Find out girl I've been crushing on for ages likes me

>find out girl I've been crushing on for ages likes me

The fuck do I do now? We're good friends and have had a couple flings in the past. She snapchatted me the other day and we've been talking since. How do I proceed? I tried to initiate a date about 6 months ago but it failed so I gave up. Now suddenly she's into me, what do I do?

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ignore her. Delete snapcat. She is doing this so she will make fun of you. Happend to me.

How did you find out?
Also how did you fail the first time? Did she reject you? Or something else?

This definitely isn't the case I know her quite well and she isn't the kind of person who would do that

>I tried to initiate a date about 6 months ago but it failed so I gave up. Now suddenly she's into me

Huge red-flag.

Maybe she misses the attention. If she genuinely found you attractive, you would not have failed.

Sure, she could have "come around" to the idea of you two dating. But she could also just miss the attention.

I can't tell you what you choose to do here, but I can recommend to you to think before you act and proceed with caution.

>she isn't like the other girls!

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She keeps randomly starting conversations with me and baiting my replies with her stories and stuff like that. She was asking my friend about whether I'm seeing anyone, he told me he thought she'd caught feelings. Also just the way she acts around me sometimes. The first time I got with her then when I tried to make things progress further she told me she wasn't really looking for a relationship. Her exact words were something like "We're just both looking fot different things and I'm comfortable being single". I know for a fact she hasn't had any romantic relations with anyone since then, whereas I've had a couple. She was supposed to be going to a party like last week where definitely would've hooked up with her but she ended up not going.

She never really liked you. If she did, it would have worked 6 months ago. There is some ulterior motive here, and it isn't you

Yeah that's what I'm wary of. I guess I could just back off a bit and let her make all the first moves this time around?

That's definitely possible, but is it not also possible that she has developed feelings for me since then?

Nah. She maybe weighed the costs and benefits of keeping you around and decided you make her feel good about herself, but it's not to be confused with genuine attraction.

Okay, what would be an example of genuine attraction be then?

That's hard to say. That's like asking for a case of genuine justice, or genuine good. I would imagine it would come from someone who knows a lot (but not everything) about you, has known you for a while, has maintained attraction throughout that time (even if you never fed into it), would be with you at any point during that time no questions asked, and so on. Like I said, I'm not a master of attraction, but these would at least contribute to it, I think

Let her go. It won't work out the way you want it to..

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck can I not have a single relationship where we both are genuinely attracted to each other and enjoy each other's company

If you are not chad it will never happen. Just accept that you are genetic failure.

I'd say I feel genuine attraction for this girl and I wouldn't be with her at any point no questions asked. Sure I'd want to be, but I wouldn't just come meet her on a whim because that would make me look like a bitch. I'm sure there's always a degree of that kind of sentiment, no one ever wants to let the other person know that they really really like them unless they've already secured a relationship. In that regard it's unrealistic to say someone isn't genuinely attracted to you unless they do whatever you tell them to. I agree with the rest of the points you make about genuine attraction though.

You know nothing about me lmao how do you know I'm a genetic failure. We're definitely in the same league and I'm certain she's physically attracted to me, or at least has been in the past, and that was when I was skinny as fuck, nowadays I'm objectively more attractive than I used to be. The mentality that you have to be a 9/10 Chad to have a successful relationship is retarded.

You will never have girlfriend or sex. Just accept your fate. We all had to go throught this. Women existence is just nuisance. They love to torment men because they are selfcentred and egoistic. they dont love men or ever will. End of story.

incels gtfo this is Jow Forums not Jow Forums

Genuinely tho, what happened to you to cause you to think this way? Or are you just incredibly ugly?

Well, of course that's not exactly what I was meaning. I had in mind something more like what you've said; a *feeling* of willingness to be with them on a whim. No one with agency will up and leave their life without deliberation, and it should be no different when dealing with attraction

>I think she's interested in me
>She told me before she wasn't interested

Something may have changed in how she's thinking about the situation and sure you can give it a shot because why not and then you'll accomplish more in understanding than a years worth of posting threads about it will, but I still say it doesn't look good for the long run.

When you say it like that it does look sketchy. I'll proceed with caution and with minimal effort, letting her do all the initiating, and being conscious of the possibility that I'm being played. Thanks.

Best of luck.

Seriously? You've got the chance of a lifetime for a real love to settle down with and marry. Take advantage now.

Think it's a bit too soon to be talking about marriage. How would I take advantage of the situation without scaring her off?

Take her out. Its not that hard. All you literally have to do is try. If she somehow starts playing games, drop her.

Plenty of fish in da sea.

Honestly though sounds like lots of potential here.