4th Reich

The Amish are also mostly of Swiss descent, and they are also not the same as Pennsylvania Germans, who don't have a problem with technology.

That explains so much. You fuckers couldn’t stop with ruining Europe 5 times you have to be responsible for ruining North America too.

You're full of niggers and kikes, you could actually do with a nazi invasion

Anglo-Americans can die in a dumpster-fire for all I care, I think all of the German belt states should leave the union.

It's time to restore the German American Bund.

It's also funny because the Anglo-American states are also the ones that are infested by spics and niggers, we don't want you in the German belt states, aka "Huwhite America", Enjoy your Spics and Niggers.

>tfw you want a dual-continent natsoc ethnostate that values roman and gothic architecture, while following 50s era models for family units and tradition, with an army that doesn't look like a bunch of faggots in streetclothes

Attached: noethnostatetodayfren.jpg (308x302, 24K)

Good. You’ll end up gassing all the niggers and then get taken over by Turks out of guilt.

MY state? "in the red". My dad? "half german". Me? "all proud". Just Rockin' that white privelege, baby.

the only part of me thats German were Roman nationals
so no thanks I dont want to be in your barbarian tribe