Lone tourist woman walking slowly taking photos, what's a good opener if I want to try to pick her up?

Lone tourist woman walking slowly taking photos, what's a good opener if I want to try to pick her up?

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Also, is it better to drop it if you hesitated for a long time? She might think I'm a creep that stalked her? Also, only want men's replies.

>have you ever been to an american party?

She doesn't want to be bothered by incels. Let her enjoy her trip.

>only want men's replies
Anyway, there isn't a good time.
Stop assuming any pleasant part of anyone's day is being hit on by you. Yeah?

Ask her if she's a photographer. Act interested in what she's doing and ask questions related to that. Judge whether or not she's responsive and interested and either leave her be or get know her more.

Shut up roasty, 90% of female advice is honestly shit anyways.

How do you usually approach girls normally?

Fuck, I lost her. Oh well at least I learned a lesson, don't hesitate. And at least I said one sentence to her.

When I got up from a bench and walked towards her she got up and started walking. I wonder if she was trying to get away from me. But she smiled when I said a sentence to her later. And she was waiting at a red light even though there were no cars, if she really wanted to get away from me I don't think she would have done that.

People don't usually believe they should need to break into a full Sprint just to give somebody the hint to fuck off, lol
I have no idea why you think you can get a girl. This gigantic complex you've built up around them is silly.

how autistic are you

I made the same mistake with another, much uglier, woman right after. Hesitated and then lost her. Fucking hate myself.

Why are there always so many idiots replying in threads like this? Fuck off.

>just because I don't like their replies
There's projection and then there's this

You are indeed an idiot

You should leave her alone. She doesn't want your nasty local ass, because if she DID want you or your attention, she'd approach you for it.

Leave her be and let her enjoy her damn vacation without some greasy slag like you trying to get sex from her.

That's not how it works retard. Fuck off, I said no women.

When I sat down on a bench to eat a sandwhich and have a beer a woman sitting on a bench nearby got up and walked away after like one minute. Irritates me so fucking much.

That's exactly how it works, you knuckle-dragging autistic ape. She wouldn't want you anyway, so save yourself and her the embarrassment of your rejection.

You don't know shit about whether she wanted anythhing to do with me or not, retard. I said no women, so fuck off my thread.

>hey fellow virgins how can creep out women who don’t live near me?

No but really you need to have a reason to approach a woman besides getting laid these days.

What do you mean?

You have to be creative with how you approach them, the pick up artists will tell you to make fun of them but that’s retarded unless she’s into it. And you won’t know that by looking at someone.

So you break the ice by talking about what’s going on that day or in that area, be friendly and casual but leave the flirting for later when she’s interested in talking with you.

Treat them like a person you’re sharing a long trip with as a fellow tourist.


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Females and male feminists always give bad advice, whore

Females are pretty accurate but male feminists are passive idiots

Why would I care about women's ideas on this? I want advice from men who have experience approaching women. Women know fuckall about picking up women or the male experience in general. Fuck off retard.

Except I'm a lesbian and I guarantee I get more pussy in a year than you'll get in your entire sad existence. I can also guarantee that if this women you're stalking were to ever see this thread, she'd want nothing to do with you and would probably laugh at you as hard as the rest of us are.


>Females are pretty accurate
Females have seduced dozens of females? No they give bad advice

You are a lesbian and mentally I'll. Do you not realize that? You are a freak genetic dead end mistake. I wouldn't listen to your opinion on dyke haircuts


I'm a "freak genetic end" who doesn't feel the need to make an incel thread whining about stalking women like some pervert and bitching about not getting their attention? I'm a freak who is getting laid way more than you? Yes. Yes I am. Proudly, I might add. I'd invite you to suck my clit, but I'd put good money down on that you wouldn't even know what that is.

I'm also a lesbian. May I peg you? c:

>I'm a bigger whore than you
Ok you win

But even we men said you were a stage 9 creeper and need to not randomly follow chicks.
You just chose to ignore that.

Enjoy your invisible beta existence.

Pics and we'll talk.