Fatherly Advice

Welcome to Fatherly Advice General (FAG) where you get brutal advice from the father you needed but didn't deserve.

Ask a question to be answered by a white male with 2+ kids over 18

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Hey as a college student I wanted to ask, what does mature means to you and how can you achieve something like that?

I'd say that's synonymous with being responsible. Would you show up on time, put in an appropriate effort, not act like a retard. Someone you could take at their word

Have your kids ever been into Jow Forums?
What would you say to most of the teens that go into this site?


How do I get my girlfriend to stop cheating on me

Probably not.

You got fucked, but the only path is forward.

I'm here

Be a better man

I'm too old to use Photoshop. So I have no memes. When I went to college they offered to put me in computer science when I had never touched a computer

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How do I be more of a man? And how did you meet your wife(or baby mama if it's like that). How did I suck it up and actually talk to girls?

Do you drink? And if so what’s your go to drink at a bar or fancy restaurant?

Nice Hitler dubs. If I went to bars I'd get a ginand tonic or whiskey drink

dad what should I do if I fucking hate crowds and commuting or walking around while downtown makes me uncomfortable and anxious as hell?

You need to move to a less diverse community. I also have this problem. less diverse communities are ironically much cheaper to live in.

If you don't talk to them you won't hump them

For me maturing was being able to own my own without caring any more about what others would think. This was big for me because I grew up as a very socially aware/anxious kid and avoided talking or acting because I feared possible reactions of people.

How should I spend my late 20s?

What should I do, if my daughter bringas a nig or a mussie home?

succ n fucc a nigga's dicc homie
show a brudda where she got dem skillz frum

Formulating better questions

Expel her unless she is garbage tier and then know the offspring will get preferences. The other I am warming to is it a decent family

I've been working through previous sexual trauma with a therapist over the past year, Lately I've been getting really angry and impatient about everything. I just wanto move on with my life already. Do you have any suggestions?

>Sexual trauma
Like what, rape? Someone cheating on you? You can't move on if you want identify the problem

>Like what, rape?

Fine, how do you wish you spent your late 20s?

Are you a dude?

Also yes

How to cope with my inferiority complex?

You know what to do. You have always known

I am 21 years old and on my own. College wasn't my thing, but I am a programmer at a good company. Most of my coworkers are far too old to socialize with outside of work. All of my friends from college or before have let me down in major ways. Was going to marry my best friend, but she became an alcoholic and otherwise terrible person. I feel ostracized despite the fact that I am well socialized. Women often flirt with me in public and men get along well, but I am unsure of how to bloom these passings into friendship.

How do I find good friends, dad?

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Are you inferior ? I doubt it. I am expressing doubt. Perhaps you have a repeating message saying that. That's you saying that. You will no longer say that. I can guarantee you are better than 75%, that's damn good but you are even better and every day you get better

Why im i so harsh on myself, constant self-judgement, ridiculing and more, keeping myself from doing certain things and times because i dont believe i deserve it? I don't understand, sometimes when i want to do something like talk to someone, i keep myself from doing it as i dont deserve to be doing so, i dont deserve the happiness or cheerfulness ill prolly get. I even do this at work when i wanna take my lunch break, sometimes i just force myself to starve as a way to self punish because i didn't work hard enough or i messed up too much or didn't help out as enough or really anything among those lines.

Have consensual sex with someone I trust?

Thank you for the beautifully worded question. I don't know we live in an atomized society and whatever your beliefs are seek out like minded individuals. I'm not religious but think it's a good idea just so you have a group

Well, it's an issue of exposure then. Learning to trust someone through gradual physical exposure. Just ease yourself into it and eventually you will learn to trust someone again.

How do I connect further with those I see potential in? I am afraid of how fickle that others are.

The normalization of homo shit out of nowhere has been devestating. It was non-existent

I’m the same as you, a father who wants to help these bastards be men.

You need to become Mormon Muslim or Mennonite all three would accept you and value you.alone you are nothing

You give the benifit of the doubt. Trust is earned but friendly behavior can be universal.

Thats our job

How do I escalate when I'm on dates with girls? I often go out with girls and we have good conversation but I never seem to have an opportunity to make a move. Not trying to do one night stands, just want to kiss a girl someday.

