Raw Meatn Primal Redpill

They completely control the food industry, crazy how many people are awake to jews but just eat whatever they want and what is put in front of them like a child. Look at how healthy and strong inuit and african tribes are that eat raw meat, compared to the average western person they are gods

I'll look for some actual papers, I doubt there are any published findings of this. Many of the modern founders of the diet talk about how studies on this is deterred in any way possible and is almost impossible to publish. The link you posted seems to pertain to vegetables which what it says is true. But has nothing to do with meat

But from personal experience I can say I feel much better from a raw piece of meat than a cooked one. Many many others will also say the same, in today's age i trust the word of anecdotal evidence much more than a published study. Food studies are some of the most biased and misleading things you can read. There is a reason there are so many contradicting studies

You're wrong. Heat acts to denature proteins. This is also what stomach acids do, denature proteins. So, if proteins come pre-denatured the body needs to do less work to denature them itself. So, while the amount of meat one would theoretically consume would be the same in either instance, one's body would expend less calories to convert cooked meat into energy. At least that's what I remember from taking a nutrition class in college.

The thing's largely about plants, but it had that section on beef so I thought it'd be good enough to include. I'm sure that doing a scientific paper that goes against -their-, interests is definitely going to be met with resistance. Still, there should be something, I imagine.
On a side note, organ meat is patrician tier. Cheap and pretty tasty

I can physically feel cooked meat sit in my stomach for hours, it takes so long for your stomach alone to break it down. You will never have a feeling of being bloated on raw meat. It slides down and digests easily. People that actually experience it know that it digests so much easier. Seriously just try it once and come back and tell me i'm wrong

Liver is the most nutrient dense food in the world. There is no other natural product that comes close. It is insane how top tier liver is.

You are honestly retarded my dude. Heat and ph changes denature proteins and make nutrients more bioavailable. Cooking food was key to making humanity what it is.

And you're confidently saying this because you have read about it, yes? What am I supposed to say, you are obviously going to be a brick wall I tried to say that I can say from personal experience that this works. There is nothing more to discuss with you you are obviously not willing to even hear what I said out

And what is humanity now anyways? In what ways is the individual human being better than they were when we ate this way? How has cooked food really improved us? We became more subservient and align with civilizations so that we could do slave work to create larger things that have meaning or purpose to anyone. Man today is a shell of his former self, what has technology have to offer that is so damn great? What does anything post agriculture really done for us