What do women want?in general?

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an A.I. gf to keep me company.

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Lots of boyfriends, food, and perfume.


Thats not the case.


Someone who we can be our disgusting, ugly selves around and who's totally cool with that. Someone who doesnt constantly try to fix all of our problems but listens first instead. Someone who knows how fucking important foreplay is and that 80% of women cant orgasm from penetrative sex alone. For the most part, all of us are different in what we want and some women are difficult as fuck. Me, for instance, I wanted a man who I could have intellectually stimulating conversations with, with an above average dick (size for sure matters, at least for me), super nerdy, tall, preferably a tall ginger (Think Tormund from GOT), who works with his hands. And here I am married to a Scottish hydraulics mechanic with an 8 inch dick who plays Diablo with me.

I want to be loved, mostly.

This. The same thing that men want out of life.

Is this pasta?

Everything, because happiness is fleeting, they want the infinite. After enough evolution, we should reach the infinite.

Female desire has led us to to develop 5 senses, brain, intelligence, emotions of love, and consciousness. Eventually we made tools to explore parts of the cosmos we can't naturally detect, like radio and microwaves. But there's still an incredible amount more to the universe which we can't even feel nor perceive yet. It will take lots more evolution to reach there. And the endless desire of females will guide us.

On a smaller scale, they just want it all. Women are happy by experience, not specific things. The experience is the whole spiritual collection from the senses into the mind.

That's why it's so easy for them to overlook different things. The same woman might find an ugly guy attractive because he's rich and it gives her a good overall experience, just like a super hot but rude guy, or a all-around nice guy who's average in every way. She might desire all of these men equally if they offer her an equal experience. It's not any particular thing. It's hard for men to understand because men are both: satisfiable, and generally know what they want.

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Edgy comment!

The same thing men want

The basic desires of men except without the self-awareness, agency or clarity to see these desires through. It is why women come off as "superficial", or "shallow".

good joke. ive never met a woman who aims to self actualize. what they care about is being liked by their peers, popularity, money and

Literally everything and it's fucking disgusting

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Yes and no

See. now what if you give all of that and they totally love it but then they reciprocate with the exact the opposite

Reorganized to what womens actual order is.

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>All women are unique. Like me for example, I like the exact same things as every woman in the world.

Kek, women truly are mentally retarded. They literally post the same shit all the time.

In general?
Waaaaay more.

best post right here.

Most women want nerdy gingers?

and if your answer is anything else, you are doing it wrong

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I can't speak for all women but, a tight comforting hug, some pasta and a chest to fall asleep on

Fun and/or passionate sex.

>Lots of boyfriends, food, and perfume.
Why are women so into food?

95% of Tinder roasties bang on about how much they love food in their bio.

Food for some people is the best thing in life, people life to eat, and I mean why not, foods pretty fucking great

Dick. obviously

Men want thing and waman want feel

A guy who’s actually interested in her other than just fucking.

Exotic vacations, comfortable living spaces, supportive men, loving families, expensive chocolates, kinky sex, and cute puppies.

I can confirm, nerdy gingers are fucking hot.

Yeah but it's massively disproportionate in women compared to men.

To poop.

Most women LOVE pooping.

Women are more sensitive than men, we have better taste buds, food is how it's actually supposed to taste.

LOL! Women never realize that all of them are just for fucking. Women have no qualities which men would be interested in.

To travel, mostly.

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Got a source for that?

Dogs, beards, tattoos, man buns and muscles.

>someone to relate to
>someone to trust with my heart
>someone to have deep conversations with
>someone with passion for something in this world
>someone who eats healthy enough
>someone who is physically fit enough to be healthy
>someone with common interests
>someone with a sense of humor
>someone without complexes

A best friend who is mutually attractive to me as I am to him. Hmm that's it. More specifically doesn't matter for this list as I'm speaking generally.

Well that's how you are user, because you fear putting yourself out there and getting hurt, and perhaps you realize you have little to offer in reality.

But you can't speak for other men in happy relationships.

women: rich guys who look like role models and will be loyal to them, but only after they had enough sex with enough other random hot guys

what men want: some pussy

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by chad, after chad after chad

chad chest and everything ofc

with chads, not with normies with a good personality

swap "someone" with "chad"

Someone who is competent.

Well I think at least most women can agree on the importance of foreplay. I think most women are pretty gross (have you ever cleaned a women's restroom, it's usually way grosser than the mens), and a typical question from a man deserves a typical answer from a woman. Obviously men and women want pretty similar basic things. But particular preferences depend on the woman. And fuck you.


Idk I'm not very sexually motivated and mainly want a relationship with a good woman. I want it very badly actually.

Then shes probably just not attracted to you:/ you cant really be with someone you're not attracted to.

>any preference for physical traits in men whatsoever accounts for a chad lusting roastie

Just because you settle for women who you aren't physically attracted to beyond their generic hole, doesn't mean humans, including you, don't have and shouldn't have some preference for how the opposite sex partner would like them to look, regardless of who they settle with

>have good personality
>have to choose between less good physique or just as good physique

I bet you're an hypocrite and will say that if you had the option you'd choose good personality+less good physique.