't explicitly have any urge to have sex. He does NOT need to know you aren't attractive as long as you're both happy and you enjoy the sex itself. I'd say you're doing a good job as is by being in tune with when he wants to fuck before he asks and being willing to initiate then.

2) This isn't the dude for you. If you've felt sexual attraction for anyone else, you can feel it again, and the fact that you're not feeling it with this guy is a good sign that you guys aren't the right fit and should probably break up.

YOU aren't destroying you're relationship either way. Either you're doing your best and he's happy (or he'd have shown signs otherwise) or you too aren't right for each other, but no one is at fault here in either case.

I think I may have said something dumb in an e-mail to a girl I don't really know except as a friend-of-a-friend who didn't get the chance to introduce me and I think I opened with an inappropriate level of flirtation or something. This could affect my old friends now because of how badly I fucked up. I mean I didn't even contact her in a normal... well, there's a lot of missing context here, but honestly, I think it's better I just leave that out so I know whatever you say, it's not the actual exact case and maybe instead you can speak to me in some more general way.

What do I...
Please kill me.

>Girl I pass by on my way to work everyday
>We always make eye contact
>Think I've even caught a smile once or twice
>But yesterday she seemed to almost actively dodge my gaze
Wh-what's going on?!

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I dont think of it as a chore. I genuinely do enjoy the closenes of sex and it feels good. I just don't feel the urge enough to initiate. I dont know why.
So what I'm doing is rude? I tell him I like him all the time and we cuddle lots. I try to make sure he knows how much I care and appreciate him. But in your opinion would it be better to end things?
We don't really go on that many dates and I wouldn't care if we went less. I do really like him and like spending time with him. It's just sex that I'm having trouble with I guess. Its difficult to explain because I didn't see a problem until my friend said I wasn't being fair to my boyfriend.
I've fantasized and stuff about sex before and kind of felt turned on, but never with real people. But I also don't interact with that many people, so I don't know if the cause is just from stunted social development. I'm not autistic, but I've had quite a few people think I was before. He is the first person in real life I have ever felt this kind of connection to, but if me not getting turned on is some kind of indicator we aren't right for each other I need to say something. I like him a lot and I really don't want to hurt him.

What do you do when you drop all the spaghetti on a random female stranger in an e-mail who's just a friend-of-a-friend and you are now worried your old friend(s... actually...) might even be mildly affected because of how much spaghetti you dropped?

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I hate it when girls initiate sex. It disgusts me. It's also a fast way to lose a man because it'll make him feel above you, you won't feel like a "catch" to him anymore and he won't feel emotionally secure as a result.

There is no problem.

If you want to enjoy sex more, then you need to play with desire. Actually he needs to play with it. Tease you and stuff. Have fun. turn it into a game for a while and you'll start to love it. You need to feel desired.

>I didn't see a problem until my friend said I wasn't being fair to my boyfriend.
>until my friend
>my friend

>but if me not getting turned on is some kind of indicator we aren't right for each other I need to say something.
Either you're just really stupid, easily influenced, and gullible.... or you're looking for trouble on purpose.

Well it depends, obviously. Post the email and blur the headers

You are the exact purpose for this comic.

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And why, pray tell, would I do that with you online?
You know, most posters are not actually like you.

>I tell him I like him all the time and we cuddle lots. I try to make sure he knows how much I care and appreciate him.

An anology.: Say you like cooking for your boy and you make his favorite meals. But he won't eat. He'll compliment, hug you, and say the meal looks so nice and smells good. But he won't eat. He'll eat if you plate it and feed it to him, sometimes. But he won't eat. How do you feel? This is what's happening to you and him right now.

You're not being rude, you're just young. If your sex issue isn't something a doctor can fix then yes, it's better to end it now. I'm a girl and i've ended it before with a guy who didn't initiate that much. He loved me and cuddled, but he didn't like sex. Sex is how I bond and show love.
Either he accepts being asexual or you force yourself to initiate as frequently as he does. Neither of which are healthy

Talk to her more and ask her out. Where's the potential for a disaster? Guys ask girls out all the time, it'll only be weird if you make it weird.

If I ask a cute guy on IG if he has a wife or gf would that scare him away?

Actually, scratch all that anyway. Turns out I'm fine.

In fact, she's such an autist, I don't even think she caught on to what I meant even though I said she was cute. Like, I can objectively tell she doesn't know...
Kind of weird.

Well, I guess I can now try and see if the girl in my improv class with the patriarchy hoop rings is somehow not totally insane enough that I wouldn't date her.
I mean, she probably is but still...

No, ask him. Quit playing life on easy automatic

What could your female friend / woman you are seeing / girlfriend / wife do to make your friendship easier / better? What do you wish she did more / less of? Please specify which relationship when responding.

Friendship or relationship, whoops, it's early over here

Be direct, quit taking so many fucking selfies, and knock off that 30+ minutes between text messages nonsense.

The first two are easy, the third one I have questions. He tends to take half an hour to an hour to respond usually, so I pull my response time back so I'm not constantly double texting him with new shit I've thought of and being annoying as all hell. Would you think that would be acceptable?

That’s general for all woman desu, female friends/romantic interests/mom/sister/cousins.

Quit being afraid of guns too. Earpro/eyepro exists.