Convince me to kill myself

I'll start with a few factual reasons:
The world is better off without me.
My life is only getting worse.
The longer I live, the more damage I cause.
There are people that would be thrilled to know I sudoku'd.

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I'll never have to work again.
I'll save an infinite amount of money.
I won't have to be responsible about anything ever again.

Just wait when you take void pill. That shit will make you want to kill yourself for real.


No, really, we can't, even if we wanted to.
Wanting to live is hardcoded into us. It's rare to be at peace with the idea of death.
If you really want to kill yourself, you have to just force yourself to do it, even if you have every fiber of your being screaming at you not to. Us trying to convince you to do so won't do jack shit except feed into your current negative mood.

I'm positive that there's some hateful person here that would love to help.
I just need more reasons to do it.
Also if enough people also want me to do it then it I'll be doing the right thing and I won't have to feel bad about it

You completely missed my point.

Good luck, in any case.

i think deep inside yourself have never trought of commiting suicide, you're just getting manipulated because of others.

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Shitebag if ye don't

I personally don't want to do it.
However I am fully aware that I am not right for this world.

For starters, I can't even truly afford living. By default I am a negative on society no matter what I do.

I have no intention whatsoever of ever doing anything selfless to help people.
I don't want to be guaranteed to suffer until I die which.

If I die now, I get a free dice roll with the slight chance of a better existence

You're right. Thank you.

Dont do it user! Do the hard thing, which is to fix yourself, make amends for all the damage you’ve done, improve your life and be happy. Suicide is the coward’s way out, and it’s selfish becuase while your persnal suffering will be over, you’ll only cause even more hurt to those around you. I beleive in you brother

I'd rather be a coward. I'm not a hero and I don't want to be one.

Let me give you guys some motivation;

I'm a polydrug addict, I've abused a litany of trash drugs to the point that I'm so slow I can barely talk.

I've stolen from multiple family members.

I've deceived people that only wanted to be nice to me

I've hurt animals before

I've drugged people

I've raped at least 2 women

I dropped out of high school and blew every expensive opportunity I had to fix it.

I can go on. Come on. Bring it. Convince me to do the right thing and leave the planet.

Is there rent/forced labor in prison?
Maybe I should just make prison my home.

>The world is better off without me
>I am not right for this world
>I am a negative on society no matter what I do
>no intention whatsoever of ever doing anything selfless
You don't owe the world anything.
There doesn't need to be a bigger purpose.
Do whatever you want.
You only live once so why not see what happens.
You have all eternity to be dead.

you have some spark of hope that you could be a better person, and you're asking us to shit on you so that you'll somehow lose that. you can only be better by actively deciding you want to be better and making decisions that line up with that. we can't convice you to kill yourself or to be a better person. everything you do is your own responsibility. i hope you find something in this world or in yourself that reaffirms your desire to be better, user.

This world costs money to live in.
Money that I think I'm done working for.
I would like to exit please.

I've been here before and people have hit me with deep cutting shit that made me really want to hurt myself. I know you fuckers are capable.

I don't want to be better person.
I don't want to be selfless.
I don't want to work.
>But everyone has to do those things!
Fuck em, kill me.

Why get frustrated over life? Life is so small, so fragile. Yet people make it to be so big. Your life is bad? So what? Take a step back from the world and decide whether you want to be or not to be. Let no strings attach you.

I don't know you enough to hurt you personally.

The only thing keeping me here is a feeling of comfort that I've convinced myself I deserve to have.

I'm tired of it, I can't keep it, it's only going to rot into an extreme discomfort.
I want to skip to the ending. Just need some more motivation

Ask me something then. That or just say things that apply to all humans.

Wtf kiddo u a psycho

henlo stinky OP
go eat a cyanide ugly

Not him, but why did you do all of these () things?

You won’t kill your self because you want to live, stop trying to solve your problems with the fast solutions. It takes effort and hard work to be happy.

First get a plan and a act on it. Pull yourself up by the bootstraps and hang yourself

Because I'm a low quality person.

Not true. Some things can be taken easily. If an apple tree is public, and there are apples, they can be picked and eaten.

Kek didn't even keep count of the amount of women he raped

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if its not something you want then why bother? Who gives a shit if youre not worth for the world? you think humans are actually worth anything? we live to die, live your best life!

Do something exciting. Like take a shit on the doorstep of a person or company you hate. Walk into Starbucks with a full bladder and see if you can see from one end to the other.

How are you going to kill yourself? I suggest picking up a gun and pointing at the side of your head (not the mouth or the forehead because you might survive) then just muster up the courage to pull the trigger. If you keep thinking about it you're never gonna make it. Suicides happen by impulse; you want to make it easier for yourself, you just need a fraction of a second of impulsiveness and it's done. Godspeed user.

Ok. Thanks.

It's funny, I was on PCP for the ones I do remember

What have you got to lose

Nothing really lol. Not even joking. My pets might be in trouble if no one finds my first after a while, but I'm a shit owner so they deserve better owners anyway.
That's all I can really think of

not first

>This world costs money to live in.
>moral value is a matter of economics
Oy vey! If you can't pay (((rent))), then what good are you?

>For starters, I can't even truly afford living. By default I am a negative on society no matter what I do.
Why live in a society if the society can't even provide it's citizens with enough to make a living? Don't blame yourself for that the only reason we form societies is for mutual gain you take away the gain and there is no point. If you can't make a living society is failing you. Still try your best to make a living because it is a cold world out there.

Viktor E. Frankl once wrote something along the lines of: "[one] might have stopped expecting anything from life, but life still expects something from us." He goes on to write that life is asking from us and that the only correct way to respond is through actions and not by giving up.

please dont think this way youve got purpose and a chance to do something good for yourself dont listen to other people they dont care about your situation or your problems

Do you have any family left? If not, then it's all your choice my mate