Take off your flag then
Why can't Boer invader scum simply GTFO of South Africa?
They're the only thing producing kool-aid and microwavable chicken for you sub-human troglodytes.
Christians in Action
Cape Town is their land it doesn't belong to Bantu invaders.
It's only someone's land if they can defend it. Savages, like yourself, couldn't defend your land. Whites wont defend their land
They are. Russia recently took 15,000 in.
But you'll regret it. Enjoy famine and starvation.
boers = boeren idioot
rassenverrader van de bovenste plank
hang jezelf
Here, we can witness an Amerimuttt mulatto larping as a South African Bantu when we all know you live in some urban shithole making money off welfare.
White people treat blacks better than blacks treat blacks. Yet you hate and blame us for everything. All we have ever gotten in return is poverty violence and social chaos. Thanks for nothing niggers. You are going to miss us when the chinks and spicks are exterminating you for your bullshit.
Im ok with whites being expelled from south africa if the trade off was expelling niggers from every other country and shipping them there. It would be a small price to pay to quarantine you apes in one place.