24th birthday today

>24th birthday today
>Still a kissless virgin

Please. I'll do anything. Please help me Jow Forums.

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Other urls found in this thread:


• Accept virginity.

There is women shortage. That or there is some serious shit going on. Too many kiseless virgin men. Wonder what the fuck is happening.

Perhaps this is begining of facism just like in good ole days.

This is the beginning of fagism

Past the point of no return at this age.
Accept it and live with it.

happy birthday user, at least you're still alive

Internet, tv and feminism turned young men into cucks, porn junkies, faggots, betas, incels and nice guys.

t. All of that above but cuck and incel

>Please. I'll do anything. Please help me Jow Forums.

Have you tried going to the gym? Just once? Muscles = sexy.

Love is life's accessory.
Treat it as such.
Entire marriages and even chances of scoring go up in smokes if you put that much importance into it.

tl;dr: stop being a pansy and get your shit straight and it'll happen.

don't fall for this meme
it takes years of dedication and good diet to look buff and OP doesn't have the time

I would suggest you try online dating OP
Seeing how you're still a virgin you probably have no friends either you don't have a choice
unless you feel brave you can approach random women you see aswell
another alternative would be seeing a hooker but I'm not sure if that's healthy

I'm a miopathic fuck with no muscle to talk about.

Ask my gf if she likes me.

Look up these women called "prostitutes".

>stop being a pansy and get your shit straight and it'll happen.
That's dumb. This only works for people who have a social circle in which they meet new people every other week.

Having a life is different from being a couch potato.
If that's your reality you have a certain list of things to take care of before thinking of pussy.

>it takes years of dedication and good diet to look buff and OP doesn't have the time

He's got all the time in the world, because he ain't got a girlfriend to spend it with. Besides, are you suggesting that working out and getting into shape is somehow going to HURT op or lessen his chances of getting poon?

Go to the gym, OP. Get buff. You'll have to peel the pussy off of your face once you flex your guns in public.

Welcome to the club, son.
>my shut-in ass interacted with 19 and 20 y/os today at a local college event
>they thought I was their age until one of them asked what everyone's ages were
>before that they talked about aspirations and wanting kids n shit
>they still have hopes and dreams while my mental illness is probably going to let me die 5ever alone
They were nice kids but I wouldn't be surprised if they thought I was a creep/failure. I kind of am. I'm slowly embracing it.
If they thought it they were polite enough to not make it blatantly obvious, which was nice of them.

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i dont want to get conspiratorial but it definetly feels like men vastly outnumber women. when i go outside i see 60% males 40% females.

one doesn't exclude the other

>Trying to get advice from other virgins instead of going out practicing talking to girls

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They don't, but who wants to fall in love with a fuck up?
If not for yourself, get your shit toghether so you can be better for her. It still is a bad mindset because you are giving other people way too much praise over yourself, but it's a start.

Imagine being a femanon realizing this dude that is showing interest in you does shit to get a better life and, by the looks of it, won't do much either once you two get toghether.
I wouldn't even bother.

>will do anything
>still hasn't addressed

>Beginning of facism

>I’ll do anything
>hasn’t paid a hooker to get over his fear of rejection
>hasn’t fucked a fat chick since hookers are more gross

It only seems that way by living online
Women are everywhere and nowhere like rats. You just have to bait them with talent and good looks.

Virgins won’t trust non-virgins like idiots,
They think men getting laid regularly have it out for them. the reality is the only enemy to virgins is themselves.

Happy birthday user. Have a great day

I blame China for intentionally making this problem worse.

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