My dad was a good dad overall, but the only thing he told me about women was that marriage is a trap and to not expect girls to do things that they do in porn.

Get a new girlfriend

Does your wife call you daddy or is she too old for that trend?

Loving yourself and your flaws become quirks. Noticing what harms others in your personality and overcoming them. Also a healthy balance of not giving a fuck. Not succumming to the short term and invest in the long. Don't let 5 seconds of hatred or pleasure ruin years of building.

Check out pua stuff they have step by step

What should I do if I’m afraid of travelling from home past a town over? Idk why it’s a issue but what do?

When I see guys with big dicks, I’m always envious and then feel bad about myself. What should I do? I can’t date anyone cus social anxiety and just the lack of the urge, I see no point in trying to pursue women, cus idk I just can’t live with anyone, I can’t be myself in front of anyone, I don’t trust women to be able to accept my flaws without being turned on by better ones out there, etc etc.

I have no friends. I don’t think I deserve anyone. I bore everyone out and they always have better friends to have better time.

dont eat after six

>they always have better friends to have better time.
I feel like that sometimes but I think a lot of people can appreciate the change of pace. You're never going to be those really extroverted people you compare yourself to but so it goes. People can accept you for who you are as long as you make a bit of an effort.

Dad, why did you have to die of cancer when I was 9 and thus leave me without a fatherly figure and make me grow into an awkward skinny, depressed 18 year old who never had a girlfriend and who doesn't see it happening ever.


What kind of effort? I really have no idea how these things work. So do I have to want them first? And then should I pretend to like what they say? I think people should need friends in order to have friends. I just don’t want anyone’s companion, because that would be uncomfortable for me. I would have to go out of my way to please them. To not make them talk about me badly or make fun of the boredom that I bring to them.

My dad has always been around but I grew up being scared of him, I still am. He’s a bad tempered person and my whole life I don’t care about being right, I just care about not making him mad. I’m 26 and I always avoid being near him, he always give uncomfortable awkward vibe where I’m always scared of fucking up in front of him.

I’m friendless and a virgin. I can’t make friends, I can’t feel the camaradery in male friendship, I’m overwhelmed by women’s expectation for masculinity from me. I think I’m low test. I have a small dick too so it really makes me feel like any woman I’m with would be turned on by a sight of the bigger ones. I often feel inferior to most men.

I literally never had a fatherly figure, since I was like 5 he's been battling caner and going on long treatments. I don't remember his voice at all because he lost the ability to speak when I 7.
He never taught me how to shave, groom, exercise, I had to learn all of that from the internet.
The life was over for me before it even began

How do I fix my daddy issues? I fantasize about meeting a mentor/father figure (teacher/friend's dad/boss/therapist/etc) that will fill that gap but the fantasy always turns into us fucking. Would dating an older man help me? I can't imagine an attractive and mature older man would date a dumbass 19 year old girl other than for her body. I know I'm just fetishizing the role of father but it just seems amazing. And I don't want to fuck my actual father FYI :)

Don’t worry, no father is still better than bad father.

My dad's behavior made me so scared of failure that I never try anything ever, so I'm safe from humiliation. Also, I'm massively insecure about my masculinity, and see it as something to be ashamed of.


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she probably wants to be my gf but I don't have the guts to ask her out
how do I proceed ?

You think the OP pic is good? It reminds me of my relationship with my dad. The father looks bad tempered, the son looks tense. I grew up becoming secretly bisexual, and of course I despise my father. A time together with him always means an awkward uncomfortable moment where I always have to be aware that I’m not making any stupid mistake.

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I really need some fatherly advice as I live with my alcoholic mother.
For the last 4 months I've been in hospital in a different country and couldn't study for my GCSE how can i learn 2 years of school in less then a month ?
Should I ask the school for help or cheat ?
I really need some advice please.

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Should I endure a stressful steady job (wage=x) or should I chase my passion job (wage=x/3)? Which one is better..
Thank you

From quick googling... you're below 20 and this exam is national?
Take it, fail it, take it again next year. Spend that year as mcWageSlave and study on your own. With no selfdiscipline to achieve it collegue is pretty much useless.

Mine didn't teach me that stuff either and he was an otherwise good and positive figure